Entrepreneur Information

100% of Nothing

What would it be worth to you to receive a steady stream of new customers with little or no effort on your part? Would you be willing to pay 10% of the revenue they generate? 20%? 50%? Or do you believe that you can't afford to pay anything?

Meet Success: Business Profile of Sylvia Acevedo, Communicard Owner

Sylvia Acevedo needed a break from her technology job so she bought an old Victorian house to remodel into a bed and breakfast. "Being an engineer working in technology, I really felt I didn't do a lot of tangible work. But with the bed and breakfast, at the end of the day, I felt like I had actually done something."

Traits and Skills of Successful Internet Entrepreneurs

There are certain traits and skills that many successful online entrepreneurs have in common. Some mentioned in this article may seem simple, but don't overlook their importance.

Entrepreneurship: Insight and Closer Look At The Entrepreneur

Life as an entrepreneur is the American Dream. To be able to be your own boss, own your own business, never report to anyone else, work from home, make unlimited earnings and income potential, etc. Owning your own business most definitely has its perks. But on the other hand, there are the downsides. However, being an entrepreneur myself I view these only as challenges. The will to work hard, fanatically, solitary isolation, being slammed of your ideas from other people, the uncertainty of making the business grow to fruitation are all quite scary considerations. But it's best to know that it is out there, that it is the negative side. To be willing to gamble your money, other peoples money, to invest a massive amount of time and energy into your business is something that should be considered.

Rx for Falling Corporate Profits

Once again the squeeze is on as renewed inflation worries slow the economy's growth and many companies resort to believing that cost cutting is the best means to scramble back to profitability in an uncertain economy. The problem with this classic approach is that it sends the clear message to your brightest and best talent that no matter how well they perform, today there is no job security. Not only does such a move have a serious impact on morale, but as the economy improves we will find ourselves once again in a very tight labor market. It will be next to impossible to replace laid-off workers and worse yet, your current work force, especially those brightest and best, may well decide that it is time to move on to greener and possibly more secure pastures before the next downturn hits. Is there a better approach than cutting off your nose today and spite your face tomorrow? Absolutely!

Top Ten Ways to Increase Your Profitability

1) Go back to basics.Take a couple of steps back and address the fundamental facts or principles of your business. Going back to basics can mean cleaning the slate and focusing on basic elements that create success.

Does It Really Take Money To Make Money (Online or Offline)? A Reality-Check of 2 Case Studies

The short and simple answer to this question is NO!

... in Pursuing the American Dream

This morning I woke up at 4:30 in the morning, as usual, poured myself a cup of coffee, as usual, and thought about what my son said to me yesterday evening. You see, he's 2 1/2 years old and talking quite well, for his age. When I came home from working all day I was greeted with the always joyous "daddy's home, daddy's home" but today, this greeting was followed by "daddy no you go to work!". It's amazing what a 2 year old can know and understand.

Your Company Needs A Mission Statement; Make It Count

Does anyone remember that book ?Built to Last? done y the Stanford class and professor? Well change that to ?Built to Merge.? My grandfather was personal friends with Bill Hewlett and David Packard and I bet they would not have wanted this merger with Compaq either. It is interesting that one night about 3 in the morning I was reading that book and decided to change or mission statement and focus on the things that meant the most to our team and our customers. I stayed up all night writing that mission statement to make sure it was in line with the books comments on what it takes to make and keep a company great. This was about 5 years ago when ?Built to Last? was the talk of the business world and it was written up in many of the newspapers, and magazines I was reading at the time. WSJ, Financial Times, Investors Business Daily, The Economist, NY Times, etc. Even hit the best sellers list for a while, not bad for a business non-fiction book by a professor.


It never ceases to amaze me. Almost everyone peers into the future through a rear-view mirror. The future is imagined as a continuation of the past. I suppose there is a certain security in that; much like a padded cell. Hardly anyone practices creative envisioneering.

Fear of Failure

Of all the real or perceived impediments to success, the biggest is the fear of failure. Certainly, there are often many other obstacles to overcome, but it is this one phantom that prevents most people from even attempting to create the success they imagine that they want.

10 Tips for Would-be Entrepreneurs

Every evening as the sun sets beyond the mangroves that line the shore along the western bank of Lake Myakka, Florida, herds of wild deer and wild black pigs come down to the water's edge to drink and slake their thirst.

Raising Capital for Your Business ? How Long Does it Take?

Most companies vastly underestimate the time commitment necessary to successfully complete a financing. In actuality, a company seeking financing needs to budget between 500 to 1000 work-hours to the capital-raising process, spread out over a 6-9 month time period.

Cross Polination of Innovations in the Cleaning Industry

According to the latest edition of Pool and Spa news; the costs of maintaining a pool, maintenance service averages about $30.00 to $150 per month depending on competition, size of pool and area you live in. This seems similar to maintenance costs associated with cleaning of the family cars if you hire out a mobile detailing service or mobile car wash. For this reason we have been studying their industry for parallels and ways to incorporate some of their methodology, software for scheduling and other anomalies associated with that industry for ideas to incorporate into ours.

Creativity & Entrepreneurship: The Creative Evolution of an Intellectual PropertyŠ

In each of us, there is a creative spark - a unique purpose and destiny for which we are born. Most of us have forgotten what that special gift is, or we are afraid to live it. My successful secret formula as outlined in my seminars, e-book and CD's will help you unlock your creative potential and discover your purpose in life. Passion, right-action, hard work and a commitment to excellence will create the quantum leap you desire in your life today!

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