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Cut to the Quick - What is an Entrepreneur? The Inside Story
Enjoying the title of entrepreneur is a hollow feeling. If you have ever been out of work and joined a multi level marketing outfit, or joined the ranks of "commission only" sales reps you are considered to be an entrepreneur. I call it hollow, because the word resonates within us on some fundamental level. Images of independance and success beckon to us as we discard the shackles of a 9-5 job. We are our own boss. The reality is quite different. Ugly even. In fact, other entrepreneurs feed of our naive ambitions by playing to our dreams in an effort to enslave us in their own aspirations. Where else can you find willing, free, labour to work for absolutely nothing. In exchange for this privellage, some will even use their own meagre resources to aid the operation. They buy samples, use their petrol, their time, their money, in an effort to make the sale. To get PAID! I wager this is the experience of the majority. This is their first taste of entrepreneurialship, and it taste disgusting. An entrepreneur is supposed to make money! Lots of it. They are meant to be the hirers. NOT the ones hired. I have watched over the years as family or certain friends have rang me with wrapt enthusiasm about a new product they have. It amazes me how willing they were to throw it all away for the promise of the dream. The real entrepreneur is a professional. He has asscociates and not an upline, or a boss. His asscociates benefit from him, but not eclusively. Its a mutual relationship or its severed. Here is a dictionary definition of an entrepreneur: "A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture" Read the key words here. "assumes the risk for a business venture" This is really the essence of an entrepreneurs job. To get paid for the risks they take. Educated, calculated risks. The world is full of these successful individuals.They live by the spontaneaous whim of their instinct. They earn in many spheres of endeavour. 90% of these successful entrepreneurs operate in the world of proffessional "opportunity investment" They start with virtually nothing, and build up a large seed capital account by simply investing small, and selling for a big price. Opportunity Investment can be utilized at every imaginable price point. $100 is all thats needed or even less to make your first transaction. Next time somebody offers you a packaged entrepreneurial "job" tell them you'd rather be paid by the hour. Your time is worth more. However, if you live with the spark of a dream, consider the lucrative and genuine world of the entrepreneur: "Opportunity Investment" Visit the link below to discover more. Content rich site, with new forum. Take $100 and turn it into $1 million in a specified number of months utilizing the little realized principles of "Opportunity Investment" - http://www.opportunity-investor.com
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Business Startup Checklist Use this comprehensive checklist to plan each step of your new business and transform your dream of entrepreneurship into reality. These steps may not necessarily be completed in the order listed, however, you can use them as a guideline for completing all of the necessary business startup tasks. Competitive Edge In his book, The Road Ahead, Bill Gates of Microsoft writes of "friction-free capitalism" made possible by developments in communications, chief among them the Internet and its World Wide Web. In this context, "friction" is everything that keeps markets from functioning as the "perfect competition" of economics textbooks. This friction can be a function of distance between buyer and seller, costs of overcoming this distance, and incomplete or incorrect information. Isnt it Time You Started to Fly? I am going to begin this article by sharing a shocking fact... 5?4?3? 2...1? A streak dating back more than three decades came to an end at midnight on New Year's Eve. For the first time since 1972, as America rang in 2005, "America's Oldest Living Teenager" was not in Times Square to count down the dropping of the giant ball. The 75-year-old host of ABC's "New Year's Rockin' Eve" was in the hospital, recuperating from a stroke suffered a few weeks earlier. Enterprising Route is to Go Your Own Way DON'T talk to me about education for entrepreneurs. They're pouring far too much public money into it already - not counting the millions some well-known Scottish entrepreneurs are prepared to waste on it. The Heroic Entrepreneur: Profiting from Your Brilliance If you look up the definition of hero in Webster's, you'll find a definition something like, 'A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life: soldiers and nurses who were heroes in an unpopular war'. Some heroes in our lives have earned that badge of honor by doing something everyone feels is heroic as defined in the traditional sense, whether it's running into a burning building to rescue a child, pulling an injured woman from a car accident, or fighting the enemy in the time of war. Raising Capital for Your Business ? How Long Does it Take? Most companies vastly underestimate the time commitment necessary to successfully complete a financing. In actuality, a company seeking financing needs to budget between 500 to 1000 work-hours to the capital-raising process, spread out over a 6-9 month time period. Adding a Service After You Buy a Business When you buy a business, you should have a plan. Why have you chosen that particular business? Why that particular time to buy a business? What can you bring to the business? Some of the most successful business stories are of people who buy a business with the intention of bringing their specialized set of skills to it, and using them to grow the business. Why Most CEOs & Entrepreneurs Fail? Times are tough. The economy is in a constant state ofupheaval. Is your company doing better than most? Are youplacing greater emphasis on pure performance? Self-Esteem and the Entrepreneur Isn't it funny how people think that being self-employed is so cool? They think that you get to take lots of vacation time and spend all of the profits. What they don't realize is that you put in outrageous amounts of blood, sweat, and tears to get there. They don't know that you have to take the blame for every single thing that goes wrong. They don't know how many times you fell flat on your face before making it work. They think that you simply come up with a cute little idea over dinner one night and within a couple of months you're flying high living the rich man's life. The reality of the situation is very different. Statistics consistently show that most successful entrepreneurs failed a handful of times before finally finding that winning formula. It's during the failure years that you earn all of those future vacations and big fat salaries. Delayed gratification takes on a whole new level, doesn't it? Increasing Business BIGTIME with a Successful Referral System What I've discovered from most of my small business clients is that most would prefer to build their business through referrals rather than through direct mail, advertising in newspapers, radio, TV. However, most leave the referrals to a somewhat chaotic, unplanned approach. When they have a repeatable system of going after referrals their business growth suddenly explodes. Territory Limitations Policies for Franchised Companies All franchised companies must have Territory Limitations to maintain the peace within their systems. Often the unspoken ethics of territory limitations are blurred with mobile, home based or online franchise companies. Territory limitations in fixed site franchises are fairly cut and dry. There is your store, no other stores will be placed in the surrounding area delineated on this map within your franchise agreement. Generally things run pretty smoothly in this case. However as co-branding methods, partnerships and online sales increase as consumer demand for the brand increases we often see the franchised companies embattled in encroachment lawsuits in an already litigious industry. Do You Have What it Takes to be a Successful Entrepreneur? Print off this page, take the quiz and find out if you've got what it takes! See the scale at the bottom to mark yourself. The Ideal Length of Your Business Plan How long should a business plan be? A business plan needs to be whatever length is required to excite the investor, prove that management truly understands the market, and detail the execution strategy. From surveys of investor needs, Growthink has found that 15 to 25 pages of text is the optimum length in which to accomplish this. Any more and the time-constrained investor will be forced to skim certain sections of the plan, even if they are generally interested, which could lead them to miss essential elements. Any less and the investor will think that the business has not been fully thought through, or will simply not have enough information to make an investment decision. Answering Why You, Why Now Critical in a Winning Business Plan Business plans continue to be an essential element of the capital-raising process. They must convince investors to take notice ? investors that are shrewder today due to the ups-and-downs they have experienced over the past few years. Top 10 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make Before They Even Start So you want to start a business. You have an idea. Lets say you want to be a carpenter. You print some brochures, some business cards, and take out an ad in the Yellow Pages. You pay $600 for a website and a domain name that tells everyone about your amazing credentials and experience. You distribute your fliers at a local grocery store. And then you wait. And wait. And wait? Double Down on Marketing If you want to compete in the world of high growth startups, you better know how to play the marketing game. Marketing has become a big stakes game where companies are betting fortunes on the success of their products. Nowadays if you can't play the big marketing game you may not even get the attention of the customers you need to grow your business. Venture Capital Negotiating Issues When companies enter into negotiations with venture capital firms, there are several issues which need to be defined and agreed upon. This article describes the key issues. How To Grow Your Micro-Business If you want to grow your micro-business (defined as a business with fewer than five employees), you mightconsider some of the findings of a survey by Statistics Canada. Entrepreneurs - 9 Top Mistakes to Avoid 1. Isolating YourselfWhen setting up a business, you can get so overwhelmed with the administration that you don't focus on building up your network. Networks can provide a way to catapult your business forward through referrals, joint ventures, or providing industry knowledge. Networking does not need to be through formal events but can come in many forms. Even using websites to become aware of who and what is out there is useful. Giving time for self development and training activities to grow your skills, can be one area that is given a lower priority which can often lead to unwise decisions. ![]() |
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