Attraction Information

The Take-off!

"I just can't start a conversation with women, and it's killing me. I'll see a female who I've been making good eye contact with, but I'm too shy to talk to her. Later when I'm at home I yell at myself for not trying. I know they're not all going to come to me. It really bothers me that I'm so shy. I'm really afraid that if this keeps up I'll miss my chance to find my one true love. "

Are You Irresistibly Attractive?

If you?ve done any reading on the subject of marketing, you?ve certainly heard the term ?Unique Selling Proposition? or ?USP.?

Want to Feel Rich? Shop Til You Drop...

Just about everybody gets them...

Taking Charge of Your Inner Movie

I first heard about this when I read The New Psycho-cybernetics by Dr Maxwell Maltz and Dan Kennedy. I enjoyed it because it expanded on the importance of Intrapersonal Communication.

What?s Bugging You?

Some people lure romance to them. Some folks magnetize riches. Others attract bugs. What?s the difference?

Did Your Personality Choose Your Career?

We almost all think we are masters of our own fate. While it is true that we all make our own choices there are many things that influence what we choose. Ask yourself: Why do some people choose professions that help only themselves while others of us choose professions that help those in need?

Abundance Of Money - Abundance Of Love

How much happiness is there in a piece of paper with the word "happiness" printed upon it? It depends on the person who holds that piece of paper...

Where Do Your Eyes Gaze?

The pupils of the eyes will dilate (enlarge) up to four times their normal size when excited. An angry, negative mood causes the pupils to contract (become smaller). When a person is being dishonest or holding back information, their eyes will meet yours less than 1/3 of the time.

Body Language

Body language is fascinating. People rarely recognize how much information they give off and how noticeable it is to the human eye. Even to the untrained human eye. It is said that no less that 50 percent of information on a person?s character, impact and credibility is conveyed through no verbal communication.

Why Do We Lack Character

Our people have no character? is acknowledged universally, at home and abroad, in business and government circles, and in every sphere of administrative activity. Lack of character produces social imbalance and leads ultimately to national decline and disintegration. The malady has been eating up the vitals of our social life too fast to withstand an unexpected shock.

A Sweep of Vanity: How To Burst Your Own Bubble

"Hoy-day! What a sweep of vanity comes this way!" --William Shakespeare, "The Life of Timon of Athens"

Heal Thyself First

As I connect with more and more women I am seeing that many have a desperate need for a man. I had one woman tell me that her ex-boyfriend put a gun to her head and told her to get out of his life. Stop following him, stop calling him and leave him alone. This woman felt that he was just having a "bad day" and wanted to know when would be a good time to call him and tell him that she loves him. I was absolutely amazed. This is definitely a woman who doesn't love herself. Why would she constantly pursue a person who clearly doesn't want her?

Appreciation Attracts Prosperity

Did you know that appreciation is one of the most powerful forces in the Universe for manifesting and attracting prosperity? According to teachers like L. Ron Hubbard (father of Dianetics), Abraham-Hicks and Drunvalo Melchizedek, appreciating yourself and your life can literally boost you to the highest vibrations.

Avoid a Life of Regrets With Your Yes List

How many times have you told yourself "yes!" today? Not enough I bet. Yes is the most powerful word in the English language.

Guiltless Contentment

?Have I stopped dreaming?? ?Why am I not as stressed?? ?Why am I not on the ?move? like most people of my age?? Is something really amiss??

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