Attraction Information

The Top 10 Roadblocks to Attracting Prosperity and what We can Do About Them!

If it were easy, everyone would do IT; everyone would have IT.

The Mechanic


What Keeps You From Your Destiny

Heading back to the car after lunch, a good-looking guy with a swagger caught my attention.

Are You The Worlds Expert On Yourself?

Congratulations! You are the world?s expert.

9 Exercises to Enhance Your Self-Expertise

Personal Self-Expertise is an invaluable tool that transforms the way you communicate in your business and personal lives. It functions as a front porch for two reasons: 1) It equips you with the confidence of knowing exactly who you are; and 2) It magnetizes others to you because they admire and respect those who know exactly who they are.

Are You Killing Your Beautiful Dream?

And the real sad part is that the people involved give in totheir fears and kill their beautiful dream. Any chance ofexperiencing a fulfilled happy life, of living the life theytruly want, evaporates.

Seeing What You Never Saw Before

Have you ever bought a new car and then afterwards you started to see the same car everywhere? You were seeing what you never saw before.

Be Not Afraid of Greatness

Have you noticed how the workplace seems to be a little more stressful if not downright hostile, how each day you feel a little more reluctant to get out of bed to go to a job you don't really like. Have you noticed how the workday seems a little longer and the job a little less fulfilling. Have you noticed how those you worked their business seem a little less appreciative of you, how they ask more of you, for less of their substance. Have you noticed how what they pay you seem to do a little less and how your bills seem to grow a little bigger than your pay packet. Have you noticed that little tug at your heart that keeps pulling you away on a path to self-actualization. Have you heard that little voice deep within you that says "strike out on your own".

Are You Living?

Disclaimer: All the thoughts expressed are my views only! Your perception might differ...

Is There Something Called Free Will

The statement ""The concept of free will is a fallacy"" is actually fallacious! How do you live your life? of course you live with free will. You decide what to eat for breakfast, what to wear today and so on. don't you? So how can you not be responsible for your actions?

Looking to Where the Grass is Greener?

I?ve written this article specifically for individuals contemplating change with the idea of making things better, brighter and different. This change could be anything from relationship/s, career, to relocating somewhere else (having a sea change is an example). It could also be in the form of personal development through attending courses, reading and networking.

Jedi Mind Tricks - How To Make Suggestions Like A Jedi Master

Being a child of the Seventies I'm a real fan of the original Star Wars movies.

Make the Eat and Earn Connection

If you've ever thought about wanting to increase your physical energy and wouldn't mind increasing your financial as well, you have to read this right now!

Everyday People Are Accomplishing Their Dreams - Now Its Your Turn!

If you can do anything in this time in your life what would you do?

What Did You Want To Be When You Grew Up

When I was seven years old I wanted to be an author. Not a writer, but an author. As in, ?guy who writes books.? Why I chose that career, I?m not sure. Maybe I liked writing. Maybe I thought books were cool. Or maybe it was just the first answer I could come up with.

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