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Seeing What You Never Saw Before
Have you ever bought a new car and then afterwards you started to see the same car everywhere? You were seeing what you never saw before. Let me explain. Last week a friend of mine told me he and a few of his friends jumped off this bridge. I had some trouble figuring out what bridge he was talking about. Now I knew the area because I drive by it everyday, and it is on the way to my office. After my friend tried to explain it to me, I figured I knew what bridge he was talking about. A few days ago, my friend was talking about how someone had died from jumping off the bridge. I once again asked him to clarify which bridge he had jumped off, because now he was telling me something different. I still was not hundred percent sure what bridge he had jumped off. It really is not that important to know what bridge he jumped off, but stay with me because it will all make sense. Now I was still in a bit of confusion. I had no idea what bridge he was talking about, but I figured we were still talking about the same bridge. I just figured my friend was lucky not to have gotten himself killed. Well, later, when I was driving by the same street, I started to tell my wife that the bridge I thought my friend had jumped off was the wrong one. I asked her if she knew of some pedestrian bridge around here. She looked right over and said there it is. I looked over and there it was: a BIG pedestrian bridge. I could not believe it! Of all the times I drove right by the bridge I never saw it. This is a great example of how we sometimes don't see things that are right in front of us. Some people will say, no good money opportunities come my way, I can't seem to get more business, and I can't seem to get ahead. I can't, I can't I can't... Even if my wife had never shown me the bridge, I might have eventually seen it. However with her help, I saw it today. Having a life coach is just like having someone point out things that we never saw before. My wife helped open my eyes to something I had never seen before. Could I have found it myself? Sure, eventually. But for the last year I have been driving down this same road and never saw it. How many times have you heard someone say they are going to accomplish a goal, or start living their dreams, and years go by? When they have everything they need to accomplish their goals and dreams NOW. But it may take someone, like a life coach, to get them to see what has been right in front of them all along. Anthony Treas is a life coach, motivational speaker, mentor, and soon to be published author (Nov. 05'). Anthony provides mentor coaching by providing support that allows his clients to discover their full potential. For more information visit: Activate Your Potential Institute
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Freedom of Choice -- Learning to Make the Right Choices Recognizing your gift of choice is liberating. This means acknowledging that you are where you are because of your choices. This is the first step toward changing a situation with which you are not happy. Psychologically, for many people, this is a difficult concept to acknowledge: they might have to admit that they made a mistake. But it's easy to understand, intellectually. To actually acknowledge that personal choice played a big role in getting you to where you are today (I am here because I chose to be here) shifts the responsibility from circumstances, or imposers, that you previously felt were holding you captive, to you. With that knowledge and responsibility, you acquire the control you need to take action. Great Things Cannot Happen Without Change If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. Five Ways To Create On Purpose By Living In The Moment What can you do to really immerse yourself into living more consciously every day? "We look backward too much and we look forward too much; thus we miss the only eternity of which we can be absolutely sure - the eternal present, for it is always now." - William Phelps1 - NOW is the only moment that matters. Remember that the only creative moment is this moment, right now. What we receive NOW is 100% of the time a vibrational match to us right NOW. When we are unaware, what we radiate will be the vibrational equivalent of our past observations, judgements, beliefs and decisions. If we don't like what we have - all we have to do is create a new vibration in this moment. 2 - Honor the Divine Perfection of life. When faced with challenges do your best to immediately repeat Buddha's quote: "How wonderful! How wonderful! All things are perfect exactly as they are!" Repeating this until it sinks in will (for most daily challenges) support you in maintaining your tone. I suggest repeating it at least 10 times and I usually count down on my fingers to get me through. 3 - Really live in the moment! When Ashlyn was four-months-old, and felt pain, she screamed and when the pain went away, she stopped. When Parker was four, I noticed that when he would get hurt, he'd cry but even after the pain is actually gone he would continue to mourn the pain for a short period until something else catches his attention. After observing this, I stumped my toe - hard on the door jam. I hopped around and wailed and then suddenly I realized that it really wasn't still hurting but that I was still acting as if it was. Now, I'm learning to ask myself, "How do I feel now? How do I feel in this moment? Does it still hurt or not? What do I want to feel now instead?" 4 - You are unlimited and every moment is filled with possibility! By re-focusing in the moment on the fact that you are an unlimited child of God, you are aligning your energy with the power to manifest whatever your heart desires without even having to identify what that might be. "We are, in our essential state, pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is pure potentiality; it is the field of all possibilities and infinite creativity. Pure consciousness is our spiritual essence." - Deepak Chopra Affirm: "I am unlimited! There is nothing I cannot have and nothing I can not do! I accept my unlimited potential right now! I am a Divine Child of God and it is my birthright to have all that I desire." 5 - Fantasize in Fragments. By focusing on what you want in segments, you allow yourself to be more fully open to the now. Abraham (www.abraham-hicks.com) calls this "segment intending." This would look like?(before getting out of bed) I intend to have a fabulous day filled with joyous, connected and aware experiences. I am grateful for a great day! (before brushing teeth) I intend to have healthy gums and teeth and I am grateful for a mouthful of beautiful chops for the rest of my life! (before dressing for the day) I am healthy, fit, attractive and beautiful/handsome. I am grateful for being appreciated and valued by everyone I meet today. (before that board meeting) I intend to experience a positive, enlightening, efficient meeting. I intend to communicate clearly and effectively and to be well received and respected by all meeting attendees. I am grateful for this now. What is the Key to a Successful Life? An ideal is not the dream that can never be realised, that certain weak-willed individuals like to imagine, if only to provide themselves with an excuse for moaning about life. Nor is it a vague and flimsy speculation in which shallow people want to indulge. Anamcara - The Blessing of Love â??The snow goose neednot bathe to make its self whiteNeither need you do anythingto be yourself.â?? Lao-Tse Be Not Afraid, Ye of Midlife Millions of people face huge changes in their lives during the midlife years and most seem to be glad they made the changes, but only if they've faced their own longings for meaning with integrity. Midlife can be defined as anywhere from 35 to 60, but usually comes on around the mid-forties or later. It's built into our psyches, just as other developmental stages at other ages are pre-programmed. Not everyone will experience it as an apparent period of change, though. Some women, and men too, just sense a slight change of priorities, values and perhaps a slight adjustment of goals if they recognize their midlife dilemmas at all. If you're one of the ones that are turning your life upside down, be not afraid. Success -- There Are No Secrets There Are No Secrets To Success What to Do When Your Spouse or Your Friends are Negative? This year (2004), I've completed over 64 seminars. And one of the most common questions asked is, "What do I do when my spouse, partner or friend is being negative?" 4 Important Conversation Tips for Your Personal and Professional Lives If you are searching for a way to improve your communication skills at work and in your personal life, here are some conversation tips that will give you a good starting point. Your Life and Prosperity Are In Your Reputation! "Your good name and your reputation are EVERYTHING! ? Protect them at all costs!" my father used to say to me when I was a lad. Communication Expert Reveals 5 Keys To Self Expression Without Limits Peter Murphy recently interviewed communication expert John Barker. John is a professional coach and author with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Arts and Sciences. He even served in the White House where he worked with the White House Communications Agency. How to Improve Your Love Life with the Power of Feng Shui - Without Spending a Dime! FENG shui (say "fung shway") is the art of creating a home environment that supports the life you wish to live. A key element of feng shui is creating a smooth flow of chi (positive energy) through your space. Chi likes to move through your home as though it were a gentle breeze or a meandering stream. Where it is blocked, the energy becomes stagnant--like a pond choked with algae and fallen leaves. You are likely to feel blocked in life, and your energy and enthusiasm for matters of the heart will be low. Balancing and correcting the chi of your bedroom helps encourage and invigorate romance. Here are some quick and easy ways to improve your love life by improving the energy of your home: How We Evolved Into An Un-Charming Culture...(And What To Do About It) Charm did not play a very large role in that arrangement. But times have changed (thank goodness) since the days of those primitive humans, and these days, charm can play a tremendous role in a leader's ascension to power, either in politics or business. The Magic of Mike The woman stood over the stove stirring a pot of hot soup.She prepared it to ward off the bitter Minnesota cold, a cover-every-inch-of-your-skin cold, the kind that bites you and never lets go, the kind that makes auto engines demand heaters or they refuse to start.Icicles hung from her window ledge and blocked the top part of her view. Law of Attraction and Dreams, Premonitions or Predictions Recently, I received an interesting email in which a woman told me that when she was 10 years old, she was shown in a dream how one day she would have a son and he would die at a certain age in a specific fashion. She also reported that this did, in fact, occur. Her question to me was, "How can I believe the Law of Attraction is working when some things seem beyond our control?" Be The Chooser "We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experiencethem."-- Khalil Gibran The Path of Appreciation Without appreciation, any success you have will be in vain and worthless. Yes, you would have accomplished your goals but it would be an empty win. The Keys To Faster Evolution Prosperity is management of positive energy. It's individual capacity to pour energy out in the world and re-circulate back in our life. The greater we share our energy and prosperity in the universe, greater will be recirculation of the same energy into our life. 4 Helpful Ways To Beat Shyness Over half of all adults identify themselves as shy. Shyness can get in the way of developing personal relationships and professional aspirations. What Does the World Owe You? Sometimes many of us feel like we've made deposits into society, yet we are unable to make withdrawals. Whenever I have felt that way in the past, I read essays like Ralph Waldo Emerson's essay Compensation, which I made into a free downloadable copy and distributed last week in the special success issue of my ezine. ![]() |
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