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The Magic of Mike
The woman stood over the stove stirring a pot of hot soup.She prepared it to ward off the bitter Minnesota cold, a cover-every-inch-of-your-skin cold, the kind that bites you and never lets go, the kind that makes auto engines demand heaters or they refuse to start.Icicles hung from her window ledge and blocked the top part of her view. Out of the corner of her eye she glimpsed movement.She leaned forward to spot a man shuffling behind a shopping cart on the other side of the frozen road."What's he doing out there?" she asked herself, baffled. "Perhaps he has no home to hide in," she cringed.In an instant she leapt into action, pulled a plastic bag from the drawer next to the sink and began sweeping groceries into it, including the loaf of banana bread she baked that afternoon, still warm from the oven.She grabbed her overcoat. Armed with provisions, she headed out the front door. "Excuse me," she called.He turned. She waved."Can you come over here?" she continued.The man wheeled his cart and stepped off the sidewalk. As he approached her house, the man dragged away a scarf that blocked his nose and chin.He revealed a clean face with a slight smile and gentle eyes."Can I?" she stammered. "Can I give you this food?" She paused. "I thought you might be hungry," she added.The man's smile widened."Why," he replied, with surprising eloquence, "that's very kind of you. I hadn't eaten today."He placed the gift in his cart and moved on.She watched for a moment before retreating out of the cold. The next evening after work, the woman discovered a neatly folded note under her doormat.She stepped inside, opened it and began to read.Thank you so much for your kindness.I often miss meals on colder nights and the shelters are not safe for me. I appreciate everything and the banana bread was delicious-the best I ever tasted.Many blessings,Mike Throughout the year, the woman ran across Mike in different parts of the city.He greeted her warmly and embraced her kindness with dignity, an almost noble quality that made her happy to give.She often thought about him-where did he come from, how did he end up on the street.Mostly she cared for his heart. In the fall, as they always did, she and her husband went to Florida on business, then returned on Christmas Eve for the holiday season.As they drove home from the airport, she threw a question into the air."I wonder what happened to Mike?" she asked."Probably went South for the winter," her husband joked, with no meanness intended."Shut up," she half-laughed as she smacked him on the arm. A few moments later, they turned the corner and across the way, at a bus stop, stood a man with a shopping cart."That's Mike," she exclaimed. "Stop the car.""Don't be silly," her husband retorted. "It's just some other homeless guy.""Stop this instant," she barked. "Pull the car over." She jumped out and took a stride forward."Mike," she cried in a loud voice. "Is that you?"The man looked up, pulled down a familiar scarf and grinned.She walked to him. He stepped around his cart."Merry Christmas," he said simply with a special twinkle in his eye. "It's warm here at the bus stop." "Stay right here, Mike," the woman ordered. "I'll be right back. Don't you move." She slammed the car door shut and told her husband to drive."We're getting warm garments," she stated in a tone that allowed no debate.At the house she went straight to her husband's closet, found sweaters and wool socks and a down jacket.She added the blanket from the end of their bed. Mike waited patiently at the bus stop.She approached him with her arms loaded as her husband kept the car idling.At the last instant a feeling flooded through her.She couldn't give him the clothes.She stood in inner turmoil, paralyzed and unsure, conflicted inside-then she declared:"Mike, it's Christmas. I'm taking you home. Park your cart over there and let's go."Overwhelmed, Mike followed. That night, they shared dinner, told stories and laughed and laughed.They learned of Mike's background, his broken childhood, a horrid tale he expressed with sorrow and acceptance, of his choice to reject society in favor of a life he understood no matter how hard.She struggled with all of it. Over breakfast, she issued a bold pronouncement."Mike, I've decided you can stay with us?as long as you want." She beamed with delight. "We can help you."With as much kindness as he could muster, Mike refused. He insisted that they drop him at the airport.He made no excuses, offered no explanation other than his need to be where he belonged.She couldn't go with them.She couldn't bear to say goodbye.She stayed home alone. When her husband returned, she met him in the entry hall."Well?" she demanded."I dropped him off at his Gulf Stream IV and he took off," he joked again without malice, only a desire to make her feel better in a moment when he didn't quite know how he felt himself.She tried to smile, smacked his arm and turned away.A lone tear strayed down her cheek?a tear she shed for Mike? That's A View From The Ridge... About The Author Author Ridgely Goldsborough invites you to subscribe to The Daily Column, a heart-felt collection of stories that inspire hope and courage. Please do so at www.aviewfromtheridge.com.
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Hearts Made Strong The heart seems to be one of the most vulnerable in the system because it is the one that has held the most fear, the most old pain, perhaps, and repressed energy. It is the one that is most afraid to open to pure unconditional love, which is indeed where your power lies. What is Intution and How do I use it? Intuition is an incredible resource and gift that we have been given to help us live our best life. Unfortunately, not many people know what it is or how to use it. The word intuition means "in to you" in Latin. Florence Scovel, a theologian, once said, "Intuition is the spiritual faculty that doesn't explain; it seemingly points the way." It's also been said that intuition is your divine Spirit talking to you. If you will stop for a moment and acknowledge this, you will begin to realize the incredible perspective you have at your fingertips. You have this very amazing power! And you don't even have to get any special training to start using it. All you need to do is raise your awareness about it and set your intention to harness it. Affirmations - Anxiety & Panic Using affirmations can be a very powerful tool. You can use it in many aspects of your life to achieve certain goals and to ultimately effect the way YOU want to feel. Using affirmations can mirror the world you want to live in. Success, Opportunity, Carl, and Kenny G A couple of weeks ago I celebrated my anniversary by taking my wife to see one of her favorite musicians - Kenny G. Universal Law Series - the Law of Cause & Effect This is the third of seven articles in our continuing series on Universal Law. The focus of this article is the Law of Cause & Effect. Based on the Socratic law of causality, this Law is so profound and powerful that it has been referred to as the "Iron Law of Human Destiny". Visualization: Attracting Your Dreams and Desires Visualization is an essential tool for attracting your dreams and desires. To manifest in your outer life, your dreams must first manifest inside your mind. The Secret of Self Care Wherever you go, there you are. There's no escaping it - your world is a reflection of you and if the view in your mirror doesn't elicit a certain spark perhaps it's time to question the underlying assumptions. What You Habitually Think Becomes Attracted to You Are you frustrated with a certain area of your life? Want to make a change? You can change it as soon as you decide to change it. Limiting Perceptions and Broadening Horizons If you live in modern society I'm sure at some point in your life you've sat in a window seat of an airplane looking down at the fluffy blanket of clouds and thought to yourself, 'Wow, it's so big and flat, fluffy and soft, I wonder what it would feel like to lay down on that super-soft mattress.' Well, think about what Socrates, Lao Tsu, Confucius, Da Vinci, Van Gogh, Moses or Mohammed would have thought if they saw the same sight that we pretty much take for granted as 'normality'. Last night I watched a show on TV entitled, "Limits of Perception" that showed our newly discovered microcosms and macrocosms of life with photography from atomic force microscopes up to the Hubble telescope that looks out into the vast Universe. We can now see below the level of atom, creatures one-tenth of a millimeter long that resemble the monsters of our dreams, and thousands of galaxies grouped together in super-clusters (each galaxy containing billions of stars like our own Sun). Are You Attracting Prosperity, Happiness, & Your Hearts Desire OR Just the Opposite? If you are not manifesting success and prosperity or whatever else you truly desire, then I ask you seriously to examine the messages you tell yourself about living successfully. How To Use Affirmations To Create Prosperity? Dear Internet friend. Each human being is an incrediblepiece of sowtware. Each one of us has been "programmed"in a certain way. This program runs our lives 24 hours a day, and will govern our entire life. The Monkey And The Spreadsheet When the mind was fidgety, like a monkey Doing Your Lifes Work Most people want to do their life's work. Some people are able to separate work completely from life and be happy doing anything, but this is not the norm. I once knew a man who managed things for a living. He'd managed a restaurant for several years, seen an ad in the paper, and become manager of a print shop. He didn't particularly like the job, but he didn't hate it. The Art of Possibility "Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilledpotential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what is still possible for you to do."-Pope John XXIII Great Things Cannot Happen Without Change If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. Opportunity Knocks 1000 Times You've heard people say that opportunity only knocks once. I say it knocks a thousand times, or at least it can. The problem is, we often don't listen, we don't see, or we don't want to work. The biggest problem, though, is that opportunity really isn't opportunity, if you're not ready for it. You Cant Direct the Wind but You Can Adjust the Sails Dear Friend, Demanding Miracles Have you ever had an overwhelming problem or issue? Was there some circumstance in your life that seemed beyond your ability to handle it? Have you ever called out to God, Buddha, guardian angels, The Force, your higher self, Mohammed, Mother Earth, whatever name you give that spirit? To find an all-encompassing name without prejudice towards any one belief system, I'll just hereby use the word 'god' to refer to whatever or whoever it is that you pray to for assistance and guidance. Have you cried out to your god for help and guidance with some crisis in your life? Did you get an answer? Did you get help? Creating Your Own Destiny If you don't know where you are going, you won't know how to get there. How can you get a sense of purpose or meaning in life unless you have dreams or visions of what you want to achieve? Goals are dreams with deadlines, which propel you on your journey of self-discovery and self-achievement. Ten Ways to Add Abundance To Your Mind, Your Life & Your World Abundance isn't something you find from the outside. Abundance begins within and radiates outward. Find the ways that increase your abundance inside. Add time to your day, simplify, or make a difference in the world. Gratitude multiplies. Find something in these ten ways to add abundance to your life and enjoy the positive results it will attract. ![]() |
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