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What is Intution and How do I use it?
Intuition is an incredible resource and gift that we have been given to help us live our best life. Unfortunately, not many people know what it is or how to use it. The word intuition means "in to you" in Latin. Florence Scovel, a theologian, once said, "Intuition is the spiritual faculty that doesn't explain; it seemingly points the way." It's also been said that intuition is your divine Spirit talking to you. If you will stop for a moment and acknowledge this, you will begin to realize the incredible perspective you have at your fingertips. You have this very amazing power! And you don't even have to get any special training to start using it. All you need to do is raise your awareness about it and set your intention to harness it. Intuitive messages range from an inkling to a strong sign or message. Your inner self is persistent and consistent. It will keep trying to get your attention until you finally wise up! An inkling is like a glimmer or passing feeling/ thought that comes from somewhere inside and usually proceeds a hunch or intuitive message. A "hunch" is accurate information from a higher intelligence; therefore, you can rely on it. An intuitive message ranges from hearing actual words, seeing a clear picture, or a deep inner knowing. Some people experience intuition as a feeling, others a gut reaction, others will see images or have a dream, others hear an actual message. Become familiar with how your inner self communicates with you. Once you receive the message, check it out with your research and common The best ways to get in touch with your intuition are: 1. Be quiet Practice taking time out every day to experience silence. Calm your mind with traditional or active meditation. Release your need to think, analyze, and know everything. The best information comes from the deep recesses of your soul. 2. Be open Open to the gift of intuition and accept what is has to tell you. Many times, our ego thinks it has it "all figured out," but your true path may look very different than the one you are on. Being open to new possibilities and ways of living is key. 3. Be creative There are many ways to be creative, painting, writing, dancing, designing a website, etc. Do something that helps you get into the "flow," that place where time seems to fly by and the work is leading you. Creativity is an expression of your soul and goes hand-in-hand with intuitive guidance. 4. Ask questions When you ask yourself questions, you gain additional insight and clarity. When you ask a question like "What is the next step I need to take?" know that you already know what you need to know. Trust yourself. You already have everything you need inside. 5. Journal When you write, you tap into thoughts, feelings, ideas and direction that you are not consciously aware of. Writing allows the truth to come forth and is an easy way to gain insight from your inner self. You can further develop your intuitive guidance by preparing yourself by gathering the necessary information and experiences to provide more of an opportunity for your intuition to surface. Intuition cannot be forced; you need to allow it. After loading up your mind with information about the issue, give your intuition time to work on it. And then become open to the answer. You will likely experience an "Aha" moment, which is a moment of instant awareness, where the answer sprouts from "out of the blue." If you have an important decision to make and are not 100% sure about something happening, stop and think before making a decision. Usually this is your intuition trying to tell you that something is not quite right. Likewise, if you feel that you should go for it, do it, so you don't miss a valuable opportunity. Intuition is your very own best friend. It is always there for you. It waits patiently for you. It gives the absolute best advice, and all you have to do is ask! Like any good friendship, all it takes to nurture it is a little time and attention. If you decide to be close and intimate with your intuition, I promise that your life will transform into something wonderful. About The Author Michelle L. Casto is a whole life coach, speaker, and author of Get Smart! About Modern Romantic Relationships, Get Smart! About Modern Career Development, and Get Smart! About Modern Stress Management. Her coaching practice is Brightlight Coaching, she helps people come up with bright ideas for their life and empowers them to freely shine their bright light to the world. Contact her for a free 30 minute coaching session: www.getsmartseries.com and www.brightlightcoach.com
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Dont Let Other Peoples Walls Fence You In "How's it going?" I asked the clerk in the new bookstore. "Well you know," she replied "it takes a long time to build a business." I caught myself just before I muttered in agreement and instead said, "Does it?". You see, the clerk is simply repeating a commonly held belief, a global belief that it takes a long time to build a business. This is not a fact just simply a belief and limiting one at that. Unfortunately, it is held by enough people that would begin to believe it's a fact. We are surrounded by limiting global beliefs. Throughout history, people have been held back by these beliefs. The world is flat, man cannot run a four-minute mile, man was not meant to fly and on and on until someone came along and disproved them. There is a commonly held belief that 80% of new businesses fail in their first five years. Self-Divine-ation: Defining a Divine Future! In some of my counseling and coaching sessions, my clients ask me to perform a reading to tell them their future. In many cases, my response is, "why don't you tell me your future?" They stop and stare, speechless. Of course, that sounds sarcastic and demeaning, but indeed, you know your future better than anyone else! Where Are The Punctuation Points In Your Life? We live in a very busy age with many pressures and demands on our time. Often in workplaces there is a culture of busyness, where it's important to be seen to be busy and stressed. Isn't that how you show that you're important and care about your work? Outside of work there are often enormous numbers of things competing for our time and attention: family, friends, hobbies. And if we relax in front of the TV we see adverts for things we "should" have, or see things we'd like to, or "ought" to be doing. It can feel overwhelming at times which is why many people find themselves rushing, rushing, rushing, busy, busy, busy, with barely time to draw breath. Simple Truths for Change, Healing, and a Magnificent Life! Many people on the planet are realizing that the key to a healthier, happier and life of abundance can be distilled into simple truths. We live in a complex and cluttered world. Take a deep breath and listen to this: Great Things Cannot Happen Without Change If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. How To Influence People Most of your success in life will come from your ability to deal effectively with other people. Your success will be determined by the number of people you know, and who know you in a favorable way. Everything you achieve will be through other men and women. These are people who will be there to assist you at the critical junctures of your life. Your ability to influence other people to act in your best interest is one of the most important skills you can ever develop to achieve happiness and success. Use Your Reset Button to Change Your Vibration At every moment you can tell if the vibration that you are sending is either a positive one or a negative one by identifying the feeling you are experiencing. At every moment you have a feeling and that feeling is causing you to emit or send off a vibration - and in the 'vibrational' world there are only two kinds of vibrations; positive or negative. So as you talk about what you don't want and make negative declarative statements, in that moment you are sending out and emitting a negative vibration. Law of Attraction then matches it by giving you more of the same. Its All Up to You (Nobody is Coming to Save You!) As painful as this realization may be, it is absolutely true. Wherever we are in our lives and whatever we are doing, it is because we have put ourselves there. It is our choices and decisions (either conscious or not) that have brought together circumstances resulting in our current reality. If we want to change our reality, then we must begin to make different choices. The Mind - What An Amazing Universe You are what you think; Four Proven Techniques On How To Capture Positive Habits Bad habits, we all have them. They keep us from accomplishing our dreams, make us say and do things that really aren't in our integrity. A Lesson in Letting Go Do you hear yourself saying? Law of Attraction and Dreams, Premonitions or Predictions Recently, I received an interesting email in which a woman told me that when she was 10 years old, she was shown in a dream how one day she would have a son and he would die at a certain age in a specific fashion. She also reported that this did, in fact, occur. Her question to me was, "How can I believe the Law of Attraction is working when some things seem beyond our control?" Law of Attraction - What You Project You Receive Do you know anyone who always seems to have bad luck? Nothing ever goes right for them. Conversely, have you observed people who always wind up OK despite what befalls them? What Does the World Owe You? Sometimes many of us feel like we've made deposits into society, yet we are unable to make withdrawals. Whenever I have felt that way in the past, I read essays like Ralph Waldo Emerson's essay Compensation, which I made into a free downloadable copy and distributed last week in the special success issue of my ezine. Finders Keepers Do you remember your younger years when you and your friends played all sorts of fun games all day long? I'm sure you do. If there is one thing children know how to do, they know how to have fun. The Law of Attraction and Love The Law of Attraction says that 'like attracts like'. It means that whatever your predominate thoughts are will show up as people and experiences in your life. I used to get really angry with this idea. The people in my life were not the kind of people I wanted. The experiences in my life were not the experiences I wanted! Why couldn't I seem to get this attraction thing to work for me? Why couldn't I make things come out differently? What was wrong with me? If Youre in a Hole, Stop Digging If you find yourself in a difficult situation, don't continue doing what you are doing. Although, it might seem like simple advice that should be common sense, remember common sense isn't. It is based on life experience. If we haven't had the experience, we might not know how to handle it. We may be under the illusion that if we keep on doing what we are doing things will change. They won't. Doing the same thing and expecting things to be different is the definition of insanity. If you are not getting the results you want, it is because you are not doing the right actions. Stop doing what you are doing and do something else, anything else. Just remember, if you are in a hole, the best thing to do is stop digging and create a plan for getting out of the hole. Relationships - 9 Never-Changing Rules In a relationship, your ability to understand and respond to the other person's needs and desires are fundamental. Understanding the nature of relationships themselves may be as important to your success in love as understanding the person with whom you're having the relationship. Do You Have the Skills to be a Secret Service Agent? Do you have the necessary attributes to be a successful secret services agent? Do you melt into the background where no one can see you? Do you hide behind someone else? Would you describe yourself as having an incognito life? Are you capable of always putting yourself second? Do you constantly defer to another person? Do people see right through you and ignore you? Law of Attraction Article: How to STOP Being a Person Nothing Works For Do you ever wonder why great things happen to some people but not to you? ![]() |
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