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Four Proven Techniques On How To Capture Positive Habits
Bad habits, we all have them. They keep us from accomplishing our dreams, make us say and do things that really aren't in our integrity. Good habits allow us to transition through our day on autopilot. So much so, we forget that our good habits have a bigger strong hold. Dr. Phil McGraw, TV-psychologist and Oprah offspring, says that we need to, "Behave our way to success." I cringe when I hear this, don't you? It sounds so easy. Yet, we both know it isn't. Positive psychology, the scientific study of happy, confident people, presents many proven techniques that assist in transitioning bad habits into good habits. Here are four proven techniques: 1. In order to eliminate a bad habit, it must be overridden with a good habit. Not eliminated but replaced. When the good habit becomes stronger, it naturally takes over and folds into our life. Usually becoming transparent because it melts into our life and we have already uncovered the next one to work on. It doesn't matter whether you want to replace the habit of lateness, cursing, or overeating. The habit's intensity determines the effort and time required to replace. Don't confuse effort with will power--they aren't the same. Effort is making a variety of alternatives until the old habit melts into a new one. The right amount of effort will always be different for you than anyone else. There isn't an exact measurement because each of our unique qualities. 2. Discipline is an exercise of repetition. Not once or twice but until. Until completed. For instance, writing isn't a natural talent. Yes, research shows that it helps to start the process young. Yet, there are female Pulitzer Prize winners who began writing in their fifties -- after family obligations. They replaced their family responsibilities with the discipline needed to be a successful writer. They disciplined their way to success. Most people think positive thinkers naturally flow with confidence. Yet, positive psychology statistics dispel this myth. What's different is the amount of time and space they allow when negative habits or messages appear. They appear incandescent to them. 3. Rewards. As managing partner of a CPA firm for 15 years, I thought rewards meant bonuses and paid massages. After attending Coach University and intensifying my study in the Laws of Attraction, my perspective shifted. Positive people don't need an outside push; they seemingly have a natural internal push that continually pulls them forward. Sometimes labeled as determination or drive. When Donald Trump appeared on the Oprah show in April, Oprah asked him, "I heard very successful people don't even see negative." Donald chewed on this for a few long television minutes and then responded, "Yes, that is why I hire others who can see what I can't.... Negative isn't on my radar screen." 4. Be assertive on what's fueling you, as diligent about all things in your realm, as the quality of food you digest, and the purity of the water you drink. To create a garden of positive habits, surround yourself with flowers not figurative speaking either. Complete a regular inventory. See each item for its truth, intention, and influence. Don't wave it off as "not that big of a deal." Remove negative people, negative television shows, movies, books, even conversations. If Mama, spouse, sister, or brother fits this description, explain its impact on your life. Don't blame, explain. Explain how it affects your success, your dreams. I'm sure they do what they do out of habit and not purposeful. If presented honestly and lovingly the people involved will see the gift. An ideal choice is to use a positive clean-burning fuel. This begins with new words (language) to self and others. Each of us make choices every second. Get up, sit down, speak, listen, and so on. Make new choices, ones that fuel positive habits. Take inventory on your environment and what you tolerate. What is broken, dented, stained? Fix, toss, give away, replace. Eliminate each ball and chain, one at a time, in baby steps. You will walk taller, talk and think clearer. You will attract more results that are positive into your life. Positive attracts positive--the Law of Attraction. Fuel your surroundings with meaningful and beautiful things. That doesn't mean expensive. It can simply be a fresh rose on your desk every week and the stopping by the florist or your own garden. Many habits tend to hide under the bed until dusted. Expect as you replace one, another can appear. Yes, they eventually become fewer. Stay focused and remember, "A rose isn't a rose without all its beautiful petals." Be aggressive. When they appear, and they will, knock them down, toss them out with the trash. And quickly. Don't give them room to smell or grow. You'll soon discover each day will be lighter, brighter, and even more successful than the one before. I promise! These four techniques, continually proven by hundreds of my workshop graduates, will work for you too. They will multiply your dreams and successes over night. Begin small, begin big, just begin, and keep the momentum going...until. (c) Copyright 2004, Catherine Franz. All rights reserved. Catherine Franz is a Marketing & Writing Coach, niches, product development, Internet marketing, nonfiction writing and training. Additional Articles: http://www.abundancecenter.com blog: http://abundance.blogs.com
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On Uniqueness Is being special or unique a property of an object (let us say, a human being), independent of the existence or the actions of observers - or is this a product of a common judgement of a group of people? 10 Powerful Tenets Of Personal & Professional Leadership Using The Law Of Attraction Leadership is an innate ability in all of us. Using the principals of the Law of Attraction to strengthen our leadership and consciously use it in our personal and professional endeavors will not only attract more success to us it will allow us to be of service to others and make a valuable contribution. These 10 powerful tenets will help you stay focused on Attraction based Leadership. Ending the Internal Conflict If you read personal growth or self-help books at all, including mine, you've been taught to identify what you want to have. You've been instructed to focus your intention on what you want because what you think about is what it drawn to you. This idea was best expressed by the late Earl Nightingale who said "You Mind Moves in the Direction of Your Currently Dominant Thoughts." This is an idea that can be traced back thousands of years and appears on every writing on religion, spirituality or philosophy. The Bible says, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Jerry Green?s Top Ten Adversity Busters I've navigated plenty of speed bumps on life's road. My father's death led me to an entirely different career than my planned one. My business burned to the ground. Unscrupulous partners left me with a $15 million dollar debt. My doctor diagnosed me with a disease that a year earlier would have meant probable death. The Inner Critic Unveiled Watch your thoughts; they become words. The Beast What does one do when one is too old, too weak, and feels powerless and regretful? What does one do when one looks back at his life and sees nothing that was worth living for? What does one do when one sees the future coming to an end ? the end of a journey? "The journey was not mine," said the old man. "What was that about? Why was I here? What was I suppose to do? Where am I going and will I ever come back? Come back to what, to whom and for what purpose?" Achieving Your Definite Major Purpose (Excerpts From The Book)Successercising"The Science Of Success Achievement Course"The Equivalent To A PhD In Success From The University Of Hard Knocks Great Communication Skills Having good communication skills in the workplace is important. This article will provide tips to take into account a rapidly changing workplace. How To Make Your Dreams Come True Editors Note: Family Circle Interview (2003) with Dr. Wayne Dyer: Law of Attraction and Dreams, Premonitions or Predictions Recently, I received an interesting email in which a woman told me that when she was 10 years old, she was shown in a dream how one day she would have a son and he would die at a certain age in a specific fashion. She also reported that this did, in fact, occur. Her question to me was, "How can I believe the Law of Attraction is working when some things seem beyond our control?" Enjoy the Magic of Prosperity There is an art and a science to prosperity. The art is playing with the magic of prosperity. The science is aligning with the physics of prosperity. The Manifestations Of Self A man is captive within himself. He dwells in a freedom which is confirmed to bounds, he breathes in an ambience ensnared to limits, he nurtures a shriveled valiance with the quaint promises of trepidation, he is infinite to his content and eternal only to his perception. He lives up to the demure equilibrium in his life and devours the inherited symmetric patterns of faith. His endeavors to abide the rudiments of life, to tread the arduous avenues with fervour, to encroach the realms and intervene the horizons, to be incorrigible, infallible, immaculate and to be the protagonist are just mere participants of his supreme urge to promote self. To him, self is the blatant proposition of an existence without ethics, the ideal definition of a life without morals and a pragmatic conclusion to all dubious queries that scrutinize a man's caliber. Self moulds in a man the unabashed frame that ceases to succumb to fondle the woes of an impertinent macrocosm. It determines in a man the narcissism to occupy the vanity and hence cultivate reluctant perfection. Alas, self never makes a man weak, only too powerful to handle himself. Are You a Wildflower? Wildflowers grow from mere dust to reach their full potential. Are You a Sheep in People Clothing? Many people, who feel that they are independent and communicate well, are actually sheep in disguise. Are you one of them, how do you tell and how do you go about changing if you are? Life Focus: What Does Your Life Say? "Imagine a funeral. The preacher's giving the eulogy. And suddenly, the 'guest of honor' pops up out of the coffin! What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror? 'Image & Professionalism' we hear these words being thrown around in conversation like cheap tokens, almost as frequently as their counterparts 'quality', 'service', and 'value'. So what does 'Image & Professionalism' really mean, and what do you see when you look in the mirror? My Eight Success Secrets These eight success secrets apply to anything you do in life, not just to doing business offline or online. Dreams When I was a kid sitting in school I can remember looking out the window daydreaming of mountains, and skiing. These were just a few things I dreamed of doing. Over the years the daydreams have continued. So, The Thing Is... We Reap What We Sow So, the thing is? we reap what we sow. Self-Concept and Self-Actualization: Nucleus of Shyness and Social Anxiety Disorder In the dynamics of the self-concept and in the tendency to self-actualization are found the primary causes of Shyness and Social Anxiety Disorder / Social Phobia. It seems that these conditions result from the introduction, in the self-concept, of the elements which obstruct self-actualization. This obstruction is damaging and experienced as discomfort inasmuch as it precludes that a given force, self-actualization, expands. We will detail each part. ![]() |
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