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Ending the Internal Conflict
If you read personal growth or self-help books at all, including mine, you've been taught to identify what you want to have. You've been instructed to focus your intention on what you want because what you think about is what it drawn to you. This idea was best expressed by the late Earl Nightingale who said "You Mind Moves in the Direction of Your Currently Dominant Thoughts." This is an idea that can be traced back thousands of years and appears on every writing on religion, spirituality or philosophy. The Bible says, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." You want to hold your attention on what you want to create in your life, since this is what you want to attract. There is, however, tremendous value in looking at the other side of this equation, for it is in contrast that we find clarity. One of the blocks to having what we want in our lives and businesses is the internal resistance that is present and operating behind the scenes. For example, let's supposing that you want to double your current level of business. I can hear some people right now gasping at the thought of that however, it occurs all the time. This is one of the strategy's I use when coaching business clients who want quantum growth. Here's the problem, you think "I want to double my business in the next twelve months." While you're focusing on this lofty goal, there is in the back of your mind, all kinds of resistance to this idea. Your internal critic is chattering away telling you how difficult it will be and, even if it were possible, which it's not, you would have to work twice as hard and that's not something you want to do. The results here are conflicting and you are probably not even aware of it. Fortunately, there is a fairly simple solution to this dilemma. Begin your goal setting by first, identifying what you do not want. I'm not suggestion for a second that you dwell on what you don't want in your life. That will draw it to you. Just that you devote some time and energy surface everything you don't want. In our business doubling example, you may have things like "I don't want more work, added overhead, more debt, I don't want to have to hire more people, and I don't want to work longer, and on and on." By doing this, you've cleared the way for the next most important step, what you do want. Once your clear as to what you do not want with regard to your goal or project, you can begin to list what you do want to have and experience. Again, in our business doubling example, this might include such things as "I want to double our business in the next 12 months. I want it to happen with ease and joy. I want to be able to do it with our present staff and budgets. I want it to be exciting and pleasurable for everyone. I want to be fun and have this occur effortlessly. I want to add more value to our clients. I want to explore new markets and create new ways to reach them." By first allowing your fears and resistances to become known to you, you've cleared the way to have more of what you do want. Note: Once you've identified what you don't want, don't keep going back to it. As a matter of fact, you might want to take your "don't want" list and burn it. Now devote all of your time, energy, resources and attention and thoughts to what you do want. © 2004 Jim Donovan - PO Box 1147, Buckingham, PA 18912 - (215) 794-3826 Jim Donovan is the author of "Handbook to a Happier Life, a motivational speaker and coach. For a no cost bonus product & more, visit http://www.JimDonovan.com If you had all the information and tools you needed to live your dream life, would you use them? Yes?Click here ==> http://www.jimdonovan.com/ebookoffer.html
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Where Are The Punctuation Points In Your Life? We live in a very busy age with many pressures and demands on our time. Often in workplaces there is a culture of busyness, where it's important to be seen to be busy and stressed. Isn't that how you show that you're important and care about your work? Outside of work there are often enormous numbers of things competing for our time and attention: family, friends, hobbies. And if we relax in front of the TV we see adverts for things we "should" have, or see things we'd like to, or "ought" to be doing. It can feel overwhelming at times which is why many people find themselves rushing, rushing, rushing, busy, busy, busy, with barely time to draw breath. Finding Truth Why Must We Find Truth: Wanderers How a few people become the worst victims of life's game, or to call it their own fate. How they are compelled to analyze life, wasting most of their time meant to prove themselves in the real world. Not their fault! Categorically not their fault! They can't help but waste time in figuring out what life is all about and why they are meant to play such undesirable roles. They need to feel better, and hence they begin to analyze life - to find out if something worthwhile can be achieved by them, to find out if at any point of time they can quit being laughed at... being embarrassed... untangle themselves from the web of hoodoo. Their quest begins, they seem to never find an answer for the way their lives are happening. Much of their time is going wasted but they need to importantly feel better than doing anything elze in life! They do not want to call it a hoodoo - after all they are only trying to feel better! They begin to presume its just a part of life and then they suddenly realize its been that way for the past 20 years, it cant be just a "part" of life! I Believe In Man I have a deep and abiding belief that there lies within every person the capacity for greatness. I don't mean the old adage that you can become anything you want to be -- I'm more receptive to Peter F. Drucker's admonition to not "waste time trying to put in what the creator left out." But the potential of almost every person is far above his or her level of achievement. That so few rise to their potential does not in any way diminish the validity of this belief. We often see some obscure person rise apparently from nowhere to leadership of a cause or a movement, giving proof to the idea that this capacity lies dormant within each and every one of us. Our Fascination with Pop Culture and What It Says About Us I took a look at the top 500 hits on the Internet and found that at least 90% of them are related to pop culture. Who is dating who, singers, actors, gossip, etc. Why are we so fascinated with these larger than life stars? Why do we care? Write Goals, Say Prayers, and See Your Successful Future Would you like to have more success in your life?Yes, I'm sure that you do! That being the case, Ihave an invitation and a challenge for you. Areyou up for it? Okay, here we go? Lottery Winners Lose It All You have heard it time and again. Lottery Winners lose it all and trust fund babies waste their parent's hard earned cash. In fact, up to 80% of the lottery winners in this country file bankruptcy within five years. Most of us say," That would never happen to me. You would have to be really dumb to lose all that money." Yet the very reason that these individuals let their money run through their fingers is the very reason that most of us are still working pay check to paycheck. Improve Your Conversations By Watching Talk Show Hosts If you want to learn how to be a good conversationalist, a really useful place to start is by watching television! Looking to Where the Grass is Greener? I've written this article specifically for individuals contemplating change with the idea of making things better, brighter and different. This change could be anything from relationship/s, career, to relocating somewhere else (having a sea change is an example). It could also be in the form of personal development through attending courses, reading and networking. Finding Your Passion Where does our motivation come from? What makes us want to strive for more? How to Interpret Your Dreams As many different people there are on this planet, that is how many ways in which a dream can be interpreted. How Do You Choose To Deal With Your Life? "It's choice ? not chance ? that determines your destiny." --Jean Nidetch 3 Steps to Manifesting Your Ideal Life Over the past several weeks I've received dozens of email solicitations for books, CDs and videos that promise to reveal newly discovered techniques to improve my life. These emails promise a wide variety of benefits: how to get rich, lose weight, meet the woman of my dreams and buy a million dollar mansion with no money down. In some cases the salesman will throw in a "Ginzu knife" or "pocket fisherman" if I order immediately! The Laws of the Universe What I am about to tell you will take a very open mind to comprehend. So please, open your mind. Why These Berkeley Scientists Were Baffled! Breakthrough Scientific Research on the Amoeba And Why You Must Know This! Do I Need to Visualize to Manifest my Desires? You've heard me talk in previous articles about Deliberate attraction. The Law of Attraction is a powerful force that is operating in every moment, including this moment right now. Knowing that we all offer a vibration (vibe) in every moment, and that The Law of Attraction matches that vibration and brings us more of the same vibration (whether wanted, or unwanted), it is important for us to understand the significance of becoming deliberate about what it is that we are vibrationally offering. The more we learn to apply The Law of Attraction to our lives and tap into this powerful force, the more deliberate we learn to become as attractors. This speeds up the manifestation of our desires. And that brings us to the topic of this article. Is visualization needed to manifest our desires? The Big Key to Freedom When our clients are exposed to our company, they are often impressed with how we really stress the concept of Freedom - and well they should be. Our central core value is Freedom, our web address is deliverfreedom.com, heck- it's the name of our company! At the same time I see that the vast majority of individuals I meet do not have the kind of professional or personal Freedom they really desire and deserve. Do you? Who Are You Really? 'Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have.'--Doris Mortman. Its All Up to You (Nobody is Coming to Save You!) As painful as this realization may be, it is absolutely true. Wherever we are in our lives and whatever we are doing, it is because we have put ourselves there. It is our choices and decisions (either conscious or not) that have brought together circumstances resulting in our current reality. If we want to change our reality, then we must begin to make different choices. Prosperity on Purpose for a Purpose Whilst everyone seems hell bent on becoming "wealthy" at all costs, the desire to become prosperous has seemed to fall to the background.I see building ones wealth as very one dimensional. It can potentially become a very selfish path if you are not careful. ![]() |
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