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Who Are You Really?
'Until you make peace with who you are, you'll never be content with what you have.'--Doris Mortman. Who do you think you are? When asked 'Who are you?' how do you identify yourself? By your job title, your family position, your status and standing, your name? But who are you really? What is at the core of you, the centre of your being, the essence of you? What makes you the unique person that you are? What distinguishing attributes make you the individual you are? And once you have identified who you are, are you content with what you find? If I were to ask you what your qualities were, could you answer me? What is it about you that makes you you? Is it the way you look? 'I am tall.' 'I have auburn hair.' The way you talk? Are you the product of the school you went to, the family you were raised by? Or have you realized that in you there are characteristics and a uniqueness that is purely your own? At the heart of you is an exceptional being that is one of a kind, unable to be replicated anywhere in the world or beyond. Are you prepared to let that individuality shine through? Many labels are given to you throughout your life, but just because others have applied those labels to you, does not make them true, or, if they seem true, are they really describing the real you, or the person you have been acting as? Have you been putting on a show for others ? because you think that's what is expected of you? Do the labels simplify what is really a complex being? Within you you will experience many varied and different emotions and feelings, sometimes at odds with each other. However, those emotions and feelings don't make you any particular thing, they are just messages that help you identify how you are experiencing the world. You can listen to them and learn from them, or ignore them and carry on as you were. If I asked you to describe yourself, what would you say? Are the words you use your own, or are they echoes of what others have said about you ? parents, teachers, employers etc. Who would you like to be? And I don't mean Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Terri Hatcher etc. I am talking about someone who is confident, or decisive, loving, lovable, full of energy and vigour, or any other positive characteristic you can think of. What is stopping you being that person? If you had those qualities what difference would it make to your life and your relationships? By taking action to add those qualities into your persona, you can become that person. What do you need to do to make it become a reality? Do you find yourself comparing yourself to other people and find yourself wanting, or does your desire to be something or someone else come from within? How about thinking what it is about that person that makes you want to be like them, and then practice using that aspect of them for yourself? But then again, are those features truly an expression of the authentic you, or just what you think others would like you to be? So let me ask you again ? who are you really? Kate Harper is based in the beautiful Highlands of Scotland. Check out her website http://www.harpercoaching.com She works with people who are fed up with moaning about their lives and have decided to do something about it. If that is you, please take a look at Kate's website. Her special interest is in promoting Wellbeing through coaching. She is happy to work with people from any part of the world. "The distance is nothing; it is only the first step that is difficult." Madame Marie du Deffand Take your first step today and contact Kate.
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Do You Have an Exit Plan? Recently, I came across something strikingly shocking, fascinating, obscure, and yet, completely obvious. Searching for Higher Ground: 24 Hours to a Better Life There's a moment in one of my favorite films, Searching for Bobby Fischer, where 7-year-old chess prodigy Josh Waitzkin's chess teacher knocks all the pieces off his chess board, in an effort to get him to concentrate deeper on the way the pieces on the board were strategically aligned. Finding Truth Why Must We Find Truth: Freedom of Choice -- Learning to Make the Right Choices Recognizing your gift of choice is liberating. This means acknowledging that you are where you are because of your choices. This is the first step toward changing a situation with which you are not happy. Psychologically, for many people, this is a difficult concept to acknowledge: they might have to admit that they made a mistake. But it's easy to understand, intellectually. To actually acknowledge that personal choice played a big role in getting you to where you are today (I am here because I chose to be here) shifts the responsibility from circumstances, or imposers, that you previously felt were holding you captive, to you. With that knowledge and responsibility, you acquire the control you need to take action. Brainology... Lets Start Learning Something Everyday, Every Moment Every normal human being learn in his life's each and every minute. He is gaining experience every moment. If he starts transcribing his thoughts daily (once a day) in his life, he will gain a huge progress in the small time. You Can?t Seek for Change and Control at the Same Time I saw a coaching client recently who wanted to get right down to business and plan out her new, bold life. She wasn't sure what that life was, but she wanted to map it out, pin it down, and make it happen. She looked at me with exhausted eyes and silently begged me for light. I wanted to tell her, "Put down your organizer and step into chaos." But she may have smacked me with that eight pound black leather daytimer, so I chose another way to suggest that she let go of the reins. The life that you can control is a small, tired, and desperate life. If you want to know a great big ease in your life, you can't drive the bus. Your soul drives that bus. And your soul has different definitions of direction and progress. The Modern Geek - Changing the Stereotype The day of duck-taped glasses, suspenders and pocket-protectors are quickly fading away. It's getting harder to pick the geeks out of the crowd. Respect Is A Four-Letter Word One of the most important needs for every human being is the need to be respected. It doesn't matter if you or anyone else is a corporate executive, host of your own television show, short-order cook, Wal-Mart greeter or stay-at-home parent. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect regardless of occupation, gender or social status. When You Attract Negative People, Be Thankful Laws of Attraction are clearly defined. What comes back is a reflection of the energy you are radiating. If negative people are being attracted to you, then be self-assured that you are sending out energy that appeared on their radar screen. What is the Life Your Were Born To Live? In my private practice for the past 15 years I have discoveredhow hungry we are to find deep fulfillment and loving, make wisechoices for ourselves and the planet, and walk in union with ourhigher guidance. Charm Is Good Business What's most astounding is that the vast majority of business people don't automatically understand the concept of charm. You'd think it would be a reflex, a conditioned response in business to "turn on the charm" when dealing with customers, clients, associates, employees, competitors, or potential clients. And since the list of "potential clients" for many businesses can include Everybody, the idea that someone in any job, anywhere, ever is not making the maximum effort to be as charming as possible all the time is stupefying. How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying? Try being charming. Doing Your Lifes Work Most people want to do their life's work. Some people are able to separate work completely from life and be happy doing anything, but this is not the norm. I once knew a man who managed things for a living. He'd managed a restaurant for several years, seen an ad in the paper, and become manager of a print shop. He didn't particularly like the job, but he didn't hate it. Whats the Opposite of Doubt? The Law of Attraction teaches us that whatever you focus on, you will attract MORE of into your life--whether it's wanted or unwanted. To deliberately attract more of what you enjoy, you need do only three things:Be very clear about what you want--write it down, find the precise words that describe your desire. Attracting Opportunity -- 10 Tips You get what you attract ? with your thoughts, words, beliefs, actions and inactions. Here are 10 tips for attracting opportunity: The Competition Fallacy So many people falsely think that if they help another, they are helping the competition. This scarcity perspective breeds greed and insecurity; ultimately, people who hold it will realize that had they not been helped at certain times, they would not have had the opportunity to be where they are today. What You Habitually Think Becomes Attracted to You Are you frustrated with a certain area of your life? Want to make a change? You can change it as soon as you decide to change it. 7 Ways to Drive a Man Wild It's unbelievable the amount of bad advice there is out there on how to seduce a man or if they give you advice they forget to tell you how to use it properly. So here are a couple of tips on what to do and what not to do to drive a man wild and an instruction manual. A Life of Adventure? In a conversation recently, a friend remarked to me: "Every man dies, but not every man lives." If you think about it, that is profoundly true and rather disturbing. I hope that shakes you up like it does me. Prosperity on Purpose for a Purpose Whilst everyone seems hell bent on becoming "wealthy" at all costs, the desire to become prosperous has seemed to fall to the background.I see building ones wealth as very one dimensional. It can potentially become a very selfish path if you are not careful. Abundance Prosperity Based on Wallace Wattles and Napoleon Hill It is arguable that the definition of wealth is the free and unrestricted use of all of the things which may be necessary for you to advance in the direction of your dreams and aspirations thus attaining your fullest mental, spiritual, and physical prosperity. ![]() |
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