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Top 5 Areas to Create A Super-Reserve!
Last week, I had the privilege of leading a 4-day teleclass about creating reserves that will meet our needs and support our lives, forever! The goal was to create systems that automatically respond to everything that distracts, worries or confuses us, for the rest of our lives! (How's that for thinking big?) When we are secure and our needs are met once and for all, we are free to live large, pursue our dreams and challenge life on our own terms. While most of us worry about our shortage of time, money, or energy, and too often focus on working harder to get "enough", these 20 people wanted to go beyond enough, and cruise right past "plenty" to create "Super-Reserves" - a lifetime supply - of all the things that are important to them! In 4 days, we didn't find all the answers, but we made extraordinary progress and I'd like to share some of my notes with you. There are five essential areas where we must create Super-Reserves if we are to get our needs met once and for all: 1. Space. If we don't have enough space for ourselves, and an environment that supports us, we all become claustrophobic. In a "tight corner", we get cranky, we become distracted, and lose efficiency. Most of us are not selfish enough about our space! Clean it up, get cabinets with doors, re-paint the walls and eliminate clutter to make your personal world a brighter place! Open the windows, play better music, get a laptop and work in the park! When we have enough quality space, life is better! 2. Boundaries. Once you've cleaned up and expanded your space, protect it! Put locks on your doors, get an answering machine, let people know where your boundaries are and be sure they respect them. Need a block of time for peaceful reflection? Set it aside and keep your promises to yourself! It is difficult to live well while permitting others to trespass on your time and space! I believe it was Gandhi who said, "Today I have so much to do, I must spend twice as much time in meditation." 3. Self-Care. Vince Lombardi said, "Fatigue makes cowards of us all." When we get enough rest, eat well, exercise for the joy of it (rather than "I HAVE TO DO THIS!"), and spend quality time with inspiring friends, we become far more aware of the opportunities around us. It takes a strong foundation to support a tall building?make sure your personal foundation can support your dreams! 4. Diversification. I used to be impressed with people who set goals and worked until they achieved them. While I appreciate the value of that approach, I am increasingly aware of the freedom and power that comes with variety. At any moment, have enough projects on the table that you can walk away from any one (or even several) of them, and still have wonderful, challenging and productive work to do. Being able to change our minds and respond quickly to a new, more exciting opportunity creates a tremendous sense of Super-Reserve! "Don't put all your eggs in one basket." 5. Have Stuff. One of the quickest ways to simplify your life and expand your Reserve is to buy in quantity, shop efficiently, and plan ahead. Having an extra roll of stamps on hand, a tank full of gas, or a case of toilet paper in the closet can prevent many of life's everyday emergencies! For many of us, a pantry full of food and an extra hour in our daily schedule is a far more critical Reserve than thousands of dollars in our checkbook. Eliminate clutter; make room for plenty of the things you need! My thanks to all of the participants in the class last week, and may you have a Wonder-FULL week! © Copyright 2003 by Philip E. Humbert. All Rights Reserved. This article may be copied and used in your own newsletter or on your website as long as you include the following information: "Written by Dr. Philip E. Humbert, writer, speaker and success coach. Dr. Humbert has over 300 free articles, tools and resources for your success, including a great newsletter! It's all on his website at: http://www.philiphumbert.com
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I Like to be Unreasonable "Progress is made by only unreasonable man" -- Gorge Bernard Shaw The Power of Desire - Part 1 What is Desire? Let us see! Webster tells us that it is:"The natural longing to possess any seeming good; eager wish to obtain or enjoy," or in its abnormal or degenerate sense:"excessive or morbid longing; lust; appetite. "Desire" is a much-abused term ? the public mind has largely identified it with its abnormal or degenerate phase, just mentioned, ignoring its original and true sense. Many use the word in the sense of an unworthy longing or craving, instead of in the true sense of "aspiration," "worthy craving and longing," etc. To call Desire "aspiration" renders it none the less Desire. To apply to it the term "laudable aim and ambition" does not take away from it is character of Desire. There is no sense in endeavoring to escape the fact that Desire is the natural and universal impulse toward action, be the action or good or bad. Without Desire the Will does not spring into action, and nothing is accomplished. Even the highest attainments and aims of the race are possible only when the steam of Will is aroused by the flame and heat of Desire. My Assignment ... If You Didnt Create It, Then Its Not Yours! Life consists of lessons. Living is continual learning. Therefore, if you take on someone else's issues and responsibilities, or lessons, would that not be classified as cheating? Are you not cheating yourself out of your own life? Are you not cheating others out of their own lessons? The Art of Loving & Living The joy of living is in loving. No doubt, only lovers enjoy life! What to Do When Your Spouse or Your Friends are Negative? This year (2004), I've completed over 64 seminars. And one of the most common questions asked is, "What do I do when my spouse, partner or friend is being negative?" Make Money by Making a Life as Mother Teresa Did Many people forget business is a way of service. When you serve others, you make a life instead of making a living. Jesus said he came to serve others in his Father's business. I am not religious, but it is very important to understand the point. If you think of business as a spiritual event, you are co-creating with the Universe. That is to say, it is an opportunity to make this world a better place to live. A Life of Adventure? In a conversation recently, a friend remarked to me: "Every man dies, but not every man lives." If you think about it, that is profoundly true and rather disturbing. I hope that shakes you up like it does me. Success Through Authenticity: Harness Your ?Innie? Natural Edge For any inner-directed individual, much of life feels like you are a square peg trying to fit into a round hole. By forcing them to fit together, the natural edge of the square-peg is shaved off. That natural edge includes all your best traits, such as your intuition, creativity and superb listening skills as well as many other characteristics that make you a joy to be with and know. Can You Change a Man? Recently, at a public function where I was the Toastmaster, an elegant lady in her early 30s walked up to me and asked: 'Can a woman change a man?' Instead of giving her a direct answer, I asked her: 'can anybody change you from being you?' She said: 'No'. The truth is that no woman can change any man except the man himself decides to change. Success -- There Are No Secrets There Are No Secrets To Success Aging Gracefully Through Vastu Shastra Aging is inevitable, but its most negative effects can be minimized and turned into a graceful progression. Exercise and proper diet are key factors. But, when your living or working environment is in harmony with nature, it has a positive influence on your well being, slowing the aging process. Sometimes Being Unfocused is the Risk You Need to Take I was accused recently of being unfocused. This lady challenged me to decide whether I was a coach, a writer, or a TV personality. She couldn't imagine that one person could do all of these well and so she told me, in no uncertain terms, that I was just probably being average at all of them. Manifesting Money You are a money magnet. Money is flowing to you twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, even on holidays. You're probably wondering, "Then where is it? Why don't I see it?" The reason is that you don't yet believe the first two sentences I wrote. Is Effortless Prosperity Really Possible? Dear friends, 4 Helpful Ways To Beat Shyness Over half of all adults identify themselves as shy. Shyness can get in the way of developing personal relationships and professional aspirations. Attraction Tools for Success: Manifesting Your Intentions There are several books now that discuss the power of thought and I have been experimenting with the concept for the past few years. I understand the concept that "like things" attract more "like things". So the more positive (or negative) I have in my life the more positive (or negative) things I attract. In addition, I was familiar with the idea that just by thinking about someone/thing, it has the habit of materializing. But I thought, was this just coincidence? Feeding The purpose of human existence is to send out impulses to influence the environment and people where one exists, and feed upon what is received in return. This is growth, and this is where we grasp our identification and validation. What is the measure of what one feeds upon? It is one's expanding essence of existence. And what crop is one growing? Who are you feeding? The foods you eat influence what you eventually constitutionally become. Who are you creating? And most importantly, who is creating you? The Power of Desire- Part 2 Let's continue where we left off in Part 1... Feng Shui To Attract Love Not having much luck in love lately? Relationship falling apart? Maybe its those upside down dried flowers in you have hanging in your hallway, (oh so chic in Martha Stewart Land but the kiss of the death in Feng Shui circles.) Or maybe its the antique full length mirror in your bedroom ... How To Get Lucky Would you like to get lucky? There are at least a dozen ways. The simplest one is to just start looking for good luck. ![]() |
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