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How To Become Insane Somebody once said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result. Optimal mental health, then, may include adapting your approach if you don't get the result you want. (NOTE: Seek help if you need it - this is just a general discussion of how to stay mentally healthy.) How To Invite Positive Change In Your Life Gnothi seauton,, said Socrates. "Know thyself." Ten Ways to Add Abundance To Your Mind, Your Life & Your World Abundance isn't something you find from the outside. Abundance begins within and radiates outward. Find the ways that increase your abundance inside. Add time to your day, simplify, or make a difference in the world. Gratitude multiplies. Find something in these ten ways to add abundance to your life and enjoy the positive results it will attract. Brainology... Lets Start Learning Something Everyday, Every Moment Every normal human being learn in his life's each and every minute. He is gaining experience every moment. If he starts transcribing his thoughts daily (once a day) in his life, he will gain a huge progress in the small time. Be The Chooser "We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experiencethem."-- Khalil Gibran How to Increase Your Income Significantly I would like you to give your full attention to this writing, because what you about to read will transform your life and circumstances significantly. If there is distraction around you, get rid of it before you even read this article. 4 Steps To Having the Life You REALLY Want! Over time, the TIP's Letters that receive the most response have dealt with creating and living the life you really want. Many of us are incredibly frustrated at not being able to reach our dreams and have the life we want. I believe there are 4 simple (not easy, but simple) techniques for getting there. You really can achieve your goals and live your dreams! When Will Love Find me? Love. You may notice that I made that an entire sentence. That one little four-letter word can easily be a sentence on its own, an entire book, or the meaning of life. I doubt there has ever been a person on this planet who has not at some stage pondered the meaning of this little word. Men have lived for it and men have died for it. Your #1 Path to Hidden Power Imagine that you could boost your confidence, courage, and compassion by 100% in the next three months. Imagine that you could learn five new skills you've been dying to learn all your life. Imagine that you could finally experience the kind of intimacy, connection, and love you've been longing for. Create Your Best Life "You can create what you want in life; first you have to imagine it clearly. Imagine your ideal scene," Marc Allen, The Millionaire Course. Creating Relationship Synergy through Rapport Building One of the great things about rapport is that it doesn't matter whether you have agreement or not with the other party. Remember some of the conversations you've had in the past with your best friend, partner or even children. Do you always agree with them? What happens when you disagree? Is it the end of the world or is there friendly banter? Sometimes we simply agree to disagree. I heard someone say once "You can either be right, or you can be happy". I know I'd rather be happy.You can also build relationships with others although you personally don't get along. I've had jobs in the past where I personally didn't get along with my bosses for whatever reason, however I still respected their position ? they were still my boss, they were running the show and for all intents and purposes knew what they were doing. With that, my professional integrity remained intact. What is it That You Want, Honey? Discover Wealth and Prosperity with the Angels of Abundance As you already know, the Angels are here; ready to assist us but how can they assist us if they aren't control freaks or butt-in-skees? Obviously, they don't butt in. I have never heard my Angels telling me that I "should" do something. Yes, they'll apprise me of a situation but it's stated as fact. They'll never say that I should do anything in particular about a situation. They leave it up to my common sense and free will to figure out whether I want to use the information they give me or not. Basic Intuitive Timing for Business and Life "There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries." [William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar] Harvest Moon Lessons The full moon in September is often bigger and brighter than full moons in other months. It is usually referred to as the Harvest Moon. The reason it appears bigger and brighter is because of all the dust in the air from the harvesting of crops causing extra refraction of the light. Even the moon seems to be celebrating the abundance of the harvest. Use Your Vibrations of Energy to Communicate Part 2 "The speed of electromagnetic energy signals is 186,000 miles per second, while the speed of a diffusible chemical is considerably less than one centimeter per second." -Bruce Lipton Faith Creates Ideas That Create Wealth For years it seems as though the secrets to obtaining wealth were only for a selected few. Yet the truth of the matter is that these "few" have chosen to apply the principles of prosperity (at least most of the principles) in order to obtain their status, while many chose to ignore them. Introduction to the Law of Attraction and Unlimited Wealth This article was written for one purpose: I?ll Believe It When I See It I was working with this guy who wanted to live his life's purpose. He wanted to be a singer but was presently working as a mail clerk at a law firm. He didn't make much money on this job and he had a lot of beliefs that let me know, right from the start, that he was going to be a challenge. How Anyone Can Manifest Anything! My mother taught me how to teach others about the power of the mind. By learning how to teach her, I learned how to communicate essential wealth-building ideas to others. Some Straight Talk About Your Success And Happiness I want to warn you: this article can cause some discomfort, indignation and sense of insult in minds of people who are not ready to be successful. If you are not ready to face the truth, please don't read this article, because I don't want to hurt your feelings for nothing. ![]() |
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