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Use Your Vibrations of Energy to Communicate Part 2
"The speed of electromagnetic energy signals is 186,000 miles per second, while the speed of a diffusible chemical is considerably less than one centimeter per second." -Bruce Lipton As electromagnetic spectrums of energy we have a unique energy signature. This force can enable us to achieve what we believe. Consider the placebo effect where people took sugar pills and were cured of their illness because they believed they would be. Through out history we have heard, ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, if only you believe. To tap into this and change your beliefs, it is important to realize that we do not see the world as it is. We see it as we are. That is the first step. I have heard it said that to create change, most often belief modification is required more than behaviour modification. Just about every success story that I have read, talked about being in a mastermind group. It is considered one of the great success secrets of all time. Quantum Physics explains why. When you come together with like-minded people you are around those of the same frequency. When these waves overlap, the combined force amplifies resulting in a higher amplitude. This is called a Constructive Interference. However, when you are around people that are not like you, it creates destructive interference. The two frequencies are out of phase and the waves become mirror-images of each others. This causes each wave to cancel each other out. Which cancels out the energy. Have you ever felt drained around some people? This is why. John Assaraf states that he no longer will hang around negative people and that he most often runs from them. We have the power and the ability to focus on what we want and attract it into our lives. Sure, there is some training necessary to break away from past beliefs and habits, but isn't it worth it in the end? "All organisms, including humans, communicate and read their environment by evaluating energy fields" -Bruce Lipton, "The Biology of Belief." One area that is important to look at is your biology and cells. Now you may be wondering, what quantum physics and biology have to do with one another. Many biologist used to think, nothing. However, more and more are seeing the amazing connection. Each of the cells has a receptor antenna and they can read vibrational energy fields. These include light, sound and radio. More importantly, if the energy vibration resonates with the receptor antenna, it can alter physical and chemical properties of an atom, which will alter the receptor. You see, our cells are always "reading" the environment in order to survive and can be physically be altered to protect ourselves or help ourselves grow based on our perceptions of the environment around us. To enhance themselves, atoms find vibrations that create harmonic resonance. Remember the mastermind group. At the cellular level, when we are on a path to growth, we are healthier around those that are on a positive path to growth as well. It is also important to look at our emotions in how we view the world and whether we hang on to resentments. Dr Candice Pert wrote a book called, "The Molecules of Emotions." Dr Pert showed how our emotions affect how we think, feel and behave on an ongoing basis. Also, how our perceptions are of the world, creates these emotions at the cellular level. Our emotions are made in the cells of the body and brain through a chemical binding to specific receptors on the surface of the cells, which are based on how our cells perceive our environment and act on it. It is also here where unexpressed emotions are stored. Unexpressed emotions in the receptors squeeze off the food that the cell needs to function. This breaks down your ability to think and see things clearly. Also consider that there is not one new function in our body that is not already in the cell. The cell has a nervous, skeletal, circulatory, integument (skin), reproductive and immune system. This also shows the connection to the holographic world where the all of it is in every bit of it, and every bit of it and in the all of it. We are all connected. Einstein showed how matter can be simultaneously be defined as a solid (particle) and as a force field (wave)E=MC˛ shows that the universe is one indivisible dynamic whole in energy and matter in which they are interchangeable and not independent elements. This has been a brief introduction into the world of quantum physics and communication. There is so much more to this amazing world that can open you up to a world of possibilities. All the Best! P.S. If you like what you're reading, you'll love the book, To see out who is teaching Quantum Physics and Neuroscience for success or about my webinar, check out my blog.
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