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Antagonists And Fear
It is important to have your own values, beliefs and understanding of the world around you and not let fear take hold of you. The quote, "My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened." By Michel de Montaigne, has been repeated many times by different authors. It drives home the point that sometimes we can be our own worst enemies. The statistics show, that 80% of our thoughts are negative and most are repeated. By increasing your understanding of perceptions and how it affects your life, you can have control and gain independence. You will no longer be at the mercy of antagonists. Antagonists use fear against people to make them do, think and act as they want. You become their puppet on a string. When they see that the people or the majority want something that is in opposition to what they want, fear and words are their tools of terror and power over. ? They will play on your problems and sorrows and lay the blame of your challenges on the people or events that they don't like. ? They will lead you to believe that if you blame other people or events, that your life will be better or that you would never have had the challenges in the first place. ? They are masters of painting pictures of sorrow from some change that is coming in your business or life. ? They get you to fight their battles for them. ? The will get the mob mentality going and use people, by leading them into hate destruction, violence and self-destruction all for their own amusement or agenda. How did you feel after reading this list. However, knowledge, compassion and understanding are the shield to these people. When you understand more, in how your life works and the inner power that you have to change your own life with out the destruction of someone else, they can no longer have any power or control over you. You can see them as poor souls trapped in their own fear and misunderstandings and walk away. If you find yourself wondering about what someone is saying to you, remember these quotes: "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters to what lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson "With fear and control you become blind to the interconnectedness of life. With humility you gain vision into all that love is." --by Lee L. Jampolsky, Ph.D. "Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people." ? Hyman Rickover All the Best! P.S. If you like what you're reading in this newsletter, you'll love the book,
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