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The Take-off!
"I just can't start a conversation with women, and it's killing me. I'll see a female who I've been making good eye contact with, but I'm too shy to talk to her. Later when I'm at home I yell at myself for not trying. I know they're not all going to come to me. It really bothers me that I'm so shy. I'm really afraid that if this keeps up I'll miss my chance to find my one true love. " Racing of the heart, a rise in body temperature, hot flushes, churning stomach and a funny feeling that you want to run away from that place... these are the symptoms of shyness! These shy people appear outgoing..like when they appear on stage... actors and actresses... they perform brillianly but when it comes to personal life they are introverts. Similarly when performing in a group, while singing songs in a group, our shyness makes us lower our voice so that our singing may not be heard outside. But once the shyness is got over we may be the loudest in the group! Similarly when a performer of a show requests the audience to clap, how many of us would be ready to clap loudly along with the music? Shyness prevents us from doing so and that is because we imagine that others are better than us. Some find it difficult to do something as simple as smile and say "hello" to someone. If they don't tend to smile easily, they are afraid to "force" a smile out of the subconscious fear that it will be seen as "phony" by others. Studies say that the first thing women looks on men is the smile and laugh! Once we start imagining that we are equal to others in all apsects this shyness would be gone. It may be a slow and steady progress but its worth all the efforts! HPriya Sivan
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Creating Relationship Synergy through Rapport Building One of the great things about rapport is that it doesn't matter whether you have agreement or not with the other party. Remember some of the conversations you've had in the past with your best friend, partner or even children. Do you always agree with them? What happens when you disagree? Is it the end of the world or is there friendly banter? Sometimes we simply agree to disagree. I heard someone say once "You can either be right, or you can be happy". I know I'd rather be happy.You can also build relationships with others although you personally don't get along. I've had jobs in the past where I personally didn't get along with my bosses for whatever reason, however I still respected their position ? they were still my boss, they were running the show and for all intents and purposes knew what they were doing. With that, my professional integrity remained intact. Abundance Flourishes in an Atmosphere of Integrity There's no way to fake INTEGRITY. You are either are IN INTEGRITY offering a PURE positive vibration which the Law of Attraction responds to. Or you're OUT of INTEGRITY which creates a negative or mixed vibration, which the Law of Attraction cannot ignore. Vacation Longing: What You Can Learn From It Every person's life journey is unique. Figuring out what you need along the way can be an adventure in itself. What do you need AT THIS MOMENT in your life? What changes can you make right now so that your needs are more fully satisfied? There may be clues for you in the "Travel" section of your Sunday newspaper. Here's what I mean. Transformational Counseling - Part One Transformational Counseling is a process of assisting others to transform their lives. Transformational Counseling is a process of assisting others in their reinventing themselves, of creating a life that they love and living it powerfully. Transformational Counseling is a process of creating a space for others to get present to or become aware of their self limiting belief, to create or invent a possibility for themselves and their life that could not have existed before and to learn how to be in their possibilities as opposed to being that which has always stopped them in the past. Whats the Opposite of Doubt? The Law of Attraction teaches us that whatever you focus on, you will attract MORE of into your life--whether it's wanted or unwanted. To deliberately attract more of what you enjoy, you need do only three things:Be very clear about what you want--write it down, find the precise words that describe your desire. It Doesnt Take Long To Become An Expert in The Law of Attraction One of our Faculty, Christine Edick, has been the keynote speaker for several conferences for people in the 'career transition' industry. She received this short story, from one of the attendees, which demonstrates how easy it is to understand the Law of Attraction and to teach it to others. Do You Have Your Best Life? For many years I had a good life. My illness was reasonably under control, I had a nice relationship with my husband, I did work I didn't hate. It was, as I said, a good life. My Assignment ... If You Didnt Create It, Then Its Not Yours! Life consists of lessons. Living is continual learning. Therefore, if you take on someone else's issues and responsibilities, or lessons, would that not be classified as cheating? Are you not cheating yourself out of your own life? Are you not cheating others out of their own lessons? Abundance Prosperity Based on Wallace Wattles and Napoleon Hill It is arguable that the definition of wealth is the free and unrestricted use of all of the things which may be necessary for you to advance in the direction of your dreams and aspirations thus attaining your fullest mental, spiritual, and physical prosperity. Heres What I Got Out Of ?What The Bleep Do We Know? Your mind is so powerful that what you focus on happens. Your intent bends reality, creating vibrations in the quantum field. Ending the Internal Conflict If you read personal growth or self-help books at all, including mine, you've been taught to identify what you want to have. You've been instructed to focus your intention on what you want because what you think about is what it drawn to you. This idea was best expressed by the late Earl Nightingale who said "You Mind Moves in the Direction of Your Currently Dominant Thoughts." This is an idea that can be traced back thousands of years and appears on every writing on religion, spirituality or philosophy. The Bible says, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Complete Self Acceptance One of the most important parts of Personal Mastery is 'Self Acceptance'. This is much more than the usual 'self esteem' issues that we hear about, although that's a part of it. How Do You Treat Others? When others are angry with you, loving to you, critical of you, and so on, do you treat them the same? We tend to treat others, except those in a position of authority or power over us, the same way they treat us. The Edge of the Moon Hello, Moon. 8 Powerful Tips to a Magnificent Life Tip #1. Find your purpose. Finding one's purpose is the key to having a happy and successful life. It all starts here. Find what you are passionate about. Find what you enjoy doing. Find a way to make a living doing it. How to Interpret Your Dreams As many different people there are on this planet, that is how many ways in which a dream can be interpreted. The Power of Perspective You limit yourself. Yes, it is true. Each day you behave in muchthe same way as you have always done. You act out your habitualways of dealing with people, and you communicate as well or asbadly as you normally do. What Next? When we are faced with making a change we often feel like we don't know what to do. The kicker is that USUALLY we do know what to do - it just happens to scare us a little bit. This fear is USUALLY a sign that it is exactly what you should be doing even though you will have to Who Wants to Work? I feel a loss when pragmatism wins over the mystical. There is a greater magic at work when you engage with Source. I believe that strength and optimism combined with hard work will keep marketing principles and other learned strategies working well for success. I have a much different story to tell. Change The World It is becoming clear that the way a country or society is, the kind of "psyche" it has, depends on the way people relate to each other one-to-one, at the day-to-day level of life. ![]() |
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