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Heres What I Got Out Of ?What The Bleep Do We Know?
Your mind is so powerful that what you focus on happens. Your intent bends reality, creating vibrations in the quantum field. Your mind has enormous creative power. You have the power to think, feel, imagine, and intuit. But, even more, you also have the power to focus and attract. When you focus on something, you emit thought-energy. This thought-energy interacts with the energy in the quantum field and you attract things similar in pattern to your thoughts. Most people, unfortunately, do their focusing unconsciously. They are NOT choosing with awareness what to focus on. They allow their minds to run them. Their minds, obsessed with a problem, focus on the circumstances that distress them. They then attract what they DO NOT want. Why? Because they focused on it. They allow their brain to focus on what it has been programmed to focus on. They get the result of that focusing, usually negative. Reality is not partial. Reality is the dance of atoms that interact with your thoughts. Reality is what you draw to yourself through your attention. If you want your life to be better, you have to be better. In particular, you have to be more aware of how you think. What you think matters. It creates your experience. Resource Box Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, Ca., 15 years ago and now resides in Denver, Colorado. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life Copyright 2005 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass thisarticle on to your friends, or use it in your ezine ornewsletter. It's a shareware article.
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7 Ways To Make a Great First Impression When you have an important event to attend there are 7 great ways to make sure you perform at your very best. These tips are relevant for social events and business meetings. Discover how to communicate with confidence while making great conversation. The Art of Loving & Living The joy of living is in loving. No doubt, only lovers enjoy life! Use Your Vibrations of Energy to Communicate Part 2 "The speed of electromagnetic energy signals is 186,000 miles per second, while the speed of a diffusible chemical is considerably less than one centimeter per second." -Bruce Lipton Giving Thanks - A Universal Gift In the USA we celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November every year. However, I've come to understand that there is great, POSITIVE power in having an "attitude of gratitude" all year long, that can create measurable differences in your life. Affirm Actions: Stop Lying to Your Soul and Make It Real! I hear of so many people using affirmations as the universal remedy for everything that ails them. They wake up in the morning and verbalize their affirmations. They go through their days verbalizing positive statements about situations and their lives. Then, they go to bed saying their affirmations like bed-time prayers. A Fun Way To Make A Living "You must be willing to do the things today others won't do, in order to have the things tomorrow others won't have." -Les Brown What is Intution and How do I use it? Intuition is an incredible resource and gift that we have been given to help us live our best life. Unfortunately, not many people know what it is or how to use it. The word intuition means "in to you" in Latin. Florence Scovel, a theologian, once said, "Intuition is the spiritual faculty that doesn't explain; it seemingly points the way." It's also been said that intuition is your divine Spirit talking to you. If you will stop for a moment and acknowledge this, you will begin to realize the incredible perspective you have at your fingertips. You have this very amazing power! And you don't even have to get any special training to start using it. All you need to do is raise your awareness about it and set your intention to harness it. Create a Climate for Success by Mastering Your Total Image - Part 3 In the first parts of this series, we introduced the concept of your Total Image, and discussed Hidden Image, your Reputation and your Experienced Image. This article, we'll continue the discussion of your Total Image with the fourth component: Your Proven Image. Intuition and Instinct, Our Friends Say the word 'intuition,' and some cringe. It sounds too new-age, too touchy-feely. Its close cousin instinct sounds animalistic. Why Doesnt This Manifesting Thing Work for Me? You've written out your goals. You read them every day. You do the visualization exercises. You do everything you've read about in this newsletter and all the other newsletters, seminars, self-help books and web sites, but nothing seems to be happening in your life. The Art of Manifestation There are times in life when we wish to create something. Perhaps it is a new relationship, car, house, or a special holiday. Wouldn't it be nice to have a formula which works. A systematic way to create in life that which we desire. This is not only possible, but I have used this formula many times and it works really well. Take the manifestation of our current place of residence. Releasing the Illusion of Control It's amazing how easy it is to convince ourselves that we're in control of everything in our lives. When it comes right down to it, what we eventually learn is that we are in control of only two things: our own thoughts, and our own actions. We can fool ourselves into thinking that we can control our spouses, children, friends, employers, etc. But are we really in control? We can plot, manipulate, connive and cajole in order to get our own way, but ultimately the other person makes their own decision. We didn't force anything to happen. We may have encouraged it, but we didn't cause it. Five Ways To Create On Purpose By Living In The Moment What can you do to really immerse yourself into living more consciously every day? "We look backward too much and we look forward too much; thus we miss the only eternity of which we can be absolutely sure - the eternal present, for it is always now." - William Phelps1 - NOW is the only moment that matters. Remember that the only creative moment is this moment, right now. What we receive NOW is 100% of the time a vibrational match to us right NOW. When we are unaware, what we radiate will be the vibrational equivalent of our past observations, judgements, beliefs and decisions. If we don't like what we have - all we have to do is create a new vibration in this moment. 2 - Honor the Divine Perfection of life. When faced with challenges do your best to immediately repeat Buddha's quote: "How wonderful! How wonderful! All things are perfect exactly as they are!" Repeating this until it sinks in will (for most daily challenges) support you in maintaining your tone. I suggest repeating it at least 10 times and I usually count down on my fingers to get me through. 3 - Really live in the moment! When Ashlyn was four-months-old, and felt pain, she screamed and when the pain went away, she stopped. When Parker was four, I noticed that when he would get hurt, he'd cry but even after the pain is actually gone he would continue to mourn the pain for a short period until something else catches his attention. After observing this, I stumped my toe - hard on the door jam. I hopped around and wailed and then suddenly I realized that it really wasn't still hurting but that I was still acting as if it was. Now, I'm learning to ask myself, "How do I feel now? How do I feel in this moment? Does it still hurt or not? What do I want to feel now instead?" 4 - You are unlimited and every moment is filled with possibility! By re-focusing in the moment on the fact that you are an unlimited child of God, you are aligning your energy with the power to manifest whatever your heart desires without even having to identify what that might be. "We are, in our essential state, pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is pure potentiality; it is the field of all possibilities and infinite creativity. Pure consciousness is our spiritual essence." - Deepak Chopra Affirm: "I am unlimited! There is nothing I cannot have and nothing I can not do! I accept my unlimited potential right now! I am a Divine Child of God and it is my birthright to have all that I desire." 5 - Fantasize in Fragments. By focusing on what you want in segments, you allow yourself to be more fully open to the now. Abraham (www.abraham-hicks.com) calls this "segment intending." This would look like?(before getting out of bed) I intend to have a fabulous day filled with joyous, connected and aware experiences. I am grateful for a great day! (before brushing teeth) I intend to have healthy gums and teeth and I am grateful for a mouthful of beautiful chops for the rest of my life! (before dressing for the day) I am healthy, fit, attractive and beautiful/handsome. I am grateful for being appreciated and valued by everyone I meet today. (before that board meeting) I intend to experience a positive, enlightening, efficient meeting. I intend to communicate clearly and effectively and to be well received and respected by all meeting attendees. I am grateful for this now. 7 Ways to Drive a Man Wild It's unbelievable the amount of bad advice there is out there on how to seduce a man or if they give you advice they forget to tell you how to use it properly. So here are a couple of tips on what to do and what not to do to drive a man wild and an instruction manual. The Magic of Mike The woman stood over the stove stirring a pot of hot soup.She prepared it to ward off the bitter Minnesota cold, a cover-every-inch-of-your-skin cold, the kind that bites you and never lets go, the kind that makes auto engines demand heaters or they refuse to start.Icicles hung from her window ledge and blocked the top part of her view. Creativity, The Law of Attraction, & Networking Hello Creative Entrepreneurs! You Can?t Seek for Change and Control at the Same Time I saw a coaching client recently who wanted to get right down to business and plan out her new, bold life. She wasn't sure what that life was, but she wanted to map it out, pin it down, and make it happen. She looked at me with exhausted eyes and silently begged me for light. I wanted to tell her, "Put down your organizer and step into chaos." But she may have smacked me with that eight pound black leather daytimer, so I chose another way to suggest that she let go of the reins. The life that you can control is a small, tired, and desperate life. If you want to know a great big ease in your life, you can't drive the bus. Your soul drives that bus. And your soul has different definitions of direction and progress. What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror? 'Image & Professionalism' we hear these words being thrown around in conversation like cheap tokens, almost as frequently as their counterparts 'quality', 'service', and 'value'. So what does 'Image & Professionalism' really mean, and what do you see when you look in the mirror? The Wealth-Receiving Mindset Here is an exercise for you that will develop what I call the wealth-receiving mindset: Purpose of Choice Tornadic weather threatens southeastern Colorado and life on the plains takes a turn again. Interestingly enough, books are written, movies are made, and life happens while the winds blow and the rains fall. Writers of every genre come from the lower Arkansas Valley here on the plains. While the rest of the world focuses on the problematic area of politically correctness, terror in the middle east, and life in the fast lane, those of us here in the dust bowl of the latest drought keep sane by writing about our lives and the lives of those around us. ![]() |
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