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Creativity, The Law of Attraction, & Networking
Hello Creative Entrepreneurs! I hope this finds you all doing well and living & loving your passions! Today I want to talk about creativity, the law of attrcation and networking. Let's start with creativity--YOUR creativity! Creativity is limitless....it comes from the infinite sea of creation! I AM simply the catalyst to help you discover, embrace, develop and expand your own innate creativity! The thought for the day: "Your courage and determination to succeed will take you far, even though events may be moving a little slower than you would prefer. Even if you don't see instant results today, don't doubt that you are planting the seeds for future wealth and success today!" Remember, creativity and entrepreneurship is about evolving. A creative evolution. No matter where you are in the stage of your creativity, your business or your goals. Some of you are just starting out and others are successful entrepreneurs looking to advance their ideas and business or seeking new inspiration--a breath of fresh air, a new edge or way to perfect your idea to give you a quantum leap in your life starting today. The present! That's really all we have-the here and now. One of my sayings is "Enjoy your journey, it's really all you have!" And that's true. The gift is in the present, living it to the fullest! Now I would like to share with you the definitions of creativity and create: Creativity as defined by the dictionary is: 1 : the quality of being creative, or the ability to create Create: 1 : to bring into existence 2 a : to invest with a new form, office, or rank b : to produce or bring about by a course of action or behavior 3 : CAUSE, OCCASION a : to produce through imaginative skill b : DESIGN intransitive senses: to make or bring into existence something new "Creativity is about coloring outside the lines,and entrepreneurship is about living outside the box!" -JJK * * * * * * * * * * The Law of Attraction I believe in the law of attraction and I would like to acknowledge some of the broad range of extraordinary creative students and entrepreneurs that I had the pleasure of having on one of my recent tele-seminars: Creativity & Entrepreneurship: The Creative Evolution of an Intellectual Propoerty! They included a group of female entrepreneurs, an Imperial Feng Shui Master, romance "Matchmaker for Millionaires", book publisher, brilliant artist, symphonic musical composer, two whale experts, holistic gardener, professional photographer, two radio and television talk show hosts, 4 or 5 authors, etc. I was delighted to have all of them in my seminar, as each of them brought a rich and unique background and energy to the group. This was definitely an example of the "Law of Attraction"....like-mined individuals coming together! * * * * * * * * * * Networking I was so impressed with the broad range of students, their talents and business expertise that I invited them to be part of my JJK VIP Networking Seminar so that they could network and share their gifts, goals and services as a group. It was tremendously successful and I have since received many quantum leap success stories! Some of them include: funding for two projects, partnerships formed, 7 new blogs created, 2 new e-books completed, several publishing offers, literary agents signed, several new businesses launched and much more....all in the last 30-45 days! Amazing! Congratulations to all of them! It makes me feel so good when I hear from my students, and to know that I have inspired them in such a significant way. They have done the same for me. Remember: We are all in this together! Live & Love Your Passions! John Joseph Kennedy Join one of JJK's dynamic tele-seminars--see website below. JOHN JOSEPH KENNEDY President & CEO JJK Enterprises - John Kennedy Enterprises, Inc. Founder, JJK School of Entrepreneurship? (A Business Franchise) International award-winning speaker, 2004 Presidential Candidate, author, marketing guru and entrepreneur extraordinaire. Mr. Kennedy is the author of Creativity & Entrepreneurshipİ and The 72-Hour Entrepreneur? As a journalist and writer, JJK has more than 100 news bylines to his credit, and more than 5,000 article have been written about him worldwide. His work and inspiring life-giving messages and speeches have reached television, radio, newspaper and live audiences of more than 100 million people in the United States, Latin America, Canada, Mexico, England, India, France, Switzerland, Ireland, Poland, Africa, and other countries. JJK's e-mail: JJK@JJKEnterprises.com http://www.JohnJosephKennedy.com (Political)
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The Monkey And The Spreadsheet When the mind was fidgety, like a monkey Self-Divine-ation: Defining a Divine Future! In some of my counseling and coaching sessions, my clients ask me to perform a reading to tell them their future. In many cases, my response is, "why don't you tell me your future?" They stop and stare, speechless. Of course, that sounds sarcastic and demeaning, but indeed, you know your future better than anyone else! Getting What You Want Most From Other People Very often in relationships we do not seem to be able to get the one thing we want more thananything else - the approval of other people. In fact the more we want it the more difficultit can be to turn the situation around. Basic Intuitive Timing for Business and Life "There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries." [William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar] The Chi of New Homes: Feng Shui-ness and Destiny When my wife and I were searching for a new Las Vegas home in 2002, we wanted it to have a solid foundation based on Feng Shui principles. My wife researched the essentials and we decided to build a home that met our needs and supported good Chi. The internal layout of the furniture was a slow process because we want to ensure that everything "was energy (Chi) efficient". We even went so far as to pick a plot of land that had a curvy street in front and located on a hill with a view of a "city of money". With all of the work we did in building the structure and embellishing the interior, the house feels fantastic and the energy feeds us and moves us forward! Respect Is A Four-Letter Word One of the most important needs for every human being is the need to be respected. It doesn't matter if you or anyone else is a corporate executive, host of your own television show, short-order cook, Wal-Mart greeter or stay-at-home parent. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect regardless of occupation, gender or social status. Why Character and Integrity Are So Important It's been said that character is defined by what you do when you think no one is watching. What an illuminating concept that is. Finding Your Passion Where does our motivation come from? What makes us want to strive for more? Are You Thinking About What Youre Thinking About Do you realize that your belief system is ultimately what will determine whether you live a successful life or not? Heal Thyself First As I connect with more and more women I am seeing that many have a desperate need for a man. I had one woman tell me that her ex-boyfriend put a gun to her head and told her to get out of his life. Stop following him, stop calling him and leave him alone. This woman felt that he was just having a "bad day" and wanted to know when would be a good time to call him and tell him that she loves him. I was absolutely amazed. This is definitely a woman who doesn't love herself. Why would she constantly pursue a person who clearly doesn't want her? Ten Ways to Add Abundance To Your Mind, Your Life & Your World Abundance isn't something you find from the outside. Abundance begins within and radiates outward. Find the ways that increase your abundance inside. Add time to your day, simplify, or make a difference in the world. Gratitude multiplies. Find something in these ten ways to add abundance to your life and enjoy the positive results it will attract. Law-of-Attraction Article: Wake Up and Create Something It's time for the "mainstream" to WAKE UP. The alarm clock is ringing, they keep hitting snooze, and in the meantime, the life they could be living is passing them by. Attract Your Ideal Relationship Using the Law of Attraction First, I'll need to explain what Law of Attraction is and how it works. You see, the Law of Attraction states that you'll attract to your life whatever you give your attention, energy and focus to, whether wanted or unwanted--emphasis on the unwanted. The "vibes" that you put out (also called vibrations) are either negative vibes or positive vibes, and at every moment, the Law of Attraction is responding to the vibes you are offering by giving you more of the same, whether wanted or unwanted. Knowledge is Power... So, Keep Your Mouth Closed To Keep It From Getting Away! Did you ever wonder why it sometimes seems that communications is lacking within an organization or corporate culture? It is one of those frustrating situations that appear to put a halt to positive productivity. You meander around trying to gather hacked information that you feel is important, yet the one person that should know the whole story "doesn't know a thing." Then, at the last minute, the entire world shifts, and the one person that "didn't know" comes out of the shadows and becomes the hero because they knew the answer. Are You a Wildflower? Wildflowers grow from mere dust to reach their full potential. How To Master The Art of Conversation The art of conversation is a skill shared by most successful people. Good conversation promotes an image of self-confidence, intelligence, and wittiness. Dont Seek Success; Seek Self-Actualization "You make a living by what you get.You make a life by what you give." Everyday People Are Accomplishing Their Dreams - Now Its Your Turn! If you can do anything in this time in your life what would you do? Become a Babe Magnet Without Surgery or Drugs! "I'd like to find a partner who dances. Do you?" my profile on Match.com asked. My now-husband Drew emailed that he was willing to take lessons, and that was enough for me. Non-dancer Drew's courage to put himself out on the dance floor and to show in lesson after lesson his amateur status was truly impressive. We took private dance instruction for a year before our wedding, and as a result, got around the dance floor quite gracefully at our reception. Women are dying to dance. Any man who can ask a woman to dance, then take charge of what happens on the floor and move relatively smoothly to music, has enormous appeal. Fat or skinny, short, tall, or not even close to attractive, even old, old, old, a man who is comfortable on the dance floor has his pick of the ladies. For whatever the reason, dancing intoxicates. Especially women. Few men can really dance, and those guys are on the floor constantly. Some men think they can dance and do get up, ask the ladies, and have fun. But at least half the men sit or stand uncomfortably on the sidelines with all the women who wish to be on the dance floor. We women don't get to dance nearly as much as we'd like to, even the ladies who are good dancers. There aren't enough dancing men to go around. You can almost feel the yearning, the sadness, and the disappointment in those women and between those non-dancing couples. And the non-dancing guys? Pathetic. I personally know three women close to my age who met their now - spouses on the dance floor, and those ladies were great catches! Gentlemen and ladies, there's a message here. Guys: 1. Take lessons and learn how to dance. Leading well takes skill, but if Drew could learn how, so can you. Jedi Mind Tricks - How To Make Suggestions Like A Jedi Master Being a child of the Seventies I'm a real fan of the original Star Wars movies. ![]() |
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