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Law-of-Attraction Article: Wake Up and Create Something
It's time for the "mainstream" to WAKE UP. The alarm clock is ringing, they keep hitting snooze, and in the meantime, the life they could be living is passing them by. Day after day, millions of people go through their lives wishing and hoping and dreaming that things could be better, with absolutely no knowledge that it is they themselves that perpetuate their own dissatisfaction. It is not the "gifted few" who create their realities. It's not just for those in the metaphysical community. It is all of us. Every single one. However, there are a few who have awakened to this knowledge, and make creating their reality a daily event...manifesting whatever it is they want in their life with seemingly no effort! Meanwhile the rest of the world looks on in wonder and disbelief. They assume that these "fortunate few" are among the cosmically lucky. To be honest, the whole thing generates some anger in me. The problem is that we are "dumbed down" by society throughout our whole lives under the pretense that we are actually being intellectualized. The "scholarly" tell us that metaphysical topics like reality creation are pure fantasy. Science insists on measurable evidence of everything before it will acknowledge such claims as fact. However, it's really not that difficult to comprehend. Even the most skeptical people should be able to grasp a few simple concepts like:
Everything that occurs in your life is interpreted BY YOU. You add the meaning, you add the emotional response, you add EVERYTHING. It is your thoughts that literally take the energy "data" and transpose it into your reality. What you consider "real" is nothing more than an agreement that you've made with yourself (and no doubt many others in some cases). This is how our reality has been shaped. This is how we have learned what is possible, and what is impossible. We learned it from OTHER PEOPLE. The problem is, these other people (family and friends perhaps?) have their OWN limiting belief systems which they ALSO consider "real". So human limitations spread like a virus, and we don't even realize what's happening. As discouraging as this is, many of us ARE waking up. I personally feel it my sacred duty to shake people out of this "intellectual trance" that limits them and show them what is truly possible. So what IS the difference between those who cruise through life in a seemingly perpetual state of bliss, with everything they want coming to them with no effort, and the rest of the population working at jobs they hate for the sake of doing the "responsible" thing, hoping that SOME DAY they can live the lives they hope for? The difference is that these people know their purpose, know WHY they absolutely HAVE to fulfill that purpose, and commit themselves to never stopping until they realize their dream. They may or may not have thrown the accepted definition of "responsibility" out the window. The only thing that matters ultimately is that they now live lives they love, following their passions. You see it is our PASSIONS in life that tell us precisely what we are to do. When we follow our passions, our life lights up. We give off incredibly powerful energy which attracts our desires to us. That means people, money, objects, careers...whatever we want that is in line with our purpose. The Universe WANTS to provide those things we want most. It is only our own limiting belief systems that stop fulfillment from occurring. Bob Doyle is the CEO and founder of Boundless Living and the developer of the Wealth Beyond Reason program, which provides a continuing education of the physics of wealth, abundance, and joyous living through the Law of Attraction: http://RadicalWealthFromHome.com
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And I'm sure that, like me, you've found that you can accomplish little when you're afraid -- and almost nothing if you let fear of what might happen seize you. Fear freezes the mind, erases possibilities and clouds opportunities; and it makes most matters we're fearful about seem disproportionately greater than our ability to deal with them. Will You Be Part of the Bigger Picture? With all the media attention you've probably become aware that there is something huge going on in the world, but are you part of this bigger picture? Four Proven Techniques On How To Capture Positive Habits Bad habits, we all have them. They keep us from accomplishing our dreams, make us say and do things that really aren't in our integrity. Maximizing Your Potential - How To Optimize Your Off-Peak Performance? We human beings naturally have two kinds of state that exist in us at any given time: peak state and off-peak state. Peak performance can be defined as "performing at your most optimal best at this time". An off-peak state would mean that we are not performing at the optimal level. Your Vibrational Meter Have you ever felt 'stuck' in life? I mean totally 'stuck'--immobilized, paralyzed or unable to make the right decision? How do I Know if Im Getting any of This Law of Attraction Stuff? This is a popular question people ask me. How do you know if I am mastering the art of Deliberate Attraction? Is there an advanced course I can take? My answer is always the same, "The application of this material into your daily life IS the advanced course!" To help you gauge where you're at in the mastery of Law of Attraction, I've compiled a list of seven sure-fire ways to tell if YOU are joining the thousands of people who really are mastering this stuff. Discover the Magical Power of Pulling Heartstrings ...Its Mindblowing! I wish you never have to go through that kind of pain! 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If there is laughter present you can be sure the relationship is a healthy one. When the laughter ceases the relationship is on the down slide. If you want to have more fulfilling relationships you might want to consider sharpening your sense of humor as a great place to start. Its All Up to You (Nobody is Coming to Save You!) As painful as this realization may be, it is absolutely true. Wherever we are in our lives and whatever we are doing, it is because we have put ourselves there. It is our choices and decisions (either conscious or not) that have brought together circumstances resulting in our current reality. If we want to change our reality, then we must begin to make different choices. Antagonists And Fear It is important to have your own values, beliefs and understanding of the world around you and not let fear take hold of you. Why These Berkeley Scientists Were Baffled! Breakthrough Scientific Research on the Amoeba And Why You Must Know This! My Assignment ... If You Didnt Create It, Then Its Not Yours! Life consists of lessons. Living is continual learning. Therefore, if you take on someone else's issues and responsibilities, or lessons, would that not be classified as cheating? Are you not cheating yourself out of your own life? Are you not cheating others out of their own lessons? How to Make Self-Improvement Work Every Time! There is an inherent problem with the approach most people take to self-improvement of any kind. There is a presupposition that there is something wrong that needs fixing. Perhaps it is true that there are areas in their lives that they wish to change. However, the mindset with which they approach transformation will very often NEGATE any positive results they might have. Why? Because all of their focus is on the PROBLEM they are trying to solve, rather than their vision for what their life will be like on without the alleged problem. ![]() |
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