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Appreciation Attracts Prosperity
Did you know that appreciation is one of the most powerful forces in the Universe for manifesting and attracting prosperity? According to teachers like L. Ron Hubbard (father of Dianetics), Abraham-Hicks and Drunvalo Melchizedek, appreciating yourself and your life can literally boost you to the highest vibrations. If you're a student of prosperity or manifestation, you probably know that the higher your vibration, the easier it is to attract positive things into your life. Because most of us are so busy and stressed by the pace of life, we find it difficult to get to and stay in a high vibration. Yet, this is where the attraction of prosperity most easily occurs. According to Abraham-Hicks, 17 seconds of pure positive energy (translation: appreciation), is actually worth 2,000 hours of physical work! That means, if you want prosperity in your life and you don't want to work so hard, then start appreciating as many things as you can. How do you appreciate? It's simple. Pick any topic in your life. Start by finding the best thought or feeling you can about it. Then, find the next better thought or feeling about that. Then, the next better one. Keep reaching for the next better thought or feeling, and pretty soon you will be in appreciation! For instance, let's say you're not too fond of your place of work and you feel so stressed there that you have a hard time being appreciative. A good thought you might have about your work is that it pays your bills so you have food, shelter and gainful employment. Next, you might reach for a thought about a co-worker who is your friend, who keeps you laughing. After that, a thought about a good laugh the two of you shared will probably pop into your head. After that, a thought about how much better your current job is than your last one will appear. Next, you might appreciate the amount of vacation time you get. And so on. The trick is to follow this process through, no matter how artificial it seems at first, until you actually feel a positive shift in your thoughts and feelings. You will feel lighter, brighter, happier, more uplifted and joyful. Many people have followed this process through until they are literally crying with appreciation. Think about how much prosperity that attracts!! Even though Thanksgiving only comes around once a year, a little appreciation and gratitude (or giving of thanks) on a daily basis will take you far in the journey toward prosperity. Good luck and, most of all, have fun with this! About The Author Stephanie Yeh and her partner have helped many other people achieve and experience prosperity with the help of a strong 15 year network marketing business. Her current project, the Journeyman Wealth Program, is aimed at helping 15 people a year fully achieve their dreams. Stephanie's Prosperity Abounds website works on the basic principle that "You are the creator of your own reality!". Get more details on her website at http://www.prosperity-abounds.com.
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Any man who can ask a woman to dance, then take charge of what happens on the floor and move relatively smoothly to music, has enormous appeal. Fat or skinny, short, tall, or not even close to attractive, even old, old, old, a man who is comfortable on the dance floor has his pick of the ladies. For whatever the reason, dancing intoxicates. Especially women. Few men can really dance, and those guys are on the floor constantly. Some men think they can dance and do get up, ask the ladies, and have fun. But at least half the men sit or stand uncomfortably on the sidelines with all the women who wish to be on the dance floor. We women don't get to dance nearly as much as we'd like to, even the ladies who are good dancers. There aren't enough dancing men to go around. You can almost feel the yearning, the sadness, and the disappointment in those women and between those non-dancing couples. And the non-dancing guys? Pathetic. I personally know three women close to my age who met their now - spouses on the dance floor, and those ladies were great catches! Gentlemen and ladies, there's a message here. Guys: 1. Take lessons and learn how to dance. Leading well takes skill, but if Drew could learn how, so can you. What is the Key to a Successful Life? An ideal is not the dream that can never be realised, that certain weak-willed individuals like to imagine, if only to provide themselves with an excuse for moaning about life. Nor is it a vague and flimsy speculation in which shallow people want to indulge. Gratitude: 11 Universal Laws for ThanksLiving The Law of Thanksgiving Be Your Own Best Friend What does being a "best friend" mean to you? I imagine that just about everyone is or has been a best friend to someone in their lives. I encourage you to take some time and examine what being someone's best friend really means. 10 Keys to Prosperity 1. Everyday, in everyway, bless the universe in as much ways as possible. Small ways. Ask the universe to help you figure out how you can bless the universe. The blessings will come back to you manifold, shower over you further opportunities to continue the grand celebration. Do it in true spirit as if you need nothing, treat yourself as if you are already a king who has everything. This will stabilize your consciousness in the attitude of abundance and having. This stabilization of consciousness is the only care you need to take. Rest will be arranged by law of nature. Adopt this attitude. Things will change fast. Build up the passion to bless this universe in as much ways as possible. Brainology... Lets Start Learning Something Everyday, Every Moment Every normal human being learn in his life's each and every minute. He is gaining experience every moment. If he starts transcribing his thoughts daily (once a day) in his life, he will gain a huge progress in the small time. 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My wife researched the essentials and we decided to build a home that met our needs and supported good Chi. The internal layout of the furniture was a slow process because we want to ensure that everything "was energy (Chi) efficient". We even went so far as to pick a plot of land that had a curvy street in front and located on a hill with a view of a "city of money". With all of the work we did in building the structure and embellishing the interior, the house feels fantastic and the energy feeds us and moves us forward! Did Your Personality Choose Your Career? We almost all think we are masters of our own fate. While it is true that we all make our own choices there are many things that influence what we choose. Ask yourself: Why do some people choose professions that help only themselves while others of us choose professions that help those in need? ![]() |
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