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Get Organized - Organization Information

Be More Productive - Books to Help You Be More and Do More!

How many of us have enough time to do everything that needs to be done? Answer: NOBODY! The key is doing that which needs to be done RIGHT NOW and setting the right priorities. Life has changed, and we have more flexibility to do what we want, when we want, provided we set the RIGHT PRIORITIES. These books will help you increase your productivity by at least a factor of 10... maybe more!

Organize (and Decorate) Your Home on a Budget with Baskets

What's an item that can help you organize every room in your home, helps create the appearance that you're a tidy housekeeper (even if you're not), and perks up your decorating scheme?

Letting Go of Clutter In Your Office

Some people would say I?m the last person in the world to be writing about clearing out clutter; I seem to accumulate so much of it. But I also get rid of it, when it reaches the point of bothering me.

What Balance Looks Like For You

Recently, in an online group, we talked about ?balance? and an article one member had read decrying the demise of balance altogether. We all had different ideas about what balance is and how to reach it, and I realized, after a number of posts, that we were all right.

25 Tips and Tricks for an Organized Move

Worried because you're moving soon? This really doesn't have to be a stressful, chaotic time. Here are some tips to help you achieve a successful, organized move.

Overcoming E-mail Overload Using Microsoft Outlook

Do you feel like you just get too much e-mail? If you're like me, some days you just don't know where to dig in. Fortunately, I've found a few tips that can help you dig out from under the pile and organize the important e-mails in your life. These tips are primarily for Microsoft Outlook users, though others may find them useful as well.

Change the Way You Think and Change Your Life

Dennis is working as a factory worker during the day and a security guard at night. He needs these two incomes in order to stay above water in his bills. He has Wednesday?s off on both jobs and that is the day he gets everything done. Yes, he?s tired all the time, but hey, how else is he expected to make a living.

Saying Goodbye to Stacks of Paper and Distractions

A daily journal will save you time, reduce stress and make you more productive.

50 Ideas to Organize Your Home

?Organize? is a familiar word heard on many of today?s popular decorating shows. Every family has its struggles with some type of clutter whether it is stacks of papers or a cluttered and cramped bathroom. In fact, the National Association of Professional Organizers reports that 80% of what we keep we never use, we wear 20% of the clothes we own while the other 80% hangs there just in case, and 25% of adults say they pay bills late because they lost them.

Simple Ideas to Conquer Paper Clutter

Are stacks of papers, mail, newspapers, and growing ?to do? lists cluttering your home? Has it been months since you?ve seen your countertops or have you completely forgotten what your countertops look like? Paper clutter includes bills, warranties, cards, mail, memos, sticky notes, lists, letters, advertising flyers, school papers, etc. If any or all of these items are cluttering your home and countertops, follow the simple ideas below to organize your papers and gain control over the clutter.

Spring Cleaning

Spring is such a refreshing time- we are filled with the hope and promise of the seasons ahead. The flowers blossom, our spirits lift. This is a great time to make a fresh start, to de-clutter your life, to get back to the simple pleasures.

Oh No, Not Another Interuption, How To Deal With Everyday Distractions

Every day I find junk mail waiting for me, whether it issnail mail or email. Unless I deal with it immediately, Iwill be faced with piles of unwanted paper, or a full inbox,which just distracts me. It can be very frustrating tryingto find something which is buried in a drawer or hiddenunder a pile of papers. Not only is this distracting but italso takes time and can lead to added stress. Every time youlook at a pile of untidy papers you may just notice yourselfsighing and notice, too, how your energy is diverted intofeeling guilty about one more task not yet done.

Create A Working Mail Center

I talk about the mail a lot in my newsletter, Organewz, and to my clients. I write about it again because I have seen so many people still without one place for their mail. The worst part is the anxiety that goes along with not knowing where a bill or water shut off notice is! It is just too nervewracking!

Be More Productive at Work: Avoid These Eight Traps

Obviously, productivity involves producing. Producing widgets, events, reports, sales. The more producing you do, the more money you have and the greater success your company has. Right? It's not that simple. It doesn't matter how many widgets you produce if no one buys them. It doesn't matter how many reports you produce if they're irrelevant. So, productivity must be tied to a worthwhile goal.

Making Life Easier, with NLP Chunking!

You know, in psychology there is a rule, especially within the NLP circles that I work in and the literature that I read, it is quite a famous rule; 7 plus or minus 2 ? this is the notion that the conscious mind can only keep track of between 5 and 9 discrete pieces of information at one time. Your unconscious can literally keep track of billions and billions of things at the same time aparently (clever thing that it is!), while your conscious mind is more one step at a time and it has a fairly narrow focus. WHatever the truth of this, it is a useful way to expereince your own thinking.

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