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Organization and the Opposite Sex
In many of the companies I have worked in, there is a very high proportion of male managers to females. This causes a major challenge in the work environment, (although many of them are unaware it is an important issue). The women know that with a more balanced hierarchy, and viewing things from a totally different perspective this would increase morale, save time and money. Women are naturally good at developing relationships, nurturing, caring and sharing whereas men tend not to be as sensitive and prefer to "get on with it". I've noticed many managers are out of touch with the fundamental issues in their departments, especially the 'people issues'. Often managers are promoted to their positions, not because they know how to manage people but because they are good at doing their job. A salesperson may be great at selling the products of his organisation and then gets promoted to Sales Manager. He knows the product and makes plenty of sales and suddenly he is faced with managing a team of salespeople...a totally different experience. And for some unknown reason it is automatically assumed he has the skills to handle this new position. Communicating With The Opposite Sex Managing and communicating with people is a skill that for most of us doesn't come naturally. It's even more challenging communicating with the opposite sex effectively. I was having a meeting with a manager and his personal assistant recently. The p.a. had a list of things to discuss in regard to improving their joint office systems. Instead of providing the male manager with a brief summary of each issue she wanted to raise, the p.a. delivered a sermon for each one. You could see the manager switch off after the first couple of sentences and become impatient. She, on the other hand didn't notice anything. In another company a female manager never received any recognition from her male boss that she was doing a great job. In fact she felt very downhearted and left the organisation because she felt she wasn't appreciated. Her ex-boss old me afterwards that she was the best manager in his organisation and he couldn't understand why she left. The Final Word So learn how to communicate with the opposite sex in your organisation and in your life. A great book to read is "Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps" by Alan and Barbara Pease www.pease.com.au . About The Author Lorraine Pirihi is Australia's Personal Productivity Specialist and Leading Life Coach. Her business The Office Organiser specialises in showing small business owners and managers, how to get organised at work so they can have a life! Lorraine is also a dynamic speaker and has produced many products including "How to Survive and Thrive at Work!" To subscribe to her free ezine visit www.office-organiser.com.au This article may be reproduced providing it is published in it's entirety, including the author's bio and all links. For further information please contact Lorraine Pirihi; lorraine@office-organiser.com.au
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Until We Go Paperless From time to time I hear this question from an audience member during one of my presentations. They express a dire hope that getting organized is a one-time event based on acquiring the right tools?and then secretly hope for a magic pill. The bigger picture depicts something of more concern. The price tag for not getting organized is significant in time, money and frustration for the individual and thus the organization. 10 Minute Tricks to Help You Get Organized Whoever thought you'd be able to get organized in just 10 minutes?! Here are a few simple ideas. Organize Your Desk ? Live Longer! It may seem far-fetched, but by organizing your desk, your bedroom, your kitchen, and all of the spaces where you spend time, you could be adding years to your life. In essence, stress can shorten your life. A hormone called cortisol is released into your body as a reaction to external stress. There are normal levels of cortisol that are needed for daily functioning, but when you add unnecessary stress to your life, these levels become dangerously high, leading to such diseases as Cushing's syndrome and causing you to age quicker than you should. Spring Cleaning Spring is such a refreshing time- we are filled with the hope and promise of the seasons ahead. The flowers blossom, our spirits lift. This is a great time to make a fresh start, to de-clutter your life, to get back to the simple pleasures. 9 Simple Strategies for Home Organization Home organization means being able to find your stuff when you need it, not after an hour or more of searching. But home organization doesn't necessarily mean you're neat or clean. It doesn't even mean you're not a pack rat. Home organization just means everything has a place and you know where that place is in your home. Oh No, Not Another Interuption, How To Deal With Everyday Distractions Every day I find junk mail waiting for me, whether it issnail mail or email. Unless I deal with it immediately, Iwill be faced with piles of unwanted paper, or a full inbox,which just distracts me. It can be very frustrating tryingto find something which is buried in a drawer or hiddenunder a pile of papers. Not only is this distracting but italso takes time and can lead to added stress. Every time youlook at a pile of untidy papers you may just notice yourselfsighing and notice, too, how your energy is diverted intofeeling guilty about one more task not yet done. The True Definition of an Organization The true definition of an organization is one that is organized. Organized in all areas of fundamental business best practices. A business that is not organized should instead be known as a chaoticization. Overwhelmed? Try the Red Zone Tactic Some people seem to be born organized. You probably remember them from school: the ones who always had well-organized pencil cases equipped with erasers, sharpeners, pens, scissors and glue-sticks (probably in duplicate). Their hair was always neatly done; their clothes ironed and bearing a full complement of buttons. 5 Easy Steps to Making Housework More Manageable Sometimes the task of keeping a clean, tidy house just seems overwhelming. Why is that? Because it never ends! You never get done! In order to make the task more manageable and give you the feeling that you have accomplished something. I've broken it done into 5 easy steps. 1-2-3 Sort Article excerpted from the new book, "How to Do Space Age Work with a Stone Age Brain" by Eve Abbott 50 Ideas to Organize Your Home "Organize" is a familiar word heard on many of today's popular decorating shows. Every family has its struggles with some type of clutter whether it is stacks of papers or a cluttered and cramped bathroom. In fact, the National Association of Professional Organizers reports that 80% of what we keep we never use, we wear 20% of the clothes we own while the other 80% hangs there just in case, and 25% of adults say they pay bills late because they lost them. Family Management Tip #2: Choosing the Right Organizer for Your Family What method do you currently use to organize your family? Do you mean my paper calendars or my electronic ones, you ask? If you're like the vast majority of people we surveyed, you're probably using a wall calendar on or near the fridge. And, for portability, you keep the same information on your pocket day planner, which you carry around. Tired of Endless Chores and To-Dos? Stop Running Around in Circles and Enjoy Life Again Do you feel like you are running around in circles, completing one task after the next only to find there are 20 chores you have not done yet? I am not even talking about the constants such as grocery shopping, returns, doctor appointments, clients, and carpool! Memorabilia -- Use It or Lose It! What do you do with those special items that have been passed down to you? Put them in the hall closet and hope the door will shut? Probably not a good choice for several reasons. First, you are unnecessarily creating clutter; second, if the item is very old and unstable, you will further the aging process; finally, and most importantly, what's the point of keeping these special items if the only time you enjoy them is when you move or get the bug to clean out a closet! Getting Things Done: A Guide To Next-Action Lists Getting Things Done (GTD), is a productivity methodology designed by David Allen. GTD increases your productivity by getting things out of your mind, and into a reliable system that you can trust. This frees your mind to work on the task at hand, instead of trying to remember a myriad of things at once. You will find yourself more relaxed, and more productive at the same time. Introducing the Power Hour Concept to Plough Through Mountainous Tasks Have you ever been totally overwhelmed by a massive task confronting you? Ever felt daunted by the thought of even making a start on such a massive quest? I thought so. Read on... Six ADD Tips for Organizing Everyday Things Life with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) can be a constant hassle. Little things like lost car keys, tools that stick or don't cut well, papers that go missing all add to the general level of tension. These tips will help you come to grips with the nitty-gritty of everyday things. Organizing Your Day One of the hardest things for most individuals working from home is to stay focused. One of the best ways to stay focused is organization. In addition, being organized will help your time management skills. The two are very much intertwined. Success at Work : Techniques : A Cluttered Desk I followed my boss to a co-worker's cubicle where my boss requested a certain document from the co-worker. The actual surface of the co-workers desk was not visible because it was covered with a cluttered pile of papers, catalogs, booklets, and other paraphernalia. I was prepared to see my co-worker embarass himself by not being able to locate the requested document in that messy pile. Too Many Unfinished Projects? 7 Time Management Strategies to Move Stalled Projects to Finish Line Q. I have several projects going at once -- but I never seem to finish them! I'm pulled in so many different directions -- and I end up with nothing to show for my efforts! ![]() |
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