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MLM versus Pyramid
Many people don't know the difference between MLM and pyramid, and I must admit sometimes the line between the two is very thin, but as a simple rule you can see the difference rather quickly by asking yourself the following question ? "What is more important ? The product or service or recruiting new affiliates or members ?" A company, any company can ONLY survive when they sell products or services !!! Then, and only then, they can pay you as an affiliate or member. When you get commission on recruiting other members WITHOUT selling any product or service you are involved in a pyramid and my advice to you, get out a.s.a.p. If you are attracted to the mlm, as I am, find yourself a good product or service which you really like, of course use the product yourself, test it, abuse it and if you are still convinced this product or service is the best you have ever seen and you believe every soul on this planet should know about it, than go for it. For me it is promoting the UK Lotto and Euro Millions through mlm, you can check www.info-lotto.com for more info. Good luck to you and find yourself a good product or service sold by a reputable mlm company. About The Author Gino Harteel has been involved with mlm since 1997 with ups and downs. On www.info-lotto.com you can find out what has been working very well for him.
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MLM Training- Developing a Winners Mindset for Network Marketing Success Failure. Multi level marketing online business What difference does it make to you if the sales person in a say group of a hundred you'd hire makes you the most money? Whether on top of the list or on the bottom, does it matter? It doesn't, the money is the same isn't it. So, that's what multi marketing is but you can do it all online. The Power of the A-Z Presentation When someone asked me, 'John, what is the #1 reason why people fail in their own Network Marketing business?', I said with 110% confidence, "It is because they customize their presentations to each person assuming what their prospect will find exciting." This mindset will definitely set you up for failure! How To Choose The Best MLM Leads What are the characteristics of the Best Mlm Leads? This is a good question to ask before you spend any money buying leads to build your MLM business. Before we get to that let's take a look at why you would want to buy MLM leads in the first place. MLM Newsletters- The Top 17 Network Marketing Training Ezines in MLM A good MLM training newsletter is worth a million dollars to a distributor in Network Marketing. Many Network Marketing newsletters/ezines can be found out there, and there are some really good ones. But there are also some MLM newsletters that are not so good. Starting A MLM Home Business Affiliate Program A MLM home business affiliate program is how individuals gain commissions by referring customers or other affiliates to a business. They often receive percentages of the sales generated by sending customers to websites that make the final sale. The MLM part comes in when other affiliates are added and you receive a commission on the sales they draw to a site. MLM Training: The Network Marketing Success Secret of Knowing Your REAL Inventory in MLM Let me ask you a very simple question: Why You Should Start Your Own Online Business ? The Power Of The First Step 10 to 20 years from now, most of us will regret for what we have not done rather than what we have done. Think for a moment, where will you be in 10 or 15 years? Who will you have become? How will you live? MLM versus Pyramid Many people don't know the difference between MLM and pyramid, and I must admit sometimes the line between the two is very thin, but as a simple rule you can see the difference rather quickly by asking yourself the following question ? Still Seeking Network Marketing Success? Network marketing success does come to many people and to many others, it doesn't. Ultimately it depends on you ? how well you focus on your target market, how well you choose your program, and how hard you are willing to work. The following are a set of guidelines that you can consult if you wish to be a network marketing success. Understanding MLM Compensation Plans Introduction MLM Network Marketing Success Training - The BLAZING Top 52 MLM Recruiting Tips- Part 2 Here are the next 26 tips of the BLAZING Top 52 MLM Recruiting Tips: MLM Recruiting - The 5 Biggest Reasons People Struggle in Recruiting There are many people out in the MLM industry that are having some real struggles in their recruiting efforts, and it seems to be something that is industry wide. Network Marketing? What Is That? Nowadays, network marketing is very popular in our society. Almost every body knows about that. But, part of them are skeptical about network working. They thought that it was impossible to become a rich man, just only take some people to their network marketing system. Actually, this people don't know about what is network marketing and how much powerful the system. Network Marketing Companies Network marketing companies are mushrooming up everywhere these days. It's really hard to distinguish between good, reliable network marketing companies and those that are just scams. And of course there are a lot of network marketing companies in between ? those that do have good intentions, but do not have a good track record, for whatever reasons. Purposeful Web Site Planning - Dont Get Started Without Goals It seems like everyone has a web site these days. And those who don't have one are probably thinking about one. If you're in the thinking stage, congratulations! Having a web site is a fantastic way to grow your business by making you more visible to the world. But before you jump on the web site bandwagon, ask yourself this question: "WHY do I want a web site?" The answer is NOT, "Because everyone else has one." Network Marketing for Easy Money! Ok, I know what you're thinking, another marketing guru selling a way to make quick money. Well, sorry, that's not the kind of easy money I'm referring to. MLM Cyanide Pills: Top 5 Sure-fire Ways to Kill Your Network Marketing Business If I walk down the street today, telling people about my network marketing opportunity, and someone asks me "Isn't that a pyramid scheme?", then that guy is bound to get a hard knock on the head. Network marketing, since many years ago, have come out of the closet and it's somewhat 'shady' and 'unorganized' practices. Finding The Right Business For You: Getting Paid There are many different reasons why people choose to get involved in network marketing. Although it may not be the primary reason for many people, getting paid will be rank high on most people's list. MLM Network Marketing Put simply, MLM Network Marketing is just a way for businesses to distribute their products. If you have been looking for ways to earn a good residual income from home, then mlm network marketing may be the right choice for you. Right now, when you are reading this, there are vast opportunities building up in mlm network marketing programs. So this is just the right time for you to pitch in and start building your business. ![]() |
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