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MLM Training- Developing a Winners Mindset for Network Marketing Success
Failure. The word almost makes me want to throw up. Because most people in MLM never realize that they have everything they need to succeed in Network Marketing. They just have been convinced by others that it is not there, or Success is some thing that is for others, but not them. People do not fail in Network Marketing. They quit. They embrace the lie that they really tried the business, but they will not succeed in Network marketing. They think they failed. If Success has not happened BY NOW, then it just is not going to happen. Failure in MLM is the natural fruit of the mind as far as quitting goes. Quitting is the fruit of a Losing mindset. Most new mlm distributors lack the proper mindset to get through the tough times in MLM or any entrepreneurial enterprise, and they bring it into this business expecting to fail. Most folks develop what I call a "Lottery" mindset and think that MLM is the lottery and they wait and see what numbers are drawn. Dumb. It is called The Winners' Mind. INFERNO Secret: The Winner's Mindset is a mindset of knowing that no matter what happens in your life and career, you will keep getting up off the ground and continue to move forward till the finish line is in front of you, and you cross it. A new distributor in MLM often plays what I call the "Try" game. They are going to "Try" MLM and see what happens. That is a Losing mindset. They make their mind up that they will give this business a certain time frame, and if it doesn't produce what they want it to, then "it doesn't work". They work their home business on THEIR terms, THEIR Time Frame, not the terms nor Time Frame that MLM requires. And they expect massive success. WRONG. Network Marketing requires you to have a "No matter what" mindset, and No Matter What, you will continue to work and do what is required till success shows up. You see, success in MLM requires many things: Skillset. Mindset. Determination. Discipline. Attitude. Communication. Focus. Belief. Action. But... The Winner's Mindset requires: DETERMINED PATIENCE. You MUST create a Patience about this because there is a learning curve to all new skills and careers, and this learning curve is innate to Network Marketing. So that is why you need to look at what your Mindset is going to be, as it will be tested during your early months of your business. If you study Millionaires in MLM as I have, and including my former upline's Success and the Success I was blessed with, you will find that their mindset was like a run away freight train running down a mountain. They simply would not be denied, nor stopped, nor slowed down. They were focused on "All out Massive Action" and wanted to win like never before. Failure was not even an option. INFERNO Secret: Millionaires in MLM did not take their business for granted. They saw it as their "way out" and went for it. As a new distributor, or veteran, you must keep your mindset focused on what you need to do to create your home business success. And your mind will sometimes think thoughts that are doubtful, and negative. That is part of being human. We all go through that, and the Winners in life learn that they can control their thoughts and create the life they want from the inside Out. The Learning Reality must set in. When you start getting discouraged, and frustrated, as all entrepreneurs do, that's ok. It is part of the process of the Learning Curve, and we all went through it. And that is the time your mindset will need to be "I will not be denied" because that is what it will take to get through it. -Call your upline and talk to them and see what they do when they get down. -Read a motivational book or listen to an inspiring tape, and see yourself succeeding in MLM. -Go out to lunch with a successful upline if possible and talk to them and tap into their belief system. INFERNO Secret: You can do whatever you make your mind up to do in Network Marketing -- as long as it is powered by the heart. A determined mindset is a fruit of a determined heart. Is your heart really into your business? Do you have what we call the right "Heart Condition?" If your mindset is a result of the right "Heartset", then your success will be well on it's way. A Winner always has the mindset of one thing: CROSSING THE FINISH LINE! And it takes heart to do that. Never give up and never give in to your doubts as you WILL succeed. But most have more faith in their fear than their future. If you make up your mind and heart that you will Succeed, then it is guaranteed in MLM and Network Marketing. Blessings... doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl © 2005 PFI / all rights reserved http://www.passionfire.com http://www.passionfire.com/pf_heat_7.html Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network MarketingTrainers in the world. Over a million people a monthread his training ezine. He spent the last 7 yearstraveling the world speaking and training on Success.He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive aFREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLMSuccess HEAT- at:http://www.passionfire.com/pf_heat_4.htmlhttp://www.passionfire.com
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The best way to generate repeat and follow-up business is to be friendly and offer good customer service the first time. It doesn't take a lot of expense to make a business prosper, but poor customer service can kill a business without spending any money at all. Often the best marketing is the marketing that is spread by word-of-mouth. Getting customers to talk about you and your services to others just takes a little extra effort on your part. Here are some MLM tools to help your develop a loyal clientele. Child-like Confidence will Build Your Network Marketing Business You learned most of what you know in your first few years of life. We can gain insight into improving our current situation by observing the behavior of young children. They believe in themselves, nothing is impossible. Their dreams and their reality mesh easily. Work At Home Mlm Network Tool The workathome mlm network tool can be used to generate cash while working at home. MLM stands for multi-level marketing. A company uses MLM to have participants at home sell products at a discount. In exchange, the participants earn commissions and bonuses. The participants may have to pay a fee to join an MLM network. Network Marketing Success- The Top 3 Secrets of Network Marketing Success What stops most people in MLM and Network Marketing? After studying this industry for over 20 years, and talking to thousands of folks, you learn a thing or two. 2 Steps to Spur Your Downline Into Action! It is often the case when you join a Network Marketing program, you start signing up people into your downline and they don't do anything. They join and then they don't take any further action, expecting to make money by doing nothing. Network Marketing Evaluation - The Truth Factor Network Marketing ? The Evaluation for Success. How To Get a Big Downline Without Being a SuperPromoter Do you routinely sign up thousands of direct referrals? Me either. I do get a lot of signups for some of my programs without doing ANY promoting. Want to know my secret? I submit new programs to a downline club. Network Marketing Problem ? Are Your Downlines Leaving You? First of all, let's take a look at your effort to maintain a good communication with your downlines. How often did you contact them? How well did you know them personally? Did you ever ask them about their dreams? Did you share with them? Soldiers of Prosperity Unified Mastermind Financially Free with Network Marketing? Are you also curious, but skeptical, about becoming financially free with network marketing? Do you think financial freedom is only a dream? Why would network marketing be the answer? How should you use it to achieve financial freedom? Let's begin? The Lurking Affiliate and MLM Junkies Ever since the introduction of money making programs became available. Mis-guiding experts decided to become more of a nuisance than provide realistic help to the newcomers on the net. ![]() |
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