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MLM Recruiting - The 5 Biggest Reasons People Struggle in Recruiting
There are many people out in the MLM industry that are having some real struggles in their recruiting efforts, and it seems to be something that is industry wide. Many people are saying it is the times. The economy. It was September 11. It is harder than it used to be. People have changed. Many reasons I have heard... over and over. But in reality, people are people, and always will be, and few things ever change. There seems to be something I have noticed though that is happening that can KILL your recruiting in MLM. It seems to be happening more to the folks that have been in MLM for a while, than the new folks, and it is hurting a lot of paychecks. There seems to be a poisonous lack of belief in what folks are doing. And this had me puzzled, as it seems stronger than usual. And today I felt lead to write about this, and why I believe it is happening. There are 5 basic reasons why folks are struggling today when recruiting in Network Marketing, and it does not matter who it is, male or female, or how successful you have been or have not been. But is also involves not only BELIEF... but also the word EASY. Recruiting is easy, if you believe it is, and you believe in what you are doing. But if you don't, then the fruit of that is struggle. And there are many people who use this as an excuse to ever get the results that they want. It is very convenient to but into what others are saying. Here are the 5 reasons that folks are struggling today: 1) Its easier to Believe that it WON'T happen... than it WILL. That is so true. Many folks fall into the trap of believing what WON'T happen - vs. what WILL. And many are sabotaged by the easier route and effort of believing that it won't. I call it The Path of Easiest Belief - the path most take in this industry. And through Life. It is easier to hang onto the excuses that we have and believe that recruiting won't work, than taking the time to GROW ourselves into the level of belief that ATTRACTS Success, vs REPELS it. And when you have that kind of belief, your prospect can feel it radiating from you and your voice... and presence. Are you taking the EASY Route? 2) It's Easier to Believe what is considered Normal than Abnormal. Success is abnormal. Most people in life don't Succeed, they Succumb. To the Lies from other people. About how you can never build a business in MLM. Only the Lucky Few ever get to the top. And if you do succeed... it's abnormal. You are going against the grain. I prefer to call it "Growing against the Grain." You must grow beyond those Normal people that are holding you back. Recruiting is a process based on Communication, and your Belief and Conviction of that Communication, and what is considered Normal in life. Is easier to believe in Normal, than what is considered Abnormal. Are you just Normal - or flat out Abnormal and refuse to believe and succumb to the lies of failure and mediocrity? 3) It's easier to believe what you have been told a lot, than told a little. You will never do it. It's too hard. Recruiting is bugging your friends. You don't have what it takes. Recruiting and MLM is waste of time. When are you going to get a REAL job? That is what we all hear. (smile) But what we need to hear is: You can do it. You have what it takes. Listen to those who have succeeded... not those who have succumbed. Are you? 4) It's easier to believe in others- than you. We when are recruiting, we believe that others are smarter than we are, more educated than we are, more savvy than we are, and they know more about ourselves than we do. And it impacts our recruiting tremendously. We have many people who influence us, and we care about. But here is the million dollar question. Can they take you to where you want to go in MLM? Or... Can they STOP you from going where you want to go in MLM? Both answers are called a CLUE! 5) It's easier to LEAVE... than BELIEVE. Most folks don't stay: At what they do in life, and Network Marketing. Why? In recruiting, we take this Leaving belief and habit with us, as we see most folks leave their success path in most of what they have attempted in life. It's easier to create an EXCUSE, than to keep going and create a new BELIEF. And we fall prey to that in MLM. Are you recruiting prospects with an EXIT sign in your eyes? Deep down... are you expecting you will eventually leave this industry , because it is easier to Leave than believe? Do you honestly doubt it will work? Understand - people FEEL first... then HEAR. What are your prospects feeling from you? A solid Hard Core Belief in what you are doing? Or a solid Path of Easiest Belief that they are turned off by? Believe that recruiting is EASY- and Recruiting will be. Believe that is it HARD- and it WILL be.Believing in recruiting may be a little hard for you now, but it is a whole lot easier than struggling through life - the rest of your life... just to be what is considered "Normal." Is that what you REALLY want for you and your family? Your Call... Blessings, Doug Firebaugh Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing trainers/speakers/authors in the world. Over a million people a month read his training ezine. He spent 13 years fulltime in MLM, and the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription to the MLM Success HEAT Training Letter at:http://www.passionfire.com/pf_heat_4.html Contact: doug@powerfire.com
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MLM Training- The Secret of the Daily Success Actions of the MLM Millionaire Millionaire. Let Them See It To Sell It You know that problem of having a fantastic offer that you tell people about, but they don't get it, or don't believe it, and therefore don't buy it? Well know there maybe is a way of improving your chances. The Value Of Networking With Other Moms There are many moms that have made the decision to stay home with their families and start a home-based business. Making the choice to work from home is not an easy one, and many moms find that even though they have left the corporate world, they still have a creative urge that needs to be expressed. Working from home not only gives you extra income, but also will allow you to use your skills, creativity, and business knowledge to build your own small empire. The first decision you must make is which field you want to enter. Your own areas of expertise will assist you in making that decision, but there are numerous fields from which to choose in starting a home-based business. Three Key Facets Of Successful Network Marketing Network marketing has many aspects, but promotion, persistence, and patience are three key elements which are critical to achieving successful results. Relationships Are The Key To A Network Marketing Business While it is true that heavily branded websites like amazon.com are household names and carry an implied trust with visitors, the vast majority of websites are not well known and are found and visited as a result of searches performed with search engines. In these instances, the visitor is probably arriving at the website for the first time and human nature often dictates fear or suspicion of the unknown. Network Marketing Business Tips: Put the Law of Average in Your Favor Network marketing is a number game. The higher thenumber of people you speak to, the better you become,and the bigger your organisation becomes. When youspeak to many people, you will get different sorts of rejectionsand objections. As long you keep learning from thisobjections, you will be able to turn any negativeobjections in your favour. The law of average will then start to apply. 4 Unfortunate Myths About Online MLM Experts and newbies are alike in misunderstanding the way online MLM works, and under-estimating the steps involved. What is Network Marketing? It seems like an easy question, but when you stop to think about it could you really give an accurate description of what network marketing is? If you were asked this question right now how would you answer it? Would you say, "It's a business where you recruit people and then they recruit more people", or could you really give someone a concise answer? MLM Success ? Action is the Key Action is the Key! MLM Network Marketing Put simply, MLM Network Marketing is just a way for businesses to distribute their products. If you have been looking for ways to earn a good residual income from home, then mlm network marketing may be the right choice for you. Right now, when you are reading this, there are vast opportunities building up in mlm network marketing programs. So this is just the right time for you to pitch in and start building your business. Tips For Finding A Work At Home MLM Business Opportunity If you wish to start a work at home MLM business opportunity, you might consider starting out on a part time basis. The jump into self-employment can be tricky, especially if you have been working at the same job for a number of years. Make sure your new venture can provide adequate income to meet your household needs. Also, by keeping your current ties in the business world, you can attract them as customers to your new endeavor. Multi level marketing online business What difference does it make to you if the sales person in a say group of a hundred you'd hire makes you the most money? Whether on top of the list or on the bottom, does it matter? It doesn't, the money is the same isn't it. So, that's what multi marketing is but you can do it all online. Online Business Myths You Must Avoid Can YOU imagine what the average person, like you and me, face when searching for a real online business opportunity? Common Work At Home Success Characteristics Do people that are successful in home based businesses sharesome common characteristics and, if so, what are the primary ones? The Benefits of MLM Leads Lists An MLM leads list is simply the list of prospective customers and recruits that an independent distributor, also known as the business owner, has acquired. In a multi-level marketing (MLM) venture, the goal is to sell the products or services of the parent company and identify potential distributors to add to the business owner's network. If it is comprised of viable prospects, the MLM leads list is the most valuable marketing tool that a business owner will own. The Concept of MLM Mega-Mind In the old days we would play in the woods and be home for dinner by 5:30. Secrets Of Network Marketing Success Network marketing and the internet were made for each other. What Is Network Marketing? To begin with, the concept behind network marketing is simple. Sharing - through product or business philosophy - is the basis of network marketing. Building Your Network Marketing Business Network marketing is experiencing tremendous growth in the business arena today. Many more companies are benefiting from the networking systems used to get product to the consumer. In fact, individuals are reaping the rewards in this business drawing greater attention to the amazing income potential and lifestyle rewards in running a network marketing business. Multi Level Marketing (mlm)... Is It Taboo? So you are interested in working from home and of course what better way than to start an online business on the Internet. You have heard and read about all the dot com millionaires and you see no reason if some 17 year old can do it then certainly why cant you. ![]() |
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