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Marketing Apathy Solutions: 10 Solutions for Overcoming Apathy Beginning Today
Are you suffering from feelings of indifference or a lack of concern when it comes to marketing your business? Do you lack the passion that's necessary to attract customers to your business? Marketing apathy, characterized by feelings of passiveness, disregard, and a lack of interest is widespread among today's businesses. This attitude is like putting a roadblock between you and your success. Fortunately, there are a number of solutions for overcoming apathy that you can start implementing today. Try one or more of these. 1. Do something. The best way to take a blah attitude and turn it around is to do something. You may have heard the phrase, "an idle mind is the devil's workshop". The same goes for your business. Apathy often disguises itself as procrastination ? lack of action. In the case of your business, an idle business can mean financial disaster. When you find yourself not wanting to do anything, do something. Pick up a book and read for a while, call a client or two and ask them how things are going, or contact your coach to get yourself moving. If you have to, get up and do jumping jacks or take a walk around the block. When you engage your physical body, it's usually easier to engage the rest of you. Once you get the energy moving on your end, you'll be able to take it and channel it into a number of avenues that can lead to business success. 2. Gather your support team. A support team is critical to our personal and professional well-being. A support team can consist of our friends, business colleagues, family members, a loving partner or spouse, or even groups that we belong to ? like business or civic groups. When we experience rough days in our business we can call on these folks for uplifting conversation, brainstorming, or just to share a friendly "hello". Our support team can mean all the difference in the attitude we have in our business. Not only will you benefit from the interchange, you'll give your support members the opportunity to share their gifts with you. Everyone wins. 3. Obtain more education. Often indifference about our business can find its roots in a lack of knowledge. You've probably heard the phrase "Knowledge is power". Seeking out new knowledge, whether by reading a book, taking a teleclass, or enrolling in a workshop can be a wonderful solution to curing feelings of apathy. Seeking more education can introduce us to new people and ideas, which will often be just what is needed to get our creative juices flowing. 4. Craft a clear vision. Having a clear vision of your business purpose and mission can be critical to your business success. A vision, designed exclusively by you, provides a roadmap to help you move from where you are today to where you want to be tomorrow. When you don't have a clear vision about why you are in business and what purpose you are serving, it's easy to go in the wrong direction. Craft a written vision of your business. It will help you stay focused and on track. 5. Read a variety of periodicals. Probably one of the best solutions to marketing apathy is to read ? and one suggestion is to read a variety of periodicals. Take a trip to your local bookstore. Visit the areas you most enjoy. Peruse cookbooks, business books, or spiritual books ? anything that catches your interest. Don't forget to visit the magazine racks, which include hundreds of publications on almost every topic imaginable. You don't necessarily need to be reading books and magazines about marketing to get ideas about new things to do with your business. Look at what other companies are doing to communicate about their products and services. You might find a creative way to adapt something to your own business. One of my favorite things to do is pick up a magazine on a topic I know nothing about and turn to the back where the smaller classified ads are listed. It's amazing how many ideas I've been able to adapt from an industry totally unrelated to mine. 6. Hang out with new people. Look at your Rolodex or database. Do you socialize with the same kinds of people all the time? How about joining a new group - maybe one that isn't related to your business - and start meeting some new people? You may be surprised when something said would open your eyes to a new idea you can implement in your business. Better yet, you'll be expanding your network and increasing your opportunities to introduce others to you and your business. 7. Take failures and turn them into successes. Everyone has experienced a failure in their marketing or in their business. But, how you choose to look at it can mean all the difference in your attitude and determines whether you are going to remain stuck or move forward. Think of a few failures you've had in the past year. How can you reframe those into positive experiences? What did you learn from those experiences that helped you to avoid further issues? Did those experiences create opportunities for you? In many cases, you'll probably be able to see the "good" in the "bad". Whenever you start feeling down about your business marketing, stop your thoughts in their tracks and ask, "Where is the good in all of this?" 8. Focus on the few. Sometimes we find feelings of listlessness and lethargy creeping into our marketing efforts, usually because we're overwhelmed with all we have to do. We don't know where to start, we feel pressured to perform and to get something out there to attract clients, but we don't know which direction to take or which marketing technique to select. The solution to overwhelm, and the accompanying feelings of apathy, is to get focused. Select one or two marketing techniques that you feel comfortable and competent with implementing. Test them and see if you get the results you want. If you don't, then you'll have great feedback to try a new way. Don't try to do everything, otherwise you'll find yourself in a state of overwhelm, and doing nothing. 9. Create alliances with others. Isolation can create environments where we lack motivation and enthusiasm. And, when we're trying to market our businesses, we definitely need these two ingredients! When we work with others, we can move ahead a lot more quickly and, usually, with more ease. Who can you create a partnership or alliance with? Perhaps there is a person in a competing or complimentary discipline with whom you can partner with to create a workshop, e-book, or even a teleclass. Their enthusiasm will motivate you; and your enthusiasm will motivate them. Share your talents and ideas. You never know what kind of success you can create together. 10. Recognize the value in you. Apathy can often find its roots in the attitudes we carry around about ourselves. And, the sad truth is that these often are completely false. As an aspiring entrepreneur, learn to recognize the value in you. Who you are and what you have to offer holds great value. Your gifts, talents, and your unique way of looking at the world are just what your clients are looking for! © Copyright 2004 Alicia Smith Consulting & Training. All Rights Reserved. Alicia Smith is a Coach and Trainer whose specialty is helping coaches to Make Money Now. This article is derived from just one of the 90 lessons contained in her e-course, 90-Day Marketing Marathon. To learn more about that course and her other products and services, please visit the following sites. (You also can email her at alicia@aliciasmith.com) http://www.90DayMarketingMarathon.com http://www.InternetAssessments.com
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Sales and Marketing: Can One Exist Without the Other? Simply put the marketing people and the sales people depend on each other 100%. One cannot say that a marketing department is any more or less important then the guys who are closing the deals in the sales department. Indeed, one would not survive a day without the other which is why in many smaller companies the account manager are responsible for both functions. Niches - The Path to More Profits Hey, as business owners we CAN'T be all things for all customers.I mean it would be fantastic if we could, however, you just can'tmeet the needs and wants of everyone, you would run yourselfragged trying :o( Online Advertising Versus Traditional Media Advertising Before I compare today's online advertising with traditional media advertising I will make an analogy. Mortgage Marketing - What Your Client Wants Your business depends on the successof your marketing efforts. If your marketing works, you'll get rich. If it doesn't you'll go broke. It's simple. Does Your Marketing Plan Need Changing? Change is good, right? Not always. But when is it bad? Is it a question of good or bad? Sounds philosophical. Maybe it is. Do You Really Know Your Prospect? I'd like to introduce you to someone. I don't actually know his name, but I'm hoping you do. I'm hoping you know quite a bit about him. Communication Breakdown - Dont Let It Happen To You Do you have Communication breakdown? For Ongoing Success, Make Marketing a Habit Make Marketing a Must, Not a Maybe Tips For Developing An Effective Questionnaire Developing the questionnaire is undoubtedly the most important part of conducting a survey. The quality of the questions will determine the quality of the results and the effectiveness of your survey. Here are 12 tips for developing an effective questionnaire. Ready, Aim, Fire...Oops...Wheres The Target? Everywhere you go on the Internet you find the words, "target market." What do they mean? What does it have to do with you? Well it has everything to do with your success in sales. Universal Principals That Guide Business Growth Universal principals are those "self-evident" truths that have guided brilliant minds and withstood the test of time. Radio Ads That Get Results Radio advertising can be a small business's best friend. It's relatively inexpensive, very effective, and allows you to target your audience pretty specifically. It's also a level playing field -- your commercials can sound just as good as those of a corporate giant. Money-Makers Secrets to Renting Profitable Mailing Lists Common sense should tell you that without a good mailing lists,the time and money you spend for market research, advertisinglayout and knowledge relating to the "rules of direct mail," willjust be wasted effort. In other words, unless you get you offerto the buyers, you might as well save your time and money. You Cannot - Not Market Everything you do - or don't do sends a message and marketing is about sending messages. You can market well or you can market poorly, but you cannot - not market! Loyalty Cards ? Tips To Consider Before Committing To One Loyalty marketing has been around for as long as retailing ? attractive stores, good service, and a quality product line all contribute to building up a loyal customer base. Ten Reasons Why Most Yellow Page Ads Fail -And Yours Does Not Have to Grant Directory users are ready to buy Yellow Pages have a major advantage over all other forms of advertising. It's used precisely when people have decided to buy. They open the directory to check out options and sources. The directory doesn't create their desire, but assists in finding the products and services they want. A typical telephone directory has 18,000 display ads - a recipe for sensory overload. Even within any category, readers encounter page after page of look-alikes, all jammed together. So it's easy for advertisers to get overlooked. Catching the reader's attention is tough - unless your ad differs from the others in ways that matter to readers. Find out how to get more mileage from your ad at http://www.yellowpagesage.com a smarter way to attract Yellow Page customers. The ideal Yellow Page ad provides the answers readers want to find A great ad provides the connection between what buyers expect to learn before buying AND what your particular business offers. The more precisely a business understands its customers' frame of mind, the better it anticipates and answers their questions. It can provide specifics, instead of the general phrases appearing in every competitors' ads. Avoid these common reasons why directory ads fail, so you get more mileage from your ad dollars. And a higher percentage of callers and sales.Fails to provide the information directory users want Information trumps images and expensive extras, like color. Readers are looking for specific answers. Use your ad space delivering them. Words provide persuasion's heavy lifting. If your message applies equally to the other ads around yours, you haven't sharpened it enough. Keep honing the copy until it embodies why people prefer YOU. Fades into background - doesn't get noticed While larger ads can be overlooked, smaller ads have to work harder for the same shot at being noticed. Overlooked ads cost just as much as chosen ones. The solution isn't about changing the size, but focusing the words to match what readers want to know. It comes down to saying something unique and relevant to them.Treats the business name or logo like a benefit It isn't. That's probably the least relevant information, as far as directory users are concerned. Yellow Pages aren't the way to build name recognition. But if you've already developed name recognition in other ways, you have a major chance of getting called.Inconvenient business location Half of all users scan for location before actually reading the ads' information. They only pay attention to businesses that are convenient (within driving distance) and easy to find. (That distance varies depending on the product or service.) So make sure your location is prominent and findable (maybe a map). Or compensate for an undesirable location with house calls or free delivery.Expects more than an ad could possibly deliver This problem isn't about the ad, but the advertiser's frame of mind. There's too much hype and biased statistics about what the directory can deliver. New businesses, especially, have unrealistic expectations. The longer a business is in operation, the less impact their listing has upon drawing new business.Treats the Yellow Pages like a stand-alone marketing method It works best for getting new customers, to capture the "undecideds." But relying on mostly new business is an inefficient way to operate. An enterprise also needs repeat customers and referrals to balance out the high financial and effort costs necessary to keep attracting new ones. Therefore, a business needs a variety of strategies to keep, as well as find, buyers.Trusts ad size and placement to do the work Industry statistics show that larger ads and those toward the front of the category get more calls. But that over simplifies what makes people choose a particular ad. If an ad doesn't fit the reader's preferences or match what they're looking for, it will be passed by (whatever its size).Looks like the rest Too bad if your ad doesn't capture the eye in the two seconds it passed by - then landed somewhere else. That's all the attention most ads get. Look-alike ads were probably done for free by directory employees. They follow standardized guidelines and templates without much variation. And they don't have a clue about what's special about your operation. That's not the best way to go.Fails to track the calls so you know why people call No getting around it, if you don't keep track of customers you can't tell how they find you. Or what's working (or not). Logging the source of new business shows how much credit to give to the Yellow Pages (or other marketing efforts). Callers can't get information they want That ad did its job fine. But the customer still got away because the call wasn't answered or desired information wasn't forthcoming. Fielding calls effectively is crucial because unsatisfied callers just call the next ad. Develop a strategy that covers all your bases An attention-grabbing Yellow Page ad doesn't just happen. The business needs to back it up with additional promotion to get more than their share of calls. But when the directory works together with other marketing effort, they all do better.©2004, Lynella Grant How to Profit from Your Expertise (Part 1 of 2) Are you looking for a natural way to market your professional services? What if you could exponentially multiply the number of motivated, pre-qualified prospects you reach in a fraction of the time that networking and referrals require? Finding Your Niche: What Do You Want To Be Known For? In my experience, there are two kinds of small business owners: one that knows whom their market niche is and utilize it, and another who tends to waiver or not want to "set in stone" their target market. With the latter group, I always probe for more information: Why don't you want to choose a specific target for your product/service? Time and time again, the response is the same "I don't want to limit my profits by only catering to a few." Want To Impress Customers, Win Clients and Influence People? Remember the baseball cards kids traded while chewing their way through kilos of noxious bubblegum, all for about a nickle a pack? No? Then ask your Dad. Are you familiar with the latest digital CD Cardz that look like traditional sports trading cards and play interactive video, triva, bios, stats, music, as well as desktop goodies? No? Then ask your kid. Seriously, my point is that times are changing and you no longer have to feel that you are either a stereotypical blue collar worker or a red necked Luddite. The truth is, you too can jump on the multimedia gravy train ? (just ask for 1st class compartment Serious) and utilize these cool mediums within your corporate environment. Over a career year, you probably hand out small forests of business cards with merely your contact information printed on them right? So what if you were to hand out a business card-sized CD-Rom instead, that not only had your contact information on it, but held your company website or a pertinent presentation, video, music, a free corporate screen saver etc, all hyperlinking to your on line site too? So we are talking a talking business card and there are two routes to take. If you want professional help in creating the all singing and dancing marketing tool, come to us at http://www.serious.com, where we will hold your hand and do the work for you. However in truth this is only viable for larger orders of cardz and you might well be a small business or a freelancer with no need for huge quantities, but yet still want to make a lasting impression. If this is the case, then you can buy our transparent blank 50 MB CD-R cardz from us and create your own! These come in starter packs of 10, with a label applicator, label and presentation software, including web site templates and there are also refill packs available. Most Wanted Response... How To Make It Work "When I walked into the grocery store last Saturday, I was just 'browsing.' But... their MWR was obvious. Because,... I could smell the 'hot fresh baked bread' in the bakery department. They must have arranged to circulate that aroma all over the store. Yep... I knew at that moment, their MWR. ![]() |
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