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How Four Words Can Enhance Your Life Of Prayer (Pray More In My Hectic Day? You Cant Be Serious)
"I would like to pray more. But ... how to find the time?" Does that sentiment ring true with you? If you answered "Yes", then keep reading. I have one of those simple, easy-to-implement ideas that will help you... 1. Increase your God-consciousness throughout the day 2. Assist you in praying for more people, more often 3. Discover "additional" time in your day to pray HOWEVER, REMEMBER THIS The simple idea I will explain to you momentarily does not qualify as... *The next "cure all" for the discipline of prayer. *A spooky, way-off-the-reality-map guarantee to solve the "I want to pray more but can't find the time" dilemma of my life. *A substitute for regular, extended periods of prayer. Having stated my disclaimers, let me ask you: How many thoughts traverse across the landscape of your mind during any given day? One thousand? Ten thousand? Thirty thousand? Honestly, I don't know. But I do know this: it's a bunch! I think about the 3:00 o'clock meeting with a friend, what I will say to the neighbor whose dog frequents my lawn much more than I appreciate, how to respond to my child's latest "Why?," and the implications of what I just heard on the evening news. NOW SLOW DOWN FOR 59 SECONDS Stop, and think about this: In the time it takes me to reflect about my meeting, decide what I'm going to say to the neighbor, choose how I will respond to my child and consider the meaning of the evening news -- *I could turn some of those thoughts into prayers.* Imagine the following: While traveling to meet a friend, I create a short mental drama of our interaction. I "see" it all. I hear the conversation, smell the coffee, and anticipate the warm greeting I will soon receive. And it takes me what...under 30 seconds? LET'S EDIT OUR PRODUCTION The mental production I just mentioned: I'm going to edit my film by adding a frame: a "prayer frame." While traveling to meet my best friend, I begin to create the mental preview of our meeting as normal... But I interrupt my scene with a prayer. "Lord, I ask you to bless my wife. Give her strength during the day. Help her to know your presence and respond with your wisdom and grace. In Jesus' name, Amen." TIME FOR ANOTHER QUESTION How many seconds do you think it would take you to pray that prayer? Try this. Stop right now, check the second hand on your watch, read the prayer, and count the seconds it takes you to complete this short assignment. Really, try it. Amazing, isn't it? THIS SIMPLE PHRASE WILL HELP YOU I want you to nail down an easy-to-remember phrase. Think about it. Memorize it. It will help you to... Pray spontaneously Develop more of a God-consciousness Find extra time in your day to pray The phrase is: "When You Think, Pray." That's it. Four words that can enhance your prayer life. I will repeat those words one more time. And when I do, please consider what they could mean to you in terms of... *When you pray Ready? "When You Think, Pray." GET TO IT! Pay attention to your thoughts and seize them for God. Ask for guidance, give thanks, praise the Lord, and pray for your country. Pray for friends, relatives, neighbors and work associates. The thoughts, ideas, and emotions you entertain will generate endless prayer possibilities for you. Take captive those possibilities for the good of man and the glory of God. ONE CAUTION Don't struggle to capture *every* thought and turn it into a prayer. This could lead to mental disaster! Start simple. Strive to make it a habit. ONCE MORE FOR REVIEW "When You Think, Pray." Yours for many hope-filled days in Jesus, Lee (John 15:16) __________________________________ For your Hope For Daily Living no cost ezine go here -->
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Quotable Quotes Are Nothing More Than Flowery Words Quotable quotes are nothing more than flowery words... And anyonegiven enough time and cognitive power anyone can put onetogether. Yes, they may strike a chord or make you feel good,but their true value resides in what they encourage and exciteyou to put into action. Ideas not followed by action have verylittle power.Here is one for you: "Only that which is eternal has any truevalue." Now you think about that quote and in some circles itmight be considered pretty quotable. So does this mean that ifthis online message lasts for eternity that it has true value?Actually the author is attempting to convey something moreprofound (I happen to know him pretty well).The only thing which is eternal (quotable or non-quotable) isthat which lies within you -- your spiritual core. This is yourtrue identity and therefore anything that cannot stand the testof infinity is but a passing fancy. What does this have to dowith quotable quotes? Well a lot..hang with me.If you are focusing on the infinite then you must take theaction necessary to strengthen and escalate the Power of theInfinite within yourself. The next logical question may be,"Well how do increase this power within?"All great teachers, sages and saints since time immemorial havetold us in one-way-shape-or-fashion that the power to win inyour life comes quite simply from two things. You mustconstantly:Study, understand, and immerse yourself in thatwhich brings you power.Avoid all that weakens you.Unfortunately, you live in a world that will inundate you withthat which weakens. Increasing your Infinite Self then becomes amatter of critical action; and here is where we tie thisconversation into quotable quotes.The fact that you are alive in this century guarantees that youare highly exposed to negative input from the media, friends,school systems, family members and various other energyvampires. Now while you may not find all of above factors as negative inyour life, we can be pretty well assured that unless you avoidtelevision, newspapers and magazines all together (something youmight strongly consider), you have at minimum some negativeenergy to contend with. If you are barraged by negative mediainput on a daily basis you must actively seek input to thecontrary just to stay at equilibrium.. much less get ahead ofthe energy game. Enter quotable quotes.The infamous quotable quotes could indeed be a part of youraction plan to offset negative input from other sources.Ultimately you will become that which you think about all daylong, for thoughts breed action and actions breed results. Read the quotes as well as other pieces of inspiration andpower; and then most importantly...act boldly in accordance withthis line of thinking and pull yourself from the quagmire ofcollective limitation. You were born into greatness but havebeen conditioned into mediocrity -- and you can quote me on thatone. It Wont Happen Again Have you or do you know someone who has been abused or been involved in an abusive relationship? What is your definition of abuse? All of us know that physical violence is abuse. We also know there is emotional and mental abuse too, but do we know what it really is? What an Artist Experiences When Working With the Angels I am an Angel artist on a passionate spiritual journey and I would like to share my story of what it is like to work with the Angels. It is a unique experience and very real. Such Love Transforms Everything was arranged: once the funeral was over, all were to go to Hephzibah's house for the after-funeral dinner. It was the way things were done in Nain, typical of the customs followed by citizens of the Jewish towns of the Galilee. A New Strategy Direct Answers - Column for the week of November 3, 2003 Loving You The difficulty in finding love that is good for you stems from the same difficulty you have loving yourself. For those who believe in God or a higher power, to not love yourself is to not love the very source of your existence. To not trust yourself is to not trust the source of all life. To not forgive and have compassion for yourself is to not have forgiveness and compassion for others created from the same source. What is this source? Call it what you will, all matter comes from energy and all energy comes from Source. Leave the scientists and religious thought leaders left to their devices to try and explain that. You focus on your relationship, to self and to source. My Next Year With Jesus (Joyful Reflections On My Walk With The Lord) The one question I keep coming back to is... Being An Adult I have always thought that grandparents were the icons of wisdom, the "go to" person with he answers, the epitome of patience. Reality Check Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 16, 2002 Repeat Offender Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 8, 2002 Living on Purpose: One Rock at a Time I just got back from Colorado where I spent a week relaxing, re-energizing and revisiting the key values in my life. The lodge where I stayed is called Peaceful Valley, and it has a chapel on the premises. I've been to Peaceful Valley and to this chapel many times over the years. The chapel is at the end of a steep ten-minute hike, which has become a ritual for me. The view at the top -- a part of the Rocky Mountain range -- is breathtaking. What Is Your Real Worth? Consider this. If it is possible to quote you as a person on the Stock Exchange, what would be your real worth? It Only Takes a Spark - Pass It On Great inspiring people have influenced people in every area of life throughout centuries. Henry David Thoreau, the great 19th century transcendentalist writer, was influenced by the great Ralph Waldo Emerson. Thoreau was the impetus for Ghandi's and Martin Luther King Jr's civil disobedience, which ultimately changed the shape of the world for a better humanity. Socrates taught Plato who taught Aristotle, who collectively remain the greatest philosophical trio in history. We often stand on the shoulders of giants. And we can notice connections such as these throughout history--a lineage--a passing down of wisdom. Such is the case in the drumming world as well. It only takes a spark. And that spark can potentially inspire many to enter a new encouraging world, accompanied by enthusiasm, new hope, and excitement. Wherever You Are, Be There One of the major reasons why we fail to find happiness or to create unique lifestyle is because we have not yet mastered the art of being. Confidence Building Steps That Work Like Crazy! Self-confidence is your assessment of your own self-worth. It plays a large part in determining your happiness through life. So how do you create confidence? Well here's a surprise - you take action! If you don't currently have much self-confidence, let's explore the options on how to cultivate this trait within your life. How to Conquer Fears and Worries "More than any other time in history, mankind face a crossroad. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, and the other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly." - Woody Allen (Side Effect) Blasting Out of the Shadows: The Power of Your True Voice First, let me share a quote from Ashlee Simpson's latest hit, "Shadow". Yes, I really am quoting Ashlee Simpson. Anamcara - Being Forever Enough When was the last time you felt you were enough just as you are? When was the last time you felt that you were seen as the being you are? When was the last time you felt unconditionally loved and loving? A Key In Hand Is Worth A Thousand On My Desk A key fault I have, and I can only talk about one fault at a time, is the tendency to get busy. I often find myself chasing my own tail. What I will do with it when I catch it is beyond my understanding. However, this notwithstanding, I fall into the trap time after time of getting too busy for my own good. Super Mom, Wonder Woman, Energizer Mommy or Just Mom Have you ever sat down to watch the evening news and flashes a News Report about a woman that died with 100 cats, house full of trash and stacks of newspapers to fill 100 dump trucks? In my single days, I use to live by a lady like this. The entire neighborhood would talk about her but none of us ever went over there to see if she needed anything or if I could help her clean her house. We just talked about how could she let her house go that way. ![]() |
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