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My Next Year With Jesus (Joyful Reflections On My Walk With The Lord)
The one question I keep coming back to is... "Am I involved with life the way God wants me to beinvolved?" That's it. Now two related questions for you: 1. If that question doesn't ring true with you, how wouldyou modify it to be *most* meaningful to you? 2. If you do connect with that question, what ideas orthoughts come to mind? Obviously, the most important concept we have to deal withthis year -- in one form or another -- is how we willrespond to the Lord's working in our lives. As I write these words and reflect on what I just mentioned,maybe a few additional related questions would be... "Am I following Jesus the way He would have me to follow Himat this stage in my life?" "As I think about living for Jesus this next year, whatwould give Him great joy?" "What would excite me the most about following Jesusthis next year?" "What untapped potential could I bring to world this yearand be a positive influence for Christ in doing so?" "What one discipline could I initiate or improve upon thatwould help me be a better person, a stronger influence forgood, or please Jesus most in my world?" "Is there anything I need to stop or finally put an end to?" "If I were to influence three people for Jesus this year insmall, consistent, easily achievable ways, who would Iinfluence?" "How could I connect with God more in my devotions?" "What talents do I have that would bring Jesus *and me*great joy in developing them together this year?" "If Jesus were to step into my world and assume the dailyroutines of my life, what would my life 'look and feel like'--inside and out?" These questions -- and the others you create -- should beenough to get us started thinking about next year! May the Lord give you an increased sense of His presence, agreater understanding of His love, and more than an extradose of His power this coming year and always. Because of God's grace, Lee __________________________________ For your Hope For Daily Living no cost ezine go here -->
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Self Acceptance ? Lessons From My Hair Affair For our diet and, indeed, in every aspect of our lives, we must remember to relax from the demands of the unrealistic ideal. For those trying to lose weight, you cannot be the Barbie. For those lifting weights, you cannot be the Governor of California. Accepting this principle first, can give you the peace of mind to love what you do have, lower frustration, and actually make weight loss easier in the long run! Irresistible Direct Answers - Column for the week of December 29, 2003 Ways To Beat The Blues 1. Sit back and enjoy (or at least tolerate) the tumble. Making Commitments of Love and Courage There is a story about a little girl who suffered from a serious disease. Her best chance of recovery would be to receive a blood transfusion from her five-year old brother. Save the Planet with Your Joy! Your own level of frequency raises or lowers the overall frequency of humanity, and because being at higher frequency equals the experience of joy, it is literally true that in order to raise up the world and deliver it from suffering, it is imperative that you are joyful! And most people think saving the world requires sacrifice and suffering! In fact, the very opposite is true. Indeed, the most magnanimous-and effective-thing you can possibly do for the planet and its inhabitants is to raise your frequency up out of pain and struggle to that of peace, joy, and ease so that the collective joy-level increases, thus lifting all out of pain and struggle. What a grand plan! We are personally rewarded beyond measure for doing what needs to be done. It is built into the Creator's Design. Why Anyone Can Be Prosperous In nature, when the season is right, all things flourish and overflow with abundance. The Karate Kid I have an unexpected relationship problem. It's hard to believe it has become such an issue but it has. The whole thing started very innocently when my boyfriend and I were watching some silly action movie. The female heroine was kicking butt, and I mentioned to my boyfriend I took a semester's worth of judo classes in college and could probably give him a run for his money. Passion: What It Means To Live With It Passion can guide you, not just to live, but to live with purpose. Throughout my professional career, I've had most fortunate opportunities to associate with numerous high profile individuals and organizations, including Forbes 400 successes, politicians, celebrity entertainers and athletes. And I've learned to recognize that people who live with passion exude alluring energies from within themselves that seem to "magnetize" great people, situations and circumstances into their lives. From the Hint of a Rainbow to... The grey sky of morning contained an ominous quality. The clouds were so thick they were almost tangible. Then I saw it. Faintly sandwiched between the clouds was the hint of a rainbow. Barely visible were the bands of color, with a straining, subtle expectancy as the dim colors arched upward. It was the beginnings of a rainbow. The hint of a possibility of something beautiful, magical and rare. Forgiveness "If unresolved anger is a toxin to the spirit, forgiveness is the antidote." - Brian L. Seaward Its Not My Job to Free Tibet I hate saying that. It feels so very wrong. It's not that I wouldn't like to help them. It's not that I am not appalled at what is happening over there. I have been wrestling with my guilty feelings lately. What have I done to make the world a better place? I started by taking inventory of the areas that I'd love to 'fix'. My to-do list looks like this: The Power of One It was one of those once-in-a-life-time moments. The entireWorld celebrated Christmas Eve, 1968, by sitting glued totelevision sets. Apollo 8 was in Moon orbit, broadcastingfirst-ever, live television shots of the Moon's surface. Manhad yet to set foot on the Moon, so this Moon orbit wastruly an historic moment. Motivational Posters - A Source Of Inspiration? What Inspires You? What motivates you to get up in the morning? Are you one of those people who have a burning desire to achieve something or are you drifting along doing your daily routine? This is something you may not have put much attention on or even any at all but, if you look closely, you may find that there may have been one or more people who have inspired you in your life. The Power of Inner SELF I am sharing one of the great insights.The fear that we have about venturing into anything new is our past memories and darkness. There is a way out to walk in the darkness. It's to seek active guidance from within and trust deeply that we are guided from within. The intensity and accuracy of the guidance dependence on our contact with inner teacher/leader/light. In fact the fear is nothing but fear of being alone. Some day, we deeply and experientially understand that we are not alone but intimately and moment to moment guided by the inner teacher. Seek to be guided and your trust will never be faltered, you got to remove the thought that you are alone. 5 Simple Tips On Using Your Senses 1. Breakfast in Bed. Fail Your Way To The Top Have you had a challenging day or week? Feel a little tired or discouraged with a current situation? Ready to throw in the towel and quit something? Tighten Your Connection It was my first and last experience with a pneumatic drill, which is a jackhammer with a star bit instead of a chisel bit. We four volunteers were to dig a septic tank for the caretaker's house at a Christian camp. After three feet of digging we hit bedrock--pre-Cambrian limestone. That's when they showed us how to use the drill. Humble Riches "We come equipped with everything we need to experience a powerful life full of joy, incredible passion, and profound peace. The difficult part is giving ourselves permission to live it." ? Deborah Rosado Shaw The Author Within You! I always had an active imagination when I was young. I hated school, and would pass the time away day- dreaming about things I should not even have known about at such a young age. I used to make up stories in my head, that would always have me as the centre of attention, like collecting an Oscar for a Hollywood film that I had starred in, or recovering from a major operation or accident. I think I was like this because I was a shy kid who lacked a lot of confidence. It was no different when I started work. Charity ? Give To Receive! We all know the truism that "charity begins at home." Does it? And what is charity about, anyway? Is it just a square on a Monopoly game to you or is it a regular practice of giving from your abundance to those in need? ![]() |
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