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Lesson #7: Three Extra Tricks That Can Boost Your Bottom-Line!
Let's recap what you've learned so far... In the first lesson, you've learned the reasons what are smart autoresponders and why they work so well. In the second lesson, you've learned about the many different ways you can use a smart autoresponder. In lesson three, you've learned about how to build a targeted opt-in list and how to capture email addresses. In lesson four, you've learned about the different places you can promote your smart autoresponder. In the fifth lesson, you've learned what NOT to do with your autoresponder and how to personalize your emails. And finally, in the sixth lesson you've learned specific ways to write responsive email ads and messages. Now, let's take a look at three areas I haven't tackled thus far. You may choose to use or not these strategies. But I highly suggest you take a look at them a little more closely. Offline Advertising First, while your business may be online or Internet-driven, don't discount using offline advertising in your portfolio of marketing strategies. In fact, there are many reasons for it. Of course, there are a lot of people online these days. But in many businesses and in some homes, many people still aren't. They may only use email (or only have time to use email). Some just visit the newsgroups (newsgroups, or "Usenet," is the ancestor of the Internet). Or some mostly browse the web in public places, such as offices, libraries and schools. Try to get in front of these people, too! Sure, we talked a little about offline advertising in "places to advertise your autoresponder." But we only looked at print publications. Don't forget there are many other places! For example, don't forget radio, TV, direct (postal) mail, billboards, bus stops, public transportation billboards (like signs on buses), newsletters, yellow pages, trade journals, etc. The bottom-line is, in whatever offline advertising you use, start including your free "email report" or ezine offer in these advertisements. You might be surprised at the response! Press Releases and Publicity Publicity is the cheapest and the most powerful form of advertising. Why? Because it comes from an objective third party... Such as in a newspaper article, for example. This way, it makes your "ad" more believable, credible and trustworthy since it comes from someone other than you... Plus, it doesn't appear as a blatant promotional message. Press releases are great marketing tools to pull in inquiries and sales without spending a single penny on advertising. You can use the same technique as before to capture emails. Let me explain... Of course, the foundational component of the news release is the news aspect. You have to be newsworthy! You must tell a good story that people want to talk about or report on. But here are important elements you must include: 1) a good headline; 2) an informative story; 3) a number of quotes and reactions; and 3) the sender's contact information. In this last section (the contact information), add a small signature file offering readers something for "free" if they respond to you via email to your autoresponder opt-in list. Reporters and news editors are always looking for content and newsworthy items. If they like your story, chances are that they will publish your autoresponder's address, too! So, why not take advantage of the opportunity! Word of Mouth If the people who responded or have requested your "free report" also like it, they will send or pass your message along to their friends or family who they think may like it, too. Remember when we talked about "viral marketing?" It's simply human nature. Of course, many people will pass it around without you knowing. But encourage viral marketing by adding a notice to that effect within your message! For example, it may say something like: "Do you know of anyone who might like this report? Feel free to pass this message along to anyone who you feel may enjoy it, too." Now, make sure the new recipient also joins your opt-in list! Say something like: "If someone passed you this message and you want more information like this, then email [link]." Or, you can even redirect them to a "tell-your-friends" web page that will send your autoresponder's link, either email or web form, to their friends... But in order to give your viral marketing campaign leverage, don't forget "other places" on the Internet you can use to advertise your autoresponder. For example, there are... Newsgroups Advertise your autoresponder in your signature file or subtly within your non-commercial posts on these locations. For example, while posting, offering more information on the topic by advertising your free report via autoresponder is a good way to keep your posts short, sweet and on-topic! Nevertheless... Once you're up and running with your new autoresponder, you'll see the immense power of using it almost immediately as it helps you convert up to 400% more prospects into sales! Learn more about internet marketing, search engine marketing, email marketing go to internet marketing and website promotion
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14 Ways To Persuade Your Web Site Visitors To Give You Their Email Address 1. Ask visitors to subscribe to your e-zine. It's agood idea to also give them a freebie when theysubscribe. Spam Check Your Newsletter for FREE Spam is a bigger and bigger problem nowadays. Recently Ralph Wilson, Paul Myers, and other Internet marketing gurus have written about the problems that spam is causing honest, hard working Internet marketers. Improve Email Deliverability: 15 Tips for Email Marketing Success Delivering email newsletters and sales messages to opt-in subscribers and customers is getting more exasperating-and more expensive-by the day. Delivery rates for email have gone through the virtual floor. According to MarketingSherpa, one out of every six people who asked to be on your mailing list won't receive your email newsletter or marketing message because a spam filter blocks it by mistake. Will Microsoft Kill Free Email on the Net? Spam has been such a problem that email filters are nowwidespread on the Net. These filters are a necessary responseto the menace of spam. However, will the excuse of spam beused by companies such as Hotmail to charge for email? Disturbing news that Hotmail (owned by Microsoft) is blocking perfectly legitimate emails because they have been caught by their anti-spam filters is increasing these fears. Email Microtargeting Email marketing is undergoing rapid changes. Now, more than ever, both the creative and demographic selection and targeting of a message must be highly relevant and qualified. Market Your Business through Newsletters Most business people on the web subscribe to at least one newsletter, if not more, that focus on different aspects and markets they are interested in. Because of this, it is important for your company to also have a newsletter that provides viable, relevant, and current information and that also markets your product or service. You might be a bit intimidated when it comes to writing a newsletter, but really all you need is a couple hours and a few good ideas. This should not be difficult if you are keeping up with the constant changes and improvements in your niche market. You will want to be always one step ahead of the rest of the newsletters in order to maintain and build a larger subscriber base quicker. Viral Marketing - Your Key to Gaining New Clients Email newsletters are an excellent means of promoting the products and services offered on your Website. Adding two simple tools to your newsletter can dramatically increase your readership. Do You Build Or Buy? (Tips On Leadgeneration) Every marketer needs leads, they are the lifeblood of youronline business. However not every marketer knows how toeffectively "work" their leads. How Effective is Your Email? How Can You Tell? Is your email getting to your list members? If so, how many of them are opening your message? If the email isn't getting through, how many of your messages are "undeliverable" because of a bad email address? And how do you find out what these numbers are? E-Newsletter Layout: Add White Space to Improve Readability White space in newsletters is like pausing in conversation. Take a breath now and then to avoid overwhelming the reader. Do You Ponder the Automatic Responder? * The Automatic Responder is generally referred to as an Autoresponder. Dont Use FFAs To Build Your Newsletter Subscriber For those of you who aren't familiar with the term, The initials FFA stand for "FREE For All" and my advice would be don't waste your time! FFA's DON'T WORK! The Lazy Mans Way To Building a Massive List In Minimum Time As you read every word of this article, you'll be stunned by how quickly and easily you can build a massive list of opt-in subscribers without spending a fortune. (The idea is to make money, not spend money. Right?) 4 Effective Ways To Use Autoresponders To Increase Your Sales An autoresponder is a very powerful tool for any online business.Basically, an autoresponder is used to ease your tasks.Automation is critical when running an online business. Henceyou won't need to do the tiring and boring manual tasks if youautomate your business. How Autoresponders Boost Sales By Up To 400% Imagine going to bed and waking up in the morning to findthat you made sales while you slept - all because of yourautoresponder! The #1 Thing You Must Have Before Even Thinking About Building An Opt In Email List It's not a website. How To Improve Your Open Rates And Click-Thru Rates In Your Email Campaigns In this article I will give you several tips that can help you in improving your open and click-thru rates. The Ultimate Self-Promotion Tool Is Right at Your Fingertips: An E-mail Newsletter If you're looking for low-cost ways to promote your business (and aren't we all?), I hope you've considered publishing an e-mail newsletter, or "e-zine." Here are six darn good reasons why you shouldn't wait any longer: An e-zine is the perfect way to STAY IN TOUCH with your clients and prospects on a regular basis. Unless you continually follow up with clients and prospects, they'll soon forget about you. But imagine calling or writing each and every one of your clients and prospects every week! That would be nearly impossible to pull off. Well, an e-zine achieves the same goal - keeping you on their "radar screens," but in an unobtrusive way. This constant contact makes these folks more likely to think of YOU - not someone they heard about yesterday - when they need to hire a coach. An e-zine allows you to effortlessly SPREAD THE WORD about you and your business. If you write a decent e-zine, your readers will be very likely to pass it on to friends and colleagues. Remember that old shampoo commercial that went, "And I told two friends, and she told two friends, and so on, and so on..."? That principle - clients passing on the word about your product or service - is called "viral marketing" these days. Most publishers begin with only a few dozen subscribers who are their clients and associates. But after several months, you can have thousands of readers on your list - thanks to viral marketing mixed with some promotional legwork. An e-zine is a CREDIBLE and SUBTLE way to promote your services or products. Instead of simply *saying* how great your business is, an e-zine lets you *show* how great you are by sharing your expertise through tips or client stories. (As my old journalism professor used to say, "Show me, don't just tell me!") You're avoiding simple bragging, and are instead offering useful information that demonstrates your knowledge. Bravo! Publishing an e-zine positions you as an EXPERT in your field. By showcasing your knowledge and skills, you're likely to attract more and better clients. And by sharing what you know well, you're saying, "Hey, I know my stuff! I'm an expert." If you make a living by providing a service, you're an expert in your own right. If you're still uncomfortable with that term, try on the word resource." (Okay, feel better?) An e-zine is the ideal way to CAPTURE the e-mail addresses of your WEB VISITORS. If I visit your site today but aren't ready to buy from you today, you've likely lost me forever when I click away. BUT if you invite me to sign up for your free newsletter that features helpful information on the topic at hand, I'll be happy to sign up. NOW you've got me to market to, over and over, as long as you continue to give me the practical content you promised. This is especially powerful because statistics show that consumers don't usually purchase a product or service until after they've seen multiple messages about it. An e-zine is CHEAP and EASY to publish - especially compared with a print newsletter. If you were to produce and mail a snazzy-looking *printed* newsletter, you could easily spend thousands of dollars each year. But an e-zine is essentially FREE to put together and publish - it just takes a bit of your time. And you can make it as long or short as you'd like. (Some of the best e-zines I get feature only one tip per issue and are less than one computer screen long.) For best results, keep it simple! 4 Tips On Taming Your Email I remember when I was first introduced to email. I was working in a big corporation at the time. I thought it was the neatest thing since sliced bread. I hit a button and the message is sent instantaneously. What could be better? Since then, my feelings towards email are somewhat modified. I still think the technology is great, but I have witnessed too many people getting stressed out by the sheer volume of communications via this medium to know that for some it can sometimes be a curse instead of a blessing. Since none of us is expecting a reduction in the volume of email we will receive, you may find the following tips helpful in helping gain control over your email. Sales Prospecting for Appointments by Email A few months into the job and Sabrina's cold calling sales prospecting techniques were getting her almost nowhere. She would call CIO's and CTO's all day, and speak to maybe one sales prospect if she was lucky. The gatekeepers and voicemail were screening her out. Sabrina was "following up" her calls with emails, but she rarely if ever heard anything back. ![]() |
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