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The #1 Thing You Must Have Before Even Thinking About Building An Opt In Email List
It's not a website. It's a smart autoresponder and mailing list software. Be aware, I just said smart autoresponder. Not a cheesy one, I mean regular one. You know what a regular autoresponder is. It's the thing that a lot of people use when they are out of the office or on vacation. It works like this. Let's say you are emailing a friend that is out of town. You send the email and then instantly you get a reply back saying something like this, "I'm out of the office right now, I'm on vacation and won't be back until Tuesday the 21st." Well, that's a regular autoresponder. What you want to have before you even think about building a list is a smart autoresponder. Here's how it works, when someone sends it an email it captures their first name, last name, email address, date stamp, and IP address. That's just if they send an email, now what if you had a form on your website or a popup? It will capture almost any information that you want and get this. It will give you the ability to run an unlimited number of follow-up email campaigns to tens of thousands of prospects on auto-pilot! A smart autoresponder will handle thousands of simultaneous follow-up campaigns - a task that would be impossible to manage manually. (working for you 24 x 7 whether you are online or not, accepting subscriptions and sending out your follow-up messages) They are actually three kinds of autoresponders. The first kind is software based. It's a piece of software that you install on the computer just like you would Microsoft Word, or Act!. Usually a one-time fee. e links, link exchanges ,search engine optimization,, trade links The second kind is a third-party autoresponder. These all have a main website where you go to login, usually using your individual username and password. Once you are in and you are able to email your list. Your information is hosted on their server with everyone else. They usually charge monthly fee. The third kind is a server-based. It's installed on your own web site or web server. It's not a service that runs on someone else's servers, so there are no monthly fees. You are about to discover the right autoresponder so your email marketing marketing efforts won't get stopped in its tracks. Let's look at them in greater detail. Definition: The first kind is software based. It's a piece of software that you install on the computer just like you would Microsoft Word or ACT! Usually a one-time fee. Problems: What would happen if you leave home without your computer? Well, you would not be able to talk to your list. Not widely used. Definition: The second kind is a third-party autoresponder. This is when you have to go to a main website just like www.thirdpartyautoresponder.com (that's not one) and login using your username and password. You are subscribing to their service. Then you are able to send emails to your list. This one is hosted on their server with every other customer they have. They usually charge a monthly fee. Used by a lot of people. Problems: A lot of people recommend this kind, you know why? Because they want the residual (ongoing monthly) money they get from the company or because they do not know better. Here's a few other problems, remember you are hosting your list on their server so they can and will charge you an outrageous amount of money when your list grows. Also one big thing I have found that most people are not aware of.... ... All of the emails are not going through to the subscriber's lists. Why? Well, let's say you, Joe Blow and I were using this service. Joe blow is building his list wrong and spamming people. Well, Joe Blow just really devastated our business. Because... when he got in trouble for spamming they shut down his IP address and the IP address that was attached to his email is the IP address of the server and that means it is your IP address too. In other words, even if you build you list correctly, you won't be able to get your emails through because Joe Blow just screwed it up for you and I. So the one that I recommend is the third kind. Definition: A server-based Autoresponder. It's installed on your own web site or web server. It's not a service that runs on someone else's servers, so there are no monthly fees. All emails come from your website's IP address and the only person that could get in trouble is you. If you get stopped, it's your fault, not anyone else's. Warmest Regards, Matt Bacak P.S. "If you want to get hot rabid, prospects flowing into your newsletter, ezine or email list, just go here right now: http://www.promotingtips.com Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter was Entrepreneur Magazines e-Bizradio show host and became a "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few shorthours. He has helped a number of clients target his specialty, opt-in emaildirect marketing systems. The Powerful Promoter is not only a sought-afterlead explosion specialist but has also generated leads for some of theworld's top experts and businesses whose reputations would shrivel iftheir followers ever found out someone else coached them on their leadgeneration strategies.
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Viral Marketing Tips: Greeting Cards When we speak about viral marketing, we are not talking about the newest disease. We are not talking about a Mad Cow Disease variant or something that you need to be vaccinated for. In fact, we are not referring to a disease at all. The Innovative Ways To Use Your Autoresponder If you have auto response system set up for following up your customers or prospects, you may just use one or two purpose. Here is a list of brainstorming ideas for you to get more out of it. Single or Double Opt--In? You heard the message before. Your e-mail list is the most important key to your future online success. The best list is a highly targeted and responsive opt--in list. At present, the single opt--in method is the preferred approach to building a list. However, Internet promoting considerations suggest the list owner should use the double opt--in or confirmation method to build a list. What is the right method for you? Email Etiquette V Further to my previous issues this subject continues ? as per request from a reader. Autoresponders = Automatic Internet Marketing Success What if you could send out all the information that your potential customers have requested without checking your email or answering a phone? While this may seem impossible, it is becoming more and more popular among the most successful Internet marketing gurus. This is all due to what is called an autoresponder. An autoresponder is an automatic method of responding to emails sent by existing or potential customers and is an must for any Internet business. Time is money and answering emails personally take a lot of valuable time for both you and the customer. Not only do autorespnders allow you to spend the time elsewhere in your business, but it gives the customer access to the information almost immediately. Website Promotion Through Newsletters Website promotion is certainly a main focus of all business owners and their respective Web sites; however it is not something that happens overnight. This is because once you have a new Web site it takes a bit of time before search engines upload your URL and it becomes part of search results. Also, while your Web page might be returned in the results of free search engines, it will still not relate to the amount of traffic you want. As a result, there is one particular way to increase traffic to your Web site that is inexpensive, and that is web site promotion through newsletters. Autoresponder Services that Boost Your Business In the world of ecommerce, millions of sites are fiercely competing with each other to gain new clients. For any ecommerce site to succeed, it must capture the interest and the trust of its visitors. It is not enough that your site is impeccably designed or has the latest in animation or content. You should focus your efforts not only in attracting visitors but also in leading them to make a purchase. There are dozens of marketing strategies you can use to attract more buyers and pump up your sales. One of them is by establishing an excellent and professional reputation for prompt and efficient response. Summary of Adestras Presentation on Best Practice EZines at the July NEPA Conference At the recent Online Marketing Show, Adestra ran an email clinic. Attendees spent time with an Adestra expert who provided feedback and useful advice about how they could improve their campaigns. Lesson #5: Four Easy Ways to Kill Your Business Using Your Autoresponder... And How to Avoid Them The importance of building an opt-in list over spamming (a.k.a., using unsolicited commercial email) is something that I can never stress enough. You must avoid it at all costs! 3 Simple Steps on how to Get Unlimited E-Mail Accounts for Pennies a Day As an Online Home Based busy owner you will reach a point where all those free E-Mail Accounts just don't work anymore. It is possible to get Unlimited E-Mail Accounts for Pennies a Day just follow these 3 Simple Tips Why Autoresponders Are An Essential Tool For Your Business Did you know that one of the major purposes of a website is to capture visitor information and create an effective prospect list? Click for Success! Being online for the last five or so years has made merealized that many persons are seeking a magic button to success.What is even more interesting is that they really believe thatit exists. Lesson #7: Three Extra Tricks That Can Boost Your Bottom-Line! Let's recap what you've learned so far... An E-mail Promotion Internet Marketing Strategy Works E-mail promotion Internet marketing can help your home-based business expand and attract customers that are interested in goods and services like yours. Once you have determined who is your target market, drawing them into your circle of customers requires some effort. Using an e-mail promotion, Internet marketing can be very lucrative to your business. Newsletters that Work Offer a newsletter in a time frame that will be easy for you to manage. The Moneys In The List - But How Much? The internet seems to be full of hyped up business opportunities. What evidence there is to support the feasibility of a business opportunity is often anecdotal ? or we may be asked to take the word of a well known internet guru when he tells us that this is the "next big thing". Sometimes he/she will be right of course (that's how they get to be gurus). Personal vs Professional Life Email - Dont Squander Your First Internet Impression My first email address was with compuserve.com back when you could only have numbers for an email address. They then allowed us to have letters as well on prodigy so I switched internet service providers or internet content providers as they are better known to us geeks. My next stop was with the number one provider AOL and my name became an extension of my love for jazz music and I have had that email address ever since. I also have a yahoo.com email address that I use strictly for its Spam filter and free virus protection software that is built into the website. Free email addresses are great and I suggest you take advantage of their many no cost features. But I only use them for personal reasons. The main reason I don't use them for business is because I refuse to give the free email services anymore free publicity and not get anything in return. Guarantee Recipients Opening Your Emails With These Secrets To Successful Subject Lines! You've done the hardest part; you've captured your prospect's email address. Now it is time to send your email to them. Most webmasters are thinking about what they are going to put in the email; how they are going to persuade the recipient to empty their wallet. This is all very well, but no matter how persuasive your sales letter is, if the email never gets opened, then it is useless. This is why the power of the subject line should never be underestimated. After the 'from' line in an email, the subject line is the next one that gets read. The subject line plays a huge part in whether an email gets read. Everyone is busy, especially more important people and so an email with a poor subject line is likely to be deleted. Here are a few ways to make your subject line extremely effective: How to Build Your Mailing List 1. USE POP-UPSPop-ups are one of the most common methods you can use to capture email addresses and build your email list quickly and with ease. Simply construct a web page containing code for a form and set the page to open (pop up) when visitors ENTER OR EXIT your site.Make sure the pop-up offer is something that`s valuable enough to motivate visitors to take time to give you their contact information. Your offer can be a complimentary report, download, or ebook that arrives instantly through your autoresponder to their email inbox when they give you their email. How To Set Up an Ezine Encyclopedia Do you read all your Ezines? Or do you file them away in special folders and then forget about them? ![]() |
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