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Yoga and Pregnancy
Every woman wants to have a healthy baby. Yogic practices, when done with care, can make a woman's body stronger and more flexible. Yoga poses tone your muscles, improving the overall balance and circulation, while making your joints more limber. Yoga poses help you breathe and relax, which can help you adjust to the physical demands of labor, birth, and motherhood.Learning how to do ujayi breathing primes you for labor and childbirth by training you to stay calm when you need it most. If you are afraid during labor, the body produces adrenalin and shuts down the production of oxytocin, a hormone that makes labor progress. Yoga practice will help you fight the urge to tighten up when you feel the pain, and show you how to breathe instead. The practice of meditation is extremely beneficial for you and your baby. It has been proven to slow down your heart rate, relax and focus your mind - all great for the baby. As a general rule, avoid backbending poses, as well as extreme forward bending. Place your legs apart for seated paschimottanasana (forward bend.) If you never practiced inverted poses before, now is not the time to start. However, if you have a practice of inversions, you may carefully continue for the first two trimesters. Don't hold the poses for too long. You may want to skip any movements that require you to lie flat on your back for longer than a few minutes, especially after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Lying on your back can put pressure on your inferior vena cava, the vein that returns blood from the legs to the heart, and can cause dizziness, shortness of breath, and nausea. But many women are comfortable lying in this position well into their pregnancies, so watch your body and your instincts. First trimester Second trimester Third trimester Anastasia Dorohova is a certified and registered yoga teacher, and a holistic health counselor. She works with clients, improving their nutrition habbits and well-being. Anastasia teaches group,private and corporate yoga classes in New York.http://www.steadybliss.com
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Discover How Yoga Will Help You Reach Your Goals ? Part 2 At this point, let's break down the major components of a typical Hatha Yoga session, and see how each one will enable you to reach your goals. There are nine main styles of Yoga in India, but most of the popular styles, outside of India, are variations of Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga classes tend, among other things, to emphasize physical mastery. Are You Willing To Follow Eight Yoga Exercises For the Lower Back? EXERCISES FOR BACK RELIEF Child Yoga ? What is All the Fun About? Many adults have taken up yoga, but yoga has not gained as the same popularity with children. Child yoga can offer many of the same benefits to kids as it does to adults. Total Concentration(samadhi) of Mind A true Yogi(practitioner) is one who has acquired self-knowledge and through continuous practice and detachment has been able to rest in true self, so firmly that he seldom slips down from it. Samadhi is the state where one realises the true self or soul. When true self is realised everything is realised. Yoga Accessories? Getting What You Really Need Unlike some other sports, you don't need a lot of yoga accessories when you practice. With yoga, your body is really the most important 'equipment' that you need. There are some items that are basic and which can help you be more comfortable and safer in your practice. Hatha Yoga One of the many subsets of the 5000 year old system used to increase the well being of the mind, body and spirit, is known as Hatha Yoga. How to Use Yoga DVDs and Videos to Round Out Your Practice I absolutely love using yoga DVDs and yoga videos during my practices. As a matter of fact, I use one of them almost every time I do yoga. Why do I love using them so much? Confessions of a Yoga Teacher The following are questions that Yoga teachers still need to answer, despite overwhelming evidence that Yoga is "the mother of all health maintenance systems." Mainstream thought is finally catching up, with the progress Yoga is making, but it has taken 5,000 years for us to get this far. Yoga is a Safe Solution to Weight Control One more study tells the world, that Yoga can help with weight control and weight loss. The latest study was held by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington. The Mystery of Enlightenment Initially, enlightenment is living in the present moment and accepting your situation as it is. That is a pretty heavy task for anyone in any time. It is often said that an enlightened person cannot be angered by small talk or negative energy. Yoga for Fun and Profit Stress levels around the world are on the rise. In order to deal with this, relaxation and stress reduction therapies have sprung up from everywhere. Yoga instruction is no longer just a fringe population idea. It is now a mainstream fitness methodology. Yoga certifications are now available from many places in North America. As a result of this, yoga instructors are now available everywhere. Each gym now offers yoga classes from certified yoga instructors. It's time we understood what this is all about and where we are going with respect to the fitness industry. Yoga and Pregnancy Every woman wants to have a healthy baby. Yogic practices, when done with care, can make a woman's body stronger and more flexible. Yoga poses tone your muscles, improving the overall balance and circulation, while making your joints more limber. Eating Disorders And The Use Of Yoga In Prevention And Treatment It was not so long ago that eating disorders, such as bolimia and anorexia, were thought to be purely the result of mental conditions. More recently, though, some physical factors have been attributed to these conditions. It is now thought that eating disorders can be triggered by a multitude of factors, in combination, including those of a psychological, behavioural, social, or biological nature. Yoga and True Self The great sage Patanjali in his work Yogasutra codified all yogic knowledge and practices which prevailed in ancient India in the form of aphorisms. He defined Yoga in a simple way as - controlling of thoughts arising in the mind(I.2). The nature or work of mind is to think or desire always. As waves are generated along the seashore, so thoughts are generated in the mind incessantly. In order to fulfill these desires man acts relentlessly. When thoughts are controlled or prevented, the outwardly moving mind turns inwards. The sphere of the activities of mind contracts and mind comes to the center. At the center of mind lies the true self or soul(atman). Yoga, Do Not Knock It Until You Try It Are you one of those folks who have never tried yoga? How about one of those grown up teenagers who likes cow tipping and thought you might knock over your sister when she was doing yoga? Yes, I know that is fun isn't it? I have done this on many occasion and watched the silly looking humans fall right over indeed. Not bad, it is easy too; a little push and see ya, over they go. But really we should be very serious yoga is quite good for the soul, relaxation and de-stressing too. So, do not knock yoga until you try it. Now I have tried it so it is okay for me to make jokes, but if you have not tried it, you are barred from laughing or tipping over your friends who you think are looking quite silly while they do their "Yoga Thing." What is Self Mastery? - Part 2 To continue with our overview of the physical component of self mastery, it goes without saying that walking is a valuable aerobic exercise - but you have options. You can use a bicycle for nice days, or use indoor aerobic exercise equipment for use on inclement weather days. Which Type of Yoga is the Right Choice for You? You finally made the decision to practice yoga, but which style of yoga is the best one for you? There are many types of yoga, and while they usually have common elements, their focus is often quite different. If you have not been physically active in a long time, then one of the more gentle, slower moving styles may be right for you. If you are an athlete or are very physically fit, you might want to check out some of the more strenuous forms. How to Find the Right Yoga Class For You There are many types of yoga, some with more emphasis on the physical part of the practice and some with a more spiritual approach, some that will make you sweat and some where you'd spend half a class holding the same posture. Yoga for Every BODY We all want to feel loved, open, free and peaceful. We all desire to let go of the ideals and expectations of the "world" and be simply still. What if you had permission to be anything your heart wanted you to be? What if there was no right or wrong way of doing yoga poses, just simply YOUR way. The way that feels good for your body, mind and spirit. That is yoga to me. Maybe Bikram is Right? For some reason, I had the time to sit down and watch a little television, and as luck would have it, Bikram Choudhury was being interviewed on 60 Minutes Wednesday. ![]() |
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