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Secrets of Teaching Yoga
What you are about to read applies to teaching, in general. In fact, we are all teachers, to some degree. You teach your friends, co-workers, strangers and family members on a daily basis. The example you set teaches someone in some way. Whether you are a positive role model, or not, people, and the world, react to you. Sorry to say, you have more responsibility than you thought possible. Do you realize that when you hurt one person, it will set a chain of events into motion? Even worse is that, most violent acts were stimulated by smaller, seemingly unimportant events. When you talk to your students, always show mutual respect. Don't take advantage of your position as a Yoga teacher to temporarily feed your ego. The first thing a Yoga teacher should instill, in his or her students, is self-motivation. The serious Yoga student must be a self starter. This is a person who practices Yoga at home, as well as in class. They don't depend on their friends to come to class, and they show up like "clockwork." How can you make your Yoga students become self motivators? You must show up to class early, enthused, and energized. Encourage all of your students and sincerely praise their achievements. The truth is, Yoga is like music, you can teach a student the basics, but to be a master teacher, you want to stir the creativity from within. When your students become creators, you can help them refine their Yoga practice and watch them become self motivators. A truly great teacher will produce teachers, who surpass him or her; and isn't "passing the torch" what it's all about? My first taste of Yoga was over 40 years ago, at the age of 7, in a martial arts school setting. I have continued to study martial arts until this day and I have four teaching certificates in four different martial arts. Now I teach both Martial Arts and Yoga. I began to seriously practice Yoga (under Laura Foster) over twenty years ago due to martial arts competition related injuries.Laura was a skilled & knowledgeable teacher of Restorative Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, and Laya Yoga. After training with her for 3 years, she certified me as a teacher in 1987.I became certified as a Master Teacher (Guru) on September 15, 1995, after teaching over 5,000 hours under her wing. Shortly afterward, Laura retired at age 90. Since that time, I started organizing Yoga Teacher Training camps. As time went on, we began getting requests from everywhere in the U.S. and Canada for a comprehensive Yoga Teacher Training correspondence course.http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org
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What is Self Mastery? - Part 4 Now, let's cover the last component of self-mastery, which is spiritual health. Sometimes, the discussion of spiritual health is considered "politically incorrect." This is a shame, because we want to live life to the fullest and cannot ignore our spiritual side. Basic Yoga Poses (Asanas) In most forms of Yoga there are three components to the practice; breathing, concentration and physical poses also known as asanas. The two poses below are the most common asanas used in Western Yoga practice today. Nine Things You Should Know About Yoga for Children Here are some guidelines and realistic expectations for parents, who are considering Yoga for their children. For your child, Yoga is much more than a kid's fitness class. Just like adults - kids need time to learn to deal with life's daily pressures, too. This is Not Your Grandma?s Rocking Chair Senior Yoga / Chair Yoga Total Concentration(samadhi) of Mind A true Yogi(practitioner) is one who has acquired self-knowledge and through continuous practice and detachment has been able to rest in true self, so firmly that he seldom slips down from it. Samadhi is the state where one realises the true self or soul. When true self is realised everything is realised. Christian Yoga? There is an interesting article in the September 5th issue of Time magazine. This particular article covers a spectrum of opinions about mixing Christianity with Yoga. Even, if you don't agree with a single opinion, it's a good read, as long as you remain objective. Maybe Bikram is Right? For some reason, I had the time to sit down and watch a little television, and as luck would have it, Bikram Choudhury was being interviewed on 60 Minutes Wednesday. The History of Pilates In order to understand the basics of Pilates and why it can work for you, you first need to understand where Pilates came from. Pilates was originally formed in Germany by a man of the same name. What is Self Mastery? - Part 1 Self Mastery, alone, sounds like a selfish term; but if you cannot help yourself, you will have limited ability to help others. Self mastery is the ability to make the most out of your physical, mental, and spiritual health. In other words, to be the best you can be. Yogic Way of Controlling of Thoughts As described in my earlier article... thoughts in the mind generate because we have five senses. So broadly there are five kinds of thoughts. Again each thought may either be of pleasure or of pain. This way there are ten types of thoughts. Patanjali further describes each of these ten types of thoughts may be based on proof(pramana), or an opposite(viparyay), or an alternative(vikalpa), or forming sleep(nidra) or forming memory(smriti). Yoga and Pregnancy Every woman wants to have a healthy baby. Yogic practices, when done with care, can make a woman's body stronger and more flexible. Yoga poses tone your muscles, improving the overall balance and circulation, while making your joints more limber. Confessions of a Yoga Teacher The following are questions that Yoga teachers still need to answer, despite overwhelming evidence that Yoga is "the mother of all health maintenance systems." Mainstream thought is finally catching up, with the progress Yoga is making, but it has taken 5,000 years for us to get this far. Stress - How To Manage Effectively Stress is very common in all walks of life and in all occupations. There are different kinds of stress, such as acute, episodic and chronic. Each one has its own list of symptoms and triggers that set it off. Chronic stress is the most dangerous one because it can affect a persons health and welfare and lead to depression if he/she cannot develop methods of stress relief. This is the gnawing feeling that people encounter day after day. It can be related to work, an unhappy marriage, money problems or a whole host of things that cause people to become very unhappy with their lives. People who suffer from this condition often cannot see anything good about their lives, It can lead to suicide, heart attacks and as research has shown, cancer. A World of Infinite Opportunities Many people feel that there is a limited amount of abundance, wealth, or chances to succeed in life. Furthermore, there is a solid belief that if one person succeeds, another must fail. Yoga For a Beginner Yoga for a beginner is an exciting time when you start to discover all of the wonderful benefits that yoga has to offer. When you first begin yoga, there are several things you can do to make your experience positive. Yoga and Low Carb Diets Yoga is an ancient system of movement designed to generate vibrant health and well being. Excellent health and well being are experienced in the results of a yoga practice such as: stress reduction, increased energy and awareness, increased flexibility, focused mind and strong body. In our modern world there are so many types of yoga to choose from that it can be confusing and difficult to start a yoga program. Do you have to practice postures(asanas) in a hot room for an hour and a half in order to enjoy the benefits of this ancient art? And, is it necessary to execute postures under strict guidelines created for East Indian bodies and minds? As a yoga instructor my answer would be no. A successful yoga practice supports the goals of the practitioner without rigidity. Yoga Mats ? Are They All Created Equal? Yoga mats are a basic part of every practice. What you might not realize is that there are several types of yoga mats that you can choose from. Yoga for PMS Most women experience PMS symptoms at different points of their lives. PMS (premenstrual symptom) is usually characterized by anxiety, irritability, depression, craving sugary foods and feeling bloated. There are many homeopathic and nutritional solutions for relieving the PMS, but a regular yoga asana practice can be tremendously beneficial as well. The History of Yoga The history of yoga is long and steeped in tradition. Contrary to what some people may believe, yoga was not developed as the newest way to slim down so they could fit into a smaller pants size. Yoga, Do Not Knock It Until You Try It Are you one of those folks who have never tried yoga? How about one of those grown up teenagers who likes cow tipping and thought you might knock over your sister when she was doing yoga? Yes, I know that is fun isn't it? I have done this on many occasion and watched the silly looking humans fall right over indeed. Not bad, it is easy too; a little push and see ya, over they go. But really we should be very serious yoga is quite good for the soul, relaxation and de-stressing too. So, do not knock yoga until you try it. Now I have tried it so it is okay for me to make jokes, but if you have not tried it, you are barred from laughing or tipping over your friends who you think are looking quite silly while they do their "Yoga Thing." ![]() |
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