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Why Over 90% of VoIP Services Are Vulnerable to Attack
John Ashcroft, Attorney General, in remarks at the High Technology Crime Investigation Association 2004 International Training Conference held on September 13, 2004 stated, "We have seen worms and viruses attack?disrupting basic services?And with the increased use of the Internet and especially peer-to-peer networking, we have seen malicious code spread more quickly and infect more personal computers than ever before. The cost of these worms, viruses, and denial-of-service attacks?reaches into the billions of dollars." In an article written by Daniel A. Morris, Assistant US Attorney, Computer and Telecommunications Coordinator with the District of Nebraska stated in "Tracking a Computer Hacker", that the "The modern thief can steal more with a computer than with a gun. Tomorrow's terrorist may be able to do more damage with a keyboard than with a bomb." Ralph Echemendia, head of Intense School which trains executives regarding network security risks, stated that "Telecom providers are one of the main targets for malicious attackers because they control communications for everybody." Sophisticated hackers have learned how to tap into sensitive information traveling on the Internet, and their focal point is communication. How is this possible? It is fairly simple. First, you should be aware that email services operate off of email servers, and web services operate off of web servers. Both email servers and web servers are built for data and not for voice. Because VoIP has voice, it requires a system that will convert the voice into data packets to travel across the Internet, and then convert back to voice at destination. However, VoIP should not be considered just another application residing on a data network, as it necessitates a real time service due to performance expectations (e.g., quality of sound). The majority of VoIP computer phones require a minimum of 20 kps (kilobytes per second) of bandwidth (information carrying capacity) for data packets to travel across the Internet, which is why most require a minimum high speed Internet connection in order to function without corrupting the quality of the voice. Although in the minority, a few VoIP computer phone providers, some of which are reputable, require a minimum of less than 10 kps (kilobytes per second) of bandwidth (information carrying capacity), which is why their services can be used with dial-up connections or high speed (e.g., cable), satellite, and wireless connections. Over 90% of VoIP services operate using industry standard codec (encryption codes) and industry standard protocols. Computers are assigned a different numeric Internet Protocol (IP) address while on line, which is analogous to mail where you would have an identity location with your street number, city, state and zip code. Relative to a protocol, the IP (Internet Protocol) address is a number that identifies the user and their computer. Industry standard codec and industry standard protocols are open and interpretable to the public. Unscrupulous hackers frequently launch their attacks against VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) services that operate on these publicly open and interpretable standards. Peer-to-peer services, as well as over 90% of all VoIP computer phone services, operate on industry standard codec and industry standard protocols. In other words, their lines are not secure. IM services also create targeted vulnerability to vicious hacker attacks by a simple monitoring program made available that enables electronic eavesdropping. The above information is an excerpt taken from an in-depth and exclusive Report entitled "Why Hackers Love Computer Phones ? A Shocking Report You Must Read!" by Dee Scrip available only at http://www.whypay4calls.com/gtp/to.pl?l=ART-03
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Is VoIP the ?Next Big Thing? in Telecommunications? VoIP or Voice Over Internet Protocol has been simmering for the past few years. This year the market has heated up. Many large businesses have jumped on the VoIP bandwagon and have realized savings of 50-percent or more off their phone bills. VoIP providers are competing to add to or replace large PBX systems for the corporations and add web conferencing capabilities plus wireless VoIP (wVoIP) over LAN's as well. VOIP: A Basic, Basic Intro What is it? Telecom Industry Transition: WiFi, VoIP, WiMax - The Wireless Age is Already Here VoIP on WiMax will make the latest 3G technologies obsolete before they are completely installed. The reason is because 3G cell phone technology is capable of 2Mbs while WiFi is at 11Mbs in bursts and WiMax will be even greater therefore 3G is not needed as VoIP over WiMax is going to provide more data, faster speeds and greater numbers of users. WiFi and WiMax may actually solve the goals of conquering the digital divide. There will be a small price for this disruptive technology. There will be small legal battles fought such as this one over territory with government agencies and private sector. In the WiFi Online Newsletter commenting on a Wall Street Journal Article we saw Verizon fighting with the City of Philadelphia over their city wide WiFi and if you think about it they do potentially have quite a bit to lose don't they? VoIP Phone Home? The movie Extra Terrestrial (ET) coined the phrase "phone home" and each year American's look for more cost effective ways to do just that. The past 10 years have seen the development and growing popularity of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technologies to achieve cost savings over the traditional circuit-switched telephone networks. The two dominate technologies used for VoIP are: (1) the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and (2) Peer-2-Peer (P2P). For business and educational institutions SIP VoIP solutions have produced substantial savings. For home voice users, however, SIP VoIP is still value challenged. How Much Bandwidth is Required for VoIP Phones? A long-standing question for potential VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) consumers is "How much bandwidth does a VoIP phone require to make quality telephone calls?" Will VoIP be a Mass Market Product? A common thinking among "Marketing people " is that for every product that enters the market there must be a path, a target, a need ( real or created) that decides how the product must enter the consumer's life, which part of the population is more likely to go for it, which niche it is going to fill and, most important "...certain things being stated, something other than what is stated follows of necessity from their being so." and that is the final issue: the price. Take Your Home or Business Phone With You When You Travel Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephone service uses a broadband Internet connection (DSL or cable) instead of the Bell System circuits to carry your voice to any telephone in the world via the Internet. If you're not familiar with VoIP phone service, you'll be interested in this new technology that's giving traditional phone companies a run for their money. What?s Your IQ on Basic PC Phone (VoIP) Knowledge Short T/F quiz VoIP Overview Since we're using computers all the time to do our work, let's make it easy and add the phone to the pile. VoIP also known as (voice over Internet protocol), Internet telephony, IP telephony, and Internet voice is catching on and is expected to grow in the next few years. The technology has been around for about a decade, but it isn't till now that we have the supporting technology to handle it and an market reaching critical mass (hate using jargon, but there isn't a better way to say it). Voip Providers Review--- Choose The Best One For Your Business Making phone calls applying a broadband Internet connection,known as VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), is becoming so popular with corporations of each size. The prospect of paying a flat fee for unlimited long-distance phone calls is attractive to each company that has struggled to balance the want to conduct business phone calls with the cost of those calls. How Voip Can Mask The Size Of Your Business And Save You A Bundle Have you heard the buzz about VOIP (Voice Over Internt Protocol)? Basically, it's like communicating over the phone without a phone. Instead you plug your microphone into your computer log on to a website and "boom" you're talking baby. You may be saying "Hasn't this been around for a while?", and you'd be right. But with the advances recently made to internet technology this once "nice to have" product available to everyone, dial-up or broadband. No long distance charges, no entry fees, no codes to remember and even better, with the better services, you can share applications and web browsers. VoIP: Finally Worth a Look Dear Internet Friends, 6 Important Things You Should Consider When You Are Selecting A VoIP Provider The following are 6 very important factors to consider when you are selecting a VoIP provider. Educate yourself and be informed before you choose. The Future of Communications - Voice Over Internet When was the last time that you were able to make along-distance call for free? If you said "never", youprobably have not been introduced to VOIP or VoiceOver Internet Protocol. But, is this new technology asefficient as its counterpart, analog telephoneservice? Alarm Systems & VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Phone Lines An astounding and unexpected number of people are dropping their (POTS) plain old telephone system, for the latest trends in phone service, VoIP. According to Frost & Sullivan there were 100,000 VoIP users at the end of 2003. Just halfway through 2004 the number jumped to more than 500,000. Voip - Voice Over IP and Business: Is It For You? VoIP allows users to make phone calls using their high-speedInternet connection. This translates into free, or very lowcost long-distance calling. Because VoIP uses the power ofthe Internet, traditional phone companies are leftcompletely out of the loop. Of course, now that the idea ofVoIP is catching on more and more, traditional phonecompanies are developing and offering their own VoIP optionsso as not to be left out. From the consumer's point of view,this competition is keeping options open and pricing low.For businesses, this is particularly good news, since manyVoIP providers will want the business of business--this is ahuge market, which providers are aware, of, so the savvybusinessperson will take advantage of this, conduct thoroughresearch, and seek out the best possible option to meet thecompany's needs. What Is VoIP and How Does It Work Introduction Does Voice Over IP Telephony Spell the End for Traditional Telephones? Just What is Voice Over IP Telephony? VOIP This article contains the excellent information about the Voice Over IP Protocol. Try VoIP for Free - No Commitment, No Hardware Try VoIP Before Buying ![]() |
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