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VOIP: A Basic, Basic Intro
What is it? Most people are familiar w/ NetMeeting and other software that let you talk to others over the internet. VOIP is similar. However, it also uses your phone - the interface we're all familiar with. Instead of connecting your phone to the wall, you connect it to a box either the VOIP company provides or you buy on your own. This is the modem. You need highspeed/broadband internet for this. Your modem plugs into your cable/dsl modem and now it can 'talk' btwn your phone and the internet. Your phone lines already do pretty much what VOIP does, just w/ different/older technology (well, some of it's new w/ optics and such, but...). How hard is it to setup? It's actually very easy. Assuming you have the company send you a modem or you buy a kit at the store, you simply plug the modem btwn your current cable/dsl modem and your computer (e.g., the out from your cable modem now goes to the new box and the out from that to your computer). It also has a phone jack for your regular phone. Once it is on, it will boot up and configure itself. What are the benefits? There are many benefits depending on the company you go w/, but here are a few I have (all of these are free w/ the monthly fee- $14.99 for my setup): 1. Features like caller id, call waiting, call waiting caller id, call forwarding, etc. 2. Voicemail 3. Email alerts for new voicemail. 4. Web access to voicemail - you can play your messages on your computer. 5. Auto-forward - if the phone is ever down or isn't answered, it's auto-routed to another number 6. Online management of all features, settings, account, etc. 7. Computer dialing - highlight any number on your computer, hit F6 and it sets up the call from your phone to theirs - very convinient! 8. Keep your regular phone (you don't need a voip phone) There are some other cool features available for extra $ like the softphone which lets you use your computer as a phone w/o the modem - this means you can take your laptop w/ you wherever and you have your phone w/ the same phone number everywhere too (you can do this w/o the softphone, but you have to take your VOIP modem around w/ you - not bad if you're going somewhere for a longer trip). Another really cool thing is the virtual phone numbers. You can get extra numbers that ring the same phone, but they are local numbers to any area code you want. So if I live in Dallas and have family in New York, I can get a local phone number here and there. That way my family in New York can call a local number (free) and talk to me! Vonage charges $4.99/month for that. I'm not sure about the others. And the biggest benefit - IT'S CHEAP! I pay $14.99 plus some tax and such, but not the ump-teen taxes, charges, fees, etc. like the phone company charges. Also, if you do a little research/reading, you can set it up to where every phone jack in your house is wired for VOIP. It's little more than plugging the output of your VOIP modem into the wall jack you already have. Very little more. Bottom Line You get lots of good, free features and options for doing/managing a lot more including a lot over the web and it's SO much cheaper (at least it is for me!). Being the 'average guy' I am, I don't really use all the features. Fortunately, it's pretty much a 'set it up and forget about it' type thing except that I save $40+/month w/ it! I use Vonage b/c that's what I was told about first and it was one of the first. There are others and I'm sure they have their strengths, but Vonage has the cheapest base option at the time I did my research. Bear Cahill is a software engineer in the Dallas, TX area and runs a few websites: The Armchair Geek (thearmchairgeek.com), Webpage Hosting Info (webpagehostinginfo.com), Go To College Online (gotocollegeonline.com) and The Video Exchange Community (videoexchange.org) Publish freely if this resource box is included and links maintained as links.
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Using a Bluetooth Headset with your PC Bluetooth Voip Providers Review--- Choose The Best One For Your Business Making phone calls applying a broadband Internet connection,known as VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), is becoming so popular with corporations of each size. The prospect of paying a flat fee for unlimited long-distance phone calls is attractive to each company that has struggled to balance the want to conduct business phone calls with the cost of those calls. What Is VOIP? Confused about VOIP? Join the crowd. It's not as difficult as it sounds and we are going to make VOIP simple for the average person. Take Advantage of Internet Phone Calls (VOIP) Voice Over IP (VOIP) is a relatively new technology. Voice Over IP allows people to leave behind the old and very traditional analogue phone networks and now adapt in favor of the very new and very progressive Internet-based calling system infrastructure. Using this technology for your communications actually works out cheaper for you in the long run as it means you won't need to pay for calls if the people you are calling and speaking to are also using the same VOIP system. Do You Text Chat (IM) Online? IM (Instant Messaging) - man, we thought we had it made in the shade when we stumbled over this unique way to communicate! Outside of talking person-to-person on the phone, IM was the next best thing. Texting talk was endless and cost was nonexistent. Well, those were the good old days of yore ? you know, those days of glorious innocence. VoIP in the Home VoIP is set to revolutionise home communications. With VoIP you can make telephone calls over your broadband connection for free! Well in some cases you can, in other cases you might need to pay a monthly subscription to a VoIP service provider. There are a few different ways you can take advantage of VoIP at home. VOIP: A Basic, Basic Intro What is it? How to Choose VoIP Service Without Losing Your Shirt Voip. Is VoIP Good For The Home? There is no doubt that you have heard about VoIP by now. It's made headlines and is plastered everywhere both in online and TV advertisements. Just in case you haven't caught on to the hype yet, VoIP is the abbreviated term for Voice over Internet Protocol. Voice over Internet Protocol is basically the ability to communicate on a phone over your Internet connection. VOIP For Your Business Many companies are now beginning to look into alternatives to high priced telephone systems currently in use. They are realizing that there are huge benefits financially to those switching over to VOIP. They are realizing there is greater functionality with VOIP as well as cost savings and room for growth. Voice over Internet Protocal VoIP for Business VoIP consists of 2 major technologies.... How Much Bandwidth is Required for VoIP Phones? A long-standing question for potential VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) consumers is "How much bandwidth does a VoIP phone require to make quality telephone calls?" VOIP Questions and Answers Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, has grown in popularity recently and with that rise in popularity has come a number of common misconceptions and confusion. Global Value Conncet ( http://globalvalueconnect.com ) has complied this simple guide to address some of these most common questions and concerns. World On IP Community versus Telecoms Monopoly World on IP community versus the TELECOMS' monopoly or a dream of a visionary The Lowdown on VoIP It seems like technology is headed for a massive telephone change over. The traditional Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) is looking to be replaced by VoIP. VoIP is short for Voice over IP. VoIP is the routing of conversations over an IP network or the Internet. VoIP uses a packet-switched network instead of the circuit-switched voice transmission lines used by traditional telephone networks. VoIP does not need an Internet connection to work. A company that has a LAN connection with all of its computers can utilize VoIP technology. Lower Videophone Prices Allow Individuals Accessibility VoIP service providers are now offering videophone at the lowest price we've seen on the VoIP service market. The tremendous drop in prices will see more individuals and SMB's investing in this affordable futuristic way of communicating. VoIP and 911 Warning Be leery of your VoIP phone system in case of emergencies. 911 services may not be available to you or will be limited. You should put local emergency numbers by or on your phone in case you have a problem until the providers get this sorted out this fall. The FCC has been after VoIP providers to fix this problem and just recently extended the deadline. But for you and me, that means we have to be careful in emergencies or be left stranded trying to dial 911. Voice over IP Offers Your Business an Inexpensive Alternative To Toll Free Numbers New businesses can now let their customers contact them for free or inexpensively with the use of Voice over IP telephony, without having to lease the ever more expensive toll free numbers offered by many telecoms companies around the world. With Voice over IP telephony, local numbers can be setup in scores of towns and cities across a country at relatively low costs. These can then connect to a central Voice over IP service provider, which will allow free or low rate calls to you from your customers. Voip - Voice Over IP and Business: Is It For You? VoIP allows users to make phone calls using their high-speedInternet connection. This translates into free, or very lowcost long-distance calling. Because VoIP uses the power ofthe Internet, traditional phone companies are leftcompletely out of the loop. Of course, now that the idea ofVoIP is catching on more and more, traditional phonecompanies are developing and offering their own VoIP optionsso as not to be left out. From the consumer's point of view,this competition is keeping options open and pricing low.For businesses, this is particularly good news, since manyVoIP providers will want the business of business--this is ahuge market, which providers are aware, of, so the savvybusinessperson will take advantage of this, conduct thoroughresearch, and seek out the best possible option to meet thecompany's needs. How VoIP Works -- Busting Out of Long Distance Rates VoIP is the newest advancement in audio communications technology, and has a variety of different applications that make it useful. VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol, and how VoIP works is actually quite revolutionary because it streamlines the process of sending analog audio signals by converting them to a much easier to send digital form for transmission. ![]() |
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