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Will VoIP be a Mass Market Product?
A common thinking among "Marketing people " is that for every product that enters the market there must be a path, a target, a need ( real or created) that decides how the product must enter the consumer's life, which part of the population is more likely to go for it, which niche it is going to fill and, most important "...certain things being stated, something other than what is stated follows of necessity from their being so." and that is the final issue: the price. Depending on those anavoidable patterns a product is more or less ready for a certain market. High technologically devices, the ones that offer perfect quality and cost a fortune will target the elitarian market, where the price has not big importance (on the contrary, if the price would be lower than what certain people can afford, the product wouldn't reach them) since it means luxury. When a product ceases to be luxury and begins to be a need, then the mass market is ready. The product can enter 60% of consumers' lives, reach easily a good upgrade in the percentage and become " The New Product of the year 200....". Let's consider the VoIP market. Prior to recent theoretical work on social needs, the usual purpose of a product invoked individual (social) behaviors. We now know that these assumptions are not completely wrong. Wrong would be NON considering them. In systems where many people are free to choose between many options, a small subset of the whole offer will get a disproportionate amount of traffic (or attention, or income), even if no one of the system actively work towards such an outcome. This has nothing to do with moral weakness, selling out, or any other psychological explanation. The very act of choosing, spread widely enough and freely enough, creates a power law distribution. Now, thanks to a series of breakthroughs in network theory by researchers we know that power law distributions tend to arise in social systems where many people express their preferences among many options. We also know that as the number of options rise, the curve becomes more extreme. This is a counter-intuitive finding - most of us would expect a rising number of choices to flatten the curve, but in fact, increasing the size of the system increases the gap between the #1 spot and the median spot. In other words: give to the people the choice among desktop phones and mobile phones and the majority will choose what they think more convenient, in spite of the cost of the service. In a way the cost of the service is the only left advantage in favour of the fixed telephony. If the price was the same the desktop phones would disappear from the life of the average consumer (mass market consumer). To see how freedom of choice could create such unequal distributions, consider a hypothetical population of a thousand people, each picking their favorite way of telecommunication. One way to model such a system is simply to assume that each person has an equal chance of liking each kind of telephony. This distribution would be basically flat - most kind of telephony will have the same number of people listing it as a favorite. A few will be more popular than average and a few less, of course, but that will be statistical noise. The bulk of the telephony will be of average popularity, and the highs and lows will not be too far different from this average. In this model, neither the quality of the voice, the availability, the design of the device nor other people's choices have any effect; there are no shared tastes, no preferred genres, no effects from marketing or recommendations from friends. This is the mass market of VoIP as dreamed and forecasted by most hardware producers. People would choose VoIP in spite of the fact that the systems are not intercommunicating, the available phones are just desktop phones, most of the population doesn't have a "Flat rate DSL" and some do not even have a decent connection, (just one " UP to...) and just because VoIP means cutting cost. They have a few wrong assumptions: But they do not consider that: Besides people's choices do affect one another. If we assume that any kind of telephony chosen by one user is more likely, by even a fractional amount, to be chosen by another user, the system changes dramatically. If Robert (our average mass market consumer) likes to have a phone in his pocket, available mostly anywhere, it is very likely that Mary would like the same. Is VoIp ready for the "Mass Market"? The answer could be No and Yes. What would VoIP offer more than the existing several choices? What would VoIP telephony need to be #1 spot in the curve? If ONE could put these patterns together, THEN VoIP would really have the chance to be #1. See my website: http://www.worldonip.com or contact me patrizia@worldonip.com About The Author Patrizia is an ebooks publisher. See also http://www.easymediabroadcast.com
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Making PC to Phone VoIP Calls over Dial-Up Internet Connections There's a lot of hype these days surrounding Internet-based voice communications (VoIP) replacing traditional telephone service. Most of this revolves around companies such as Vonage who coin themselves as the 'Broadband Phone Company'. So what about those of us who don't have a broadband connection? Just because you don't have high speed Internet, doesn't mean that you can't save a fortune by using VoIP for your long-distance calls. Whilst a broadband connection will usually result in more consistent VoIP call quality, comparable results can be achieved using a dial-up connection provided some simple guidelines are followed. VoIP and 911 Warning Be leery of your VoIP phone system in case of emergencies. 911 services may not be available to you or will be limited. You should put local emergency numbers by or on your phone in case you have a problem until the providers get this sorted out this fall. The FCC has been after VoIP providers to fix this problem and just recently extended the deadline. But for you and me, that means we have to be careful in emergencies or be left stranded trying to dial 911. Bluetooth Computer Headsets - Enjoy Wireless Freedom Wireless Computer Headsets The Dangers of Peer-to-Peer Systems Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems do not operate on secure lines, thus providing a conduit for hackers to enter a network or computer, access personal and confidential information, as well as deploy viruses or worms. Users of P2P systems are prime targets and/or launching points for malicious hacker attacks simply because it requires downloading and sharing electronic files or programs, not to mention usage on publicly open and interpretable industry standard protocols and industry standard codec. 6 Important Things You Should Consider When You Are Selecting A VoIP Provider The following are 6 very important factors to consider when you are selecting a VoIP provider. Educate yourself and be informed before you choose. Does Voice Over IP Telephony Spell the End for Traditional Telephones? Just What is Voice Over IP Telephony? What can a VoIP Phone System Do for a Small Business? Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, is a term used to describe the transmission of telephone calls using a data network, rather than over traditional phone lines. It is a simple concept, but one that is having a very significant impact on the world of business communications. Do You Text Chat (IM) Online? IM (Instant Messaging) - man, we thought we had it made in the shade when we stumbled over this unique way to communicate! Outside of talking person-to-person on the phone, IM was the next best thing. Texting talk was endless and cost was nonexistent. Well, those were the good old days of yore ? you know, those days of glorious innocence. VoIP - A Laymans Look - Should You Or Shouldnt You? "As business people we manufacture shin pads, or we distribute cat food, or we evangelize, but should we be considering VoIP? Will it make us more money, or save us time?" -Dennis Schooley Try VoIP for Free - No Commitment, No Hardware Try VoIP Before Buying Is VoIP Good For The Home? There is no doubt that you have heard about VoIP by now. It's made headlines and is plastered everywhere both in online and TV advertisements. Just in case you haven't caught on to the hype yet, VoIP is the abbreviated term for Voice over Internet Protocol. Voice over Internet Protocol is basically the ability to communicate on a phone over your Internet connection. World On IP Community versus Telecoms Monopoly World on IP community versus the TELECOMS' monopoly or a dream of a visionary VoIP (Computer Phone) Warning Warning! Warning! Warning! How to Choose VoIP Service Without Losing Your Shirt Voip. Voice Over IP ? Saving Money I was on a tech support call with a client in Australia for over forty-five minutes. Guess how much that cost me. If I told you less than a dollar, would you believe it? Well it is true indeed. How VoIP Will Affect Every Household and Business in the World Seattle venture capitalist, Greg Gottesman, calls it "?one of the most important changes in communications in the past 100 years." Voip - Voice Over IP and Business: Is It For You? VoIP allows users to make phone calls using their high-speedInternet connection. This translates into free, or very lowcost long-distance calling. Because VoIP uses the power ofthe Internet, traditional phone companies are leftcompletely out of the loop. Of course, now that the idea ofVoIP is catching on more and more, traditional phonecompanies are developing and offering their own VoIP optionsso as not to be left out. From the consumer's point of view,this competition is keeping options open and pricing low.For businesses, this is particularly good news, since manyVoIP providers will want the business of business--this is ahuge market, which providers are aware, of, so the savvybusinessperson will take advantage of this, conduct thoroughresearch, and seek out the best possible option to meet thecompany's needs. The Lowdown on VoIP It seems like technology is headed for a massive telephone change over. The traditional Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) is looking to be replaced by VoIP. VoIP is short for Voice over IP. VoIP is the routing of conversations over an IP network or the Internet. VoIP uses a packet-switched network instead of the circuit-switched voice transmission lines used by traditional telephone networks. VoIP does not need an Internet connection to work. A company that has a LAN connection with all of its computers can utilize VoIP technology. Faxing over VoIP As far as VoIP has come in Voice telephone calls, faxing over VoIP still has a lot of room to improve. What Do You Know About VoIP? What is VoIP ![]() |
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