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Team Work - A Challenge of Character
Over the years there has been much ado about team work, the value of teams, the ups and downs, the pros the cons! Some appear to work and others fail, why? Can your business benefit from a team work approach or not? As people we are 'complex beings' It never ceases to amaze me how we often gravitate to negative ways of thinking about others when we ourselves (if we are honest) have just as many flaws and faults. We often find ourselves thinking about the glass half empty instead of the glass half full. Life and business can be a very positive experience. Having been in the workforce for over 25 years have given me the opportunity to observe trends and over time see what works and what doesn't, and however more importantly why? From junior clerk to CEO and President of businesses it is my opinion that there is nothing new under the sun. Re-badged ideas and principals have been operating for centuries. From armies to seminaries we can observe and learn that humankind has arranged itself in team structures, some successful, some failures. Take William Wallace, the plucky Scotsman who organised teams (bandits) against the English oppression. From good to evil nations and people have banded together and achieved more than they could have alone. This is the key, that alone and as individuals we can achieve, however together we can exponentially achieve if we will pay the price of patience and time. Good teams take time and patience to build! Over the years the practice of teams in business has often come and gone. It is my observation that over the last 10 years there has been a profound shift in the fundamental way teams operate in that those that are successful appear to be made up of people who have developed a high level of trust in each other and have had a heart transformation in that they strive to live authentically, have a high level of self control and common sense. We appear by nature to be suspicious and untrusting as individuals and this does not lend itself towards team building. The good news is that we can change! What makes a good team?A good team is one where team members are allowed a great deal of autonomy. This is usually given as teams prove their trust to management by succeeding in small tasks and are subsequently and progressively delegated more responsibility. Have you ever noticed that the clock seems to go faster when working cooperatively with other people? Have you ever noticed the creativity and learning that takes place between team members? The off-setting multi-skilling is fantastic for your business. What causes a team to fail?As the 3 musketeers once said 'one for all and all for one'When individuals come together to operate as a team it is critical that they have the hands-on support of management. Individuals need to learn to put aside differences and develop trust and believe that they will be rewarded as a team and individuals. Teams are not only about the team but about your employee's individual's contribution to the team - a fact overlooked to your peril. Tips for Management Change is painful for you and your employees. You may want instant results! This is unlikely to occur and remain sustainable. You cannot give lip-service to team concepts and demonstrate by your behaviour the opposite. Over time a team will prove its worth to your business if your persevere with patience and support. You reap what you sow. Communicate, communicate, and communicate! Be participative with your employees. The sad truth is that some managers and business owners put more effort into their motor vehicle than their employees. You cannot hide behind indifference and position and expect your team to produce. You must live authentically. This is sometimes called 'risky living'. Tips for EmployeesBeing part of a team is a fantastic opportunity to develop and grow personally and professionally. If you are placed into a team be realistic and understand that change is painful for you and your other colleagues as well. Understand your team will have its positives and negatives - be realistic. Sometimes you may feel undervalued as a team member or be concerned that someone else in the team is being rewarded when you feel you should be. Understand that management is usually aware of what is happening. Behind the scenes management are making changes and these changes are not always in your timeframe. You don't have the full picture. If you feel you need to say something do so respectfully. Don't put your manager in a corner forcing them to make a decision. Be patient? Understand that one of the greatest challenges facing business today is to get 'good employees'. Your manager is well aware that he/she needs to keep you. How to develop a team in your businessBuilding good solid relationships anywhere takes time and effort. You must be patient! Ask yourself the question - can my business benefit from team structures? Do your homework and understand the cost in time and money it will take to get the desired outcomes your business is looking for. Patience and commitment is the key. Do not lose your nerve. Take advice when you need it. Communicate to employees - communication is the glue that holds teams and relationships together. It is reliably reported that up to 85% of divorce can be traced back to a lack of communication about money! Take your employees with you; explain to them the benefits; flexible working hours, team bonus for agreed outcomes, rewards from higher productivity, job certainty, and prestige. Relationships - relationships are a critical strategic structure within society and any business. Good relationships can grow your business while bad relationships tear it down. You cannot escape from this principal. Structure - ensure structures are in place for teams to grow. Time - it takes time to build a good team but the rewards can be outstanding for the business and employees. Having worked in teams and put them together I can recommend a team structure where both the business and individuals are committed to the team and demonstrate this by their behaviour. Remember, your life and conduct are like a book - people, family and friends read you and see what is, not what you think is! If you demonstrate patience and put time into developing a team environment built on trust you will succeed. Your business will increase its profits, your employee turnover will go down and your business will be admired. The choice is yours. To help your business grow with other quality articles please visit www.biz-momentum.com Philip Lye is the Director of Biz Momentum http://www.biz-momentum.com providing you with practical actionable strategies in strategic human resource management employee advice, management and employee skills training and conference speaking. Philip started his working life as a junior clerk and progressed through various industries to CEO before starting Biz Momentum. Philip has significant international experience.
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Communication between franchisees in a franchise system If you own a franchise you would be wise to stay in constant communication with your fellow and local franchisee counterparts. You should call up once a week and simply say; Hi. It is important to call up and just say hi to your fellow franchisees because it will remind them that you are always near by. You will get something positive out of the phone call such as: A Team That Gleamed Too many techies get a bad rap for lacking teamwork and communications skills. The stereotype is that while techies are great at what they are trained to do, they cannot parlay their knowledge onto others. Because of the stereotype that techies cannot communicate, they also can be stigmatized that they lack adequate teamwork skills. So, what are the chances of two Helpdesk teams communicating with each other to successfully form one team while not compromising customer service? Teamwork in the Workplace: A Definition A tight knit team is a group of competent individuals who care deeply about each other. They are fiercely committed to their mission, and are highly motivated to combing their energy and expertise to achieve a common objective. From our observation and studies on teamwork in the workplace, we have found three primary conditions that have to be met in order to attain higher levels of team performance and member satisfaction.Resources and CommitmentOwnership and HeartLearning Business Team Building Strategy In The Jungle "Tak kenak! Tak kenak!" "Adak Orang sanak!????" Team Building requires one great dynamic for true Success - Mateship A Successful Team is built around mateship, around respect for your team mates and for yourself. I am not saying that everyone will get on like best buddies, what I noticed is that in all our 'differences' everyone was accepted as they were, got on within the boundaries of the club and got the job done. I have seen teams that have been full of stars, as I am sure you have too, and those teams have not succeeded. They have not achieved their full potentials as individuals or as a team. Teamwork, Rowing, & Paddles Effective and sustainable teambuilding is necessary in today's marketplace where fewer people are being required to do more work. More often than not, the adage "Getting everyone rowing in the same direction" is associated with building effective teams. However, is this really true? If everyone is rowing in the same direction, will the organization or the individual project realize a dramatic return for everyone's results? Build a Great Team - Ten Easy Ways to Start! It's all about focusing on where the best value in using time lies. Who is the leader of the team and what is your best use of time. Getting to know your own value and appreciating where you add it best is a big, and very productive step. Team Building Part 2: Honesty is the Key! The second in a series of 2 articles giving a slightly different viewpoint on effective team building, condensed from an original seminar presented by the author, John Roberts. John is a Freelance Training Consultant and director of JayrConsulting Ltd. Part 1 ( Another Brick in the Wall ) dealt with selecting and building the initial team. Part 2 deals with the culture that need to be in place to run the team really effectively. The ideas expressed are personal opinions built up from many years of experience in the Electronics/Aerospace industry, the Armed Forces, the Telecoms industry and the Training industry. There is no suggestion of this being a 100% solution applicable to or workable in all situations, but it is aimed at getting people to think outside of the norm and question the 'normal' way of doing things. Checklist for High Performing Teams Why do some teams perform well while others struggle? How can you assess how effectively your team is working now, and identify methods for improvement? The Team Process We live in very progressive times, one only has to look around at the changes on the internet each day to see that this is true. Leading the Witness: How Asking Questions as a Trainer Can Limit Learning and Reduce Trust "Asking questions can be a means of establishing authority, fulfilling leadership functions, and ensuring effective learning. In fact, asking questions is probably the most subtle power you have for controlling people. The person who asks questions always controls the conversation... if we could discipline our minds to ask questions instead, we could lead any conversation to wherever we wanted it because the other person would still be wrapped up in thinking what he or she wanted to say next...One of the rights you have as a trainer is to ask questions and expect answers. This is why question-asking is such a powerful tool. It challenges and avoids confrontation at the same time." How To Help A Sick Team Become Healthy Team Building Question: Constructive Group Dynamics: How to Go from the S.N.I.P.P.Y. Syndrome to a C.L.E.A.R. V.I.E.W. If asked to look at your work calendar for the week, the odds are pretty good that you have a few if not several meetings already scheduled. Now, if asked how you feel about attending some of those meetings, the odds are even better that you may either roll your eyes, groan or mutter something under your breath. Sound familiar so far? Okay, that was the easy part. Hand Out Warm Glows Do you remember how you felt after your last interactionwith another person either on the phone or face to face?That person - it could have been a customer, a colleague, asalesperson, a friend or even a member of your family. Didthey make you feel good, uplifted and more positive, didthey leave you feeling neutral or did they make you feeldown and more negative. Team Communication Critical To Success I'm often asked, "Why is my team always fighting fires instead of preparing for changes?" Finding the answer may take some digging. Here are a few possibilities. Team members: Effective Brainstorming Most managers simply herd some people in a room with a flip chart and call it a brainstorming session. Yet there is a definite process that maximizes the size and quality of the idea pool. While there are hundreds of valid techniques for doing this, below are just some of the important concepts leaders should consider. Landscaping Business; Employee Relations There are few industries or service type businesses, which are more labor intensive then that of the Landscaping Profession. Whether it is the installation of new landscape designs or the maintenance or mowing of the existing properties; it is done by people power working with the proper tools. Efficiency is king and teamwork is the key to staying on schedule and wasting little time or effort getting the work done. Franchisor Award Programs; Ideas and Innovation Franchisors should also be heavy on the award side of motivational material. Award certificates and plaques should be given out to franchisees who perform above expectations. Each franchisor needs to take a look at their business model and find ways to best motivate the team. In our franchise company we came up with several ideas and continually innovated to find new ways to use awards to strengthen or franchise family. Awards will be given out for: Trust: A Critical Factor to Your Teams Success True or false? Teams that practice good teamwork contribute to an organization's success. Brainstorm Ever lost for ideas while working in a group? One of the most often-used technique for generating many ideas is Brainstorming. Alex Osborn, a partner in an advertising agency, developed brainstorming techniques years ago in 1941 to help his employees to come up with many, many ideas for their advertising business. ![]() |
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