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Religion and Spirituality - What Differentiates Religion from Spirituality?
Religion is "absolute truth of life" of the physical manifested world. It is Religion and not Spirituality which forms the basis of the present society we live in. In the present the needs for following a Religion being at its minimum... it is easy to follow any Religion. Anyone... even a layman can follow any Religion but not Spirituality? What vastly differentiates Religion and Spirituality? Religion... if it forms the core of the physical manifested world... it is the Spirituality (the truth of our Soul within) which upholds the values in the society. Without Spirituality the physical manifested world cannot sustain for long but in the absence of religion... the society can survive on its own. It is Spirituality (the truth of our real self... our Soul within) which forms the core of the cosmic world. The physical manifested world is a reality in terms of the senses (which guide every human being on its earthly journey). In the cosmic world... our physical manifested world does not hold good for there is nothing solid in the Cosmos. Everything in the Cosmos is made up of the basic building block of the Cosmos which comprise of atoms and molecules alone. Religion is meant for passing of the physical manifested life in a meaningful manner. Unable to understand the nature of God... humanity has built for itself various religious centers all over the globe. These religious centers are they a mosque, temple or a church... provide a succor to the ever ailing society. They quench the thirst of an average human being... one who does not have time or the resources to contemplate directly on God the Almighty. Indulgence in Spirituality is not meant for the average human being. To be able to fathom the depths of the Scriptures of the various religions of the world (the core truths of Spirituality)... one needs to dive deep into the pearls of wisdom contained in the various sacred Scriptures of the world. Spirituality is totally oblivious of a religion. In the field of Spirituality one need not go to a mosque, temple or a church in search of God. It is contemplation and only contemplation which shall lead one to God the Almighty. Spirituality (contrary to religion) is all about the spirit existing within every human being neigh every living being (Jiva as we call it in Hinduism). It is truth of every life prevailing on Mother Earth. It is the real self of us which exists within every living being since the birth of that body in the form of an individual soul. Spirituality and Religion are the two fundamentals of life which every living being is required to follow simultaneously. One can live without Religion but not without Spirituality for Spirituality forms the core of very existence of every living being. It is the spirit within every human being that we exist as a physical form on Mother Earth. We may or may not indulge in understanding Spirituality or a Religion but inherently every living being pursues the path of Spirituality in every manifestation. Spirituality is that fundamental of life which cannot be ignored by one. To be able to understand the basics of the Spirituality (not religion) one needs to understand the underlying meaning of the various sacred Scriptures existing on Mother Earth. Whatever our religious masters teach us on the physical plane may not be a truthful representation of whatever is contained in the sacred Scriptures. Many commentaries may exist related to a particular sacred Scripture but all may not be correct or rightly represent the facts contained therein. To be able to interpret the sacred Scriptures correctly one needs to understand the inner meaning of the core teachings contained therein. Spirituality in other words can only be best understood from a realized master. Only those who have reached the level of Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed can deliver the humanity of its ills. On the contrary going to a temple, mosque or a church can provide temporary succor to the ailing humanity but it is only Spirituality which can provide a permanent relief. Religion provides relief in day-to-day life but Spirituality liberates one forever from the cycle of birth and death. Religion is primarily a following of an enlightened master... it is only the correct interpretation of his teachings that one can follow spirituality to its logical end. Buddhism Religion relates to the teachings of Gautama Buddha. The Islamic Religion is based on the teachings of Prophet Mohammed. Jainism (which can not be rightly called as a Religion but a way of life) is based on the collective teachings of the various Tirthankars (enlightened souls). Similarly Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Following the teachings of Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed... One can definitely reach the higher portals of Religion but to become one like Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed one needs to understand the core teachings of the realized masters themselves in a totally unadulterated form. In a nutshell, if we desire to understand the fundamentals of life itself and reach the end of the cosmic journey... we need to understand Spirituality in totality. And on the contrary if we desire to live the present physical manifested life in the best manner possible then following the dictates of Religion alone would suffice. Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 explains what differentiates Religion from Spirituality. Subscribe free Newsletter "Spiritual Secrets Unveiled" - Explore hidden cosmic truths Religion and Spirituality
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You may have no idea what I 've been through because I do my best to look the same. I am scared to death of you. I use to be just like you. I once held my head up high without propping in on my hymnal. I was well respected back then, and I even respected myself. I was whole-hearted devoted to God, and if the truth be known, somewhere deep inside I was sometimes the slightest bit proud of my devotion. Then I'd repent because I knew pride was wrong. I didn't want to be wrong. Not ever. People looked up to me. And life looked good from up there. I felt good about who I was. That was before I was Had. Strangely, I no longer remember my old name. I just remembered I liked it. I liked who I was. I wish I could go back. I wish I would just wake up. But I fear I'm wide awake. I have had a nightmare. And the nightmare was me Had. Heroes and Heroines - Contemplating Conscious Evolution The myths of man have been with us throughout time. 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He is another dimension in which we don't even understand the terms. This article summarizes what is revealed about him in the Bible. Please publish it liberally to spread the word about him. Notifying me at lynn_b2@yahoo.com would be appreciated. Total words 801. To Witness the Life that is God My wife, our friend and I went to listen to a concert in one of the well known Halls in Melbourne. After parking our car two elderly ladies showed us where the entrance was and we began walking toward it. Coming down from a small asphalt slope on the way we suddenly heard an alarming sound behind us, turned around and saw that one of these ladies had fallen heavily. She sustained a deep wound on her forehead and was bleeding. She wanted to see a doctor, her friend and myself helped her up. However, she became pale and could not proceed. We sat her down on some nearby stairs, and she closed her eyes, her body became seemingly lifeless, and I realized that she lost consciousness. An ambulance was called. Picture This (Part Two) In part one, I described an existence that is absolute, and a being of perfection that only the creator would know, this is the source of all that is, this is what many would call God. ![]() |
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