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For I, the Lord, Heal You!
With those words recorded in Exodus 15:26, God proclaims to man the source of all healing...Himself! Healing is not found in a bottle or pill, it's not found in somefar off new age or medical technique...Healing is found only in the living God, the One who knit our bones together. Only God knows how to heal in body, spirit and soul. Only He, has made for our every provision. All throughout Scripture the same message is echoed... "The Lord will keep you free from every disease." (Deuteronomy 7:15) "Praise the Lord...who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases." (Psalm 103:2, 3) "Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding...This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones." (Proverbs 3:5-8) "Listen closely to my words...for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body." (Proverbs 4:20-22) "...by his wounds you have been healed." (I Peter 2:24) But we are a stubborn lot, aren't we? We've looked under every rock and have searched the collective knowledge of mankind to find healing, all the while ignoring God's Word. Oh, no...I'm not speaking about pagans here, I'm talking about born again Christians. Christians today are bombarded with television commercials on the virtues of prescription drugs for every malady from A to Z. The evening news frequently tells us of some new surgery technique, or medical scientific breakthrough that promises to make life better for us all. The message is that modern medicine has an answer for whatever ails us...and the message works. Church denominations, once known as centers for healing, today routinely relegate healing to medical professionals in the secular world. The word "secular" means "Without God", by the way. It's sad, because secular medicine treats man as any animal, subject only to proven scientific law. For Christians, the problem is especially agonizing. On the one hand they have faith in God, but struggle to know His will in their lives. They want to believe God's promise of healing, but have become so conditioned to how we do church, they pay little attention. For there is little discussion on the subject of healing from a biblical perspective in our churches. We know God's Word is living, but how do we reckon with passages that seem so...so out of this world to believe? When God says He will heal us of disease and sickness, does He mean literally? And if so, how is this possible in today's age of rampant chronic illness? After all, we reason, if modern medicine cannot stop the spread of chronic illness, why hasn't God done it for us? Modern medicine can be a wonderful tool for healing when applied correctly. But have you ever considered that modern medicine can also be a curse, an abomination unto the Lord? Healing is the most sought after commodity on earth. So it is sad when mankind looks everywhere but to the one source who provides it. Christians know God has conquered death and they share the hope of the resurrection. What we do not know is God's Word provides healing in body in the here and now (Isaiah 53:4-50. He has said, His Word brings health to our body and nourishment to our bones. The problem is not that God said it, but rather how little we believe it or apply it. If we believe God has overcome death on our behalf, can we not believe His Word can heal our body when we are overcome with a life-threatening illness? Likewise, while God's Word brings health to our bones, we need to know ignorance of His Word brings death (Hosea 4:6). Many Christians today are challenged to grow in truth and knowledge of God's Word. May you be blessed by God with wellness, and grow in His riches. Jim Lynn is the publisher of God's Healing Word (a free newsletter) and author of The Miracle of Healing in Your Church Today. http://godshealingword.org
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Moksha - Salvation Hinduism... Highlights Concept and the Path Is it not true that only after gaining Enlightenment (Self-Realization) that one can reach the stage of Moksha (Salvation). The Purpose of Life, Told by an Agnostic Talked to an interesting person today at a coffee shop, after about 10 minutes or so told me he was an atheist. Which is interesting and lends it self as to why we were having this particular conversation about "THE MEANING OF LIFE". Masculine Energy versus Feminine Energy I have been reading a lot lately about the concepts of masculine and feminine energy. It all sort of goes along with the yin and yang definitions of masculine and feminine. I do not think I need to define the differences for you. The ideas I feel called to address today have more to do with the finger pointing and blame going on in the spiritual communities. Some religions believe in a masculine god and others in a feminine goddess. There is this snobbish assumption that only one is correct and that the other belief is foolish and misguided. Each believes that if everyone would subscribe to their particular vision of power, then all would be right with the world. A Beautiful Mind is a Simple Mind!! In the movie "A Beautiful Mind" John Nash (played by Russell Crowe) is a schizophrenic math genius who struggles with is inability to have peace of mind. In one scene he bangs his head on the window until it bleeds, begging his mind to slow down, all the while having a conversation with his imaginary roommate, Charles. Accepting Non-Acceptance It's not always easy to stand in the midst of a group of people (particularly if those people are people that we have known and are attached to emotionally) and be different. To think differently, to believe differently, to respond differently, to live a different life than our friends and our family are living is, in a sense, the "toughest challenge" of manifesting our spiritual self. The threat inherent to this situation is that those we love, those we care about, those we have always depended upon for emotional support and encouragement will turn against us because we no longer follow the same belief system that they do. How Useful is a Dream Dictionary Really? At the start of your dream journey, one of the most frustrating things is to figure out what the symbolism in your dreams means! Most often people start their dream conversation with me by saying: "I had this weird dream ?" What makes it "weird" is the strange collection of people, objects, places and events that take place in the dream. You Are What You Think One of the first things you will find that God will start to do with you if you have decided to enter into a true sanctification process with Him is to try and put right thinking into your thought process. Unforgiving Servant - Why Would You Hurt Yourself Like This? Everybody knows that if you stick your hand in a fireyou're going to be burned. This is a fact that wasbranded in our minds since childhood, therefore weusually take special precautions when dealing withfire. You wouldn't intentionally burn yourself becauseyou are aware of the pain and discomfort it will causeyou. Seeing the Big Picture Sometimes, in traveling a path, we discover a short-cut, and we reach our destination in less time-and with less effort than we thought, when we began the journey, would be required of us. On the path to self-awareness, however, there are no short-cuts. Personal growth awareness of the person we are in every present moment-is an ongoing lifetime process. The end of one learning cycle is always the beginning of the next. The Importance of Honoring Mothers and Fathers With another year full of family events coming upon us, those of us that are lucky enough to have parents to honor will celebrate Mother's and Father's Day. We set aside one day a year for this, but it should be something we do everyday of the year, as commanded by God. There is a good reason for this, or else He wouldn't have commanded it! Beware of the Lobby Lizards Our church is infested with lobby lizards. They crawl around the lobby of the church while other activities are going on as if they already have mastered the topic the pastor is discussing. Maybe they have memorized the Bible so studying it in a small group isn't necessary. Whatever the case, the lobby lizards are multiplying! Spirituality: Living the Whole The words 'new age' and 'spirituality' can have people running for the hills, or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say running to their urban sanctuary of material distractions. They conjure up images of tie-dye, tofu, and a lack of deodorant. So I'd like to dispel a few myths. Ultimate Truth:The Beginning You decide! We are often asked to make decisions. Decision is described as, the passing of judgment on an issue under consideration, the act of reaching a conclusion or making up one's mind, a conclusion or judgment reached or pronounced, hence a verdict. When Bad Things Happen (Part 2) The good that Paul writes about is a commitment of life to the sovereign will of God. It is complete trust in God. It is a conviction that cannot be blurred even by the reality of human suffering. In the Aftermath of Mankind It is life, time for breathing deep, sighs and touching without fingers. Hummingbirds whizzing by my ears, the striking fear of that buzzing sound, so large and loud. Only they can scare me. Gods Name... Creation and Undoing! Over the past number of years, while going through my studies and research, information and answers come to the surface that are most astounding. I have come to understand things differently than I was taught in years of Catholic schooling. Although, I still believe in the "bigger picture" and "something greater", it has taken on a different tone and context. It has turned from a fearful system of faith to a confident system of knowledge and thought. By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them Military personnel at a U.S. prison in Guantanamo, Bay, Cuba allegedly desecrated the Quran (Koran) by flushing its pages into a toilet. The news has sparked media interest in the states, and outrage in the Muslim world, especially in the Middle East. Anyone following world news has probably seen a number of articles reporting on the Middle East riots that have occurred as a result. The Quran is the name of the Muslim holy book, and is the guide to the Islam religion. What Are You Leaving On The Table Of Life? Our Creator is an infinitely loving and generous provider - and yet most of us have trouble asking for help or for those things that are rightly ours to request. We insist on doing it all alone and then wonder why things go so far downhill so fast. Of course, some of us have been taught that it is not right to ask for things, or that we can ask for things, for others or for the common good, not for ourselves. But why should this be the case? Nearly every spiritual and religious canon teaches that we have only to ask and we shall receive, that our Creator is our provider and that we are rich beyond imagining in all things because or our relationship to God. No, I see no issue with asking for what we need (or want) as part of our divine birthright - accepting, of course, that our answer could be "No," for any number of reasons that we are not in a position to see or understand. Faith and Repentance Basics As I listen with pastors and preachers in the body of Christ, I have become to see that we minister to people many times on a level they have not yet reached. This is a very critical point when we start to look at the Sunday morning service. When we come to bible study or mid-week service we have a totally different group of people that we do on a Sunday morning. In the average Sunday morning worship service, if we can be real for just a moment, much of the terminology and Christian jargon is foreign to the ones that we are called to reach. We are there to save that which is lost, and a sinner is need of Salvation is is not going to know what we are saying if we exchange the simple word "Saved" or salvation for the theological term Soteriology. We are, as the say, not preaching to the choir, people that are there every Sunday and have matured in the faith. Reflections On Eckhart Tolles Concept Of The Pain-Body First, there is the field of complete consciousness. ![]() |
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