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Evangelical Skepticism: Pursuing Your Right To Be Wrong
Michael Shermer speaks with the energy and passion of an evangelist, so it's not too surprising to learn that he used to be one. What is surprising is that he has made a 180-degree turn in his approach to belief. As a college student at Pepperdine University, he knocked on doors to spread the word of the gospel to anyone who would listen. Now he preaches the power of skepticism in the true sense of the word. Like a war hero who becomes an anti-war activist, this turnaround is both curious and inspiring. His story underscores the complexity of the concept of belief and our need to hold on to some form of validation. Shermer is the publisher of Skeptic Magazine. He is quick to point out that what many people think of as skepticism is really cynicism. Being skeptical has nothing to do with being a grumpy curmudgeon who discounts any idea that disrupts his world view. It is less a position and more an approach using science and reason. Skeptics are open to looking into anything and everything, but are reluctant to latch on to theories without sufficient evidence to back them up. Skeptics don't sit around trashing the ideas of others--that would be a waste of thinking time. Instead, they luxuriate in the opportunity to further explore interesting notions. The motto of the Skeptics Society and Skeptic Magazine is a statement made by the 17th-century Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza: "I have made a ceaseless effort not to ridicule, not to bewail, not to scorn human actions, but to understand them." This is a fabulous approach to life, even though it may require more patience than most of us can muster. If we can't count on any absolute truths and we don't want to get bogged down by the muddy thinking of relativism, we've got to do our best to establish what Shermer calls "provisional" truths. He uses the word "provisional" a lot to refer to those pretty good truths and almost universal ideas we tend to think of as fairly consistent. Is infanticide bad? Yes, almost always. There could be, in some cultures and in some specific circumstances, ethical reasons to justify infanticide, but we recognize that those are few and far between. Provisional ethics allows for continued discussion and exploration in a way that a black and white view never will. Shermer was in town recently to talk about the third book in his trilogy on the power of belief: The Science of Good and Evil: Why People Cheat, Gossip, Share, Care and Follow the Golden Rule. He offered compelling theories and groundbreaking scientific results regarding the evolution of human ethics. Thanks to magnetic resonance imaging, we can now see what's going on in the brain while we perform certain tasks. It turns out that the pleasure centers of our brain "light up" when we engage in activities that are cooperative- sharing, being generous, helping others. Just as though we were eating our favorite comfort foods, getting a massage, or making love, our brains register this activity as highly pleasurable. There is (some) reason to believe that cooperation has evolved as a highly prized survival skill, and thus we are "rewarded" by feeling good about it. Engaging in competitive activities--trying to beat a rival, striving to gain control--shows up in an entirely different area of the brain. Of course, this is also a very important survival skill, but it tends to come with its own tangible rewards--more food, more wealth, the mate of your choice, etc. I'm still waiting for research on highly competitive individuals. Do their brains light up in the pleasure zone when they win? Is there some sort of shift that happens? What about sociopaths? Do their pleasure centers flare when they lie, cheat, steal, or harm someone? There's just no end to thinking when you view the world with a healthy dose of skepticism. Socrates observed that the only thing he knew for sure is that he knew nothing. Sticklers are all too happy to point out that this, in fact, suggests that he knows that nothing exists, knows that he knows this, knows that he knows that he knows this, ad nauseum. By the same token, if you are skeptical about everything, you must be skeptical of your own skepticism! Just when you think you've got something figured out, it's time to be skeptical again. This isn't the mainstream approach to thinking. We tend to like having ideas we can hang on to. We choose a couple of stable concepts, tie up a hammock and swing there contentedly. That's one way to live. Another way is to hang that hammock on a couple of sturdy ideas, sway there a bit, and then go off and find another place to swing. It's a lot more work, but you cover a lot more territory in the process. Your intellectual journey may be arduous but infinitely rewarding. Because there are limitations in scientific investigation and plenty of mysteries remaining, the Skeptics keep in mind the words of Albert Einstein: "All our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike--and yet it is the most precious thing we have." Einstein believed in the power of the unknown and reveled in the right to figure things out as best we can. He valued imagination over knowledge, but persisted in searching for evidence that what we dream can be described and reported scientifically. Skeptics are cautious believers. They hope for magnificence, they dream of infinite truths and they doggedly pursue their right to be wrong. They are forever moving their hammocks and testing untried trees. And they are downright evangelical about it. About The Author Maya Talisman Frost is a mind masseuse. Her work has inspired thinkers in over 80 countries. She serves up a satisfying blend of clarity, comfort and comic relief in her free weekly ezine, the Friday Mind Massage. To subscribe, visit http://www.massageyourmind.com today!
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God Drives a Harley, a Bus and a Taxi God rides a Harley, God drives truck, God is a dictator in a small country, God is a doctor and a patient, God is the Saint and the sinner, and yes God is even a lawyer. There is nothing that God is not. God is in and around everything because God is who you truly are, you have simply forgotten. The Fountain of Light Exercise An etheric body, also known as the aura, surrounds every human being. This energy field is thought to be made up of you're the emanations of your life force, what the Middle Eastern religions call Prana, the Chinese call Chi and the popular religions call the Soul. An entire New Age cottage industry has sprung up around the idea of taking electromagnetic pictures of these phenomena using Kirilian or electromagnetic photography. Psychics and Channelers take cues from the colors revealed in these photographs to diagnose and interpret physical, spiritual and emotional conditions. Integrating Soul And Science "Spirit is beyond the void of space. This realm, beyond the void, is not an empty nothingness; it is the womb of creation. -- Nature goes to the same place to create a galaxy of stars, a cluster of nebulas, a rain forest, a human body, or a thought... That place is Spirit." (1) About Divine Communication - A Special Q & A 1. How can anyone receive direct communication from Divine Source, God, All That Is? Not Upon My Convictions but Upon the Blood of Jesus "He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross." Colossians 2: 13b -15, NIV Mankinds Ten Worst Enemies: #1 Pride We have a proclivity to think of individuals and nations as our adversaries when they present a threat to our personal or national well being. But, I submit, that our greatest adversary is Satan and he makes his assaults from within not without. It is an inside covert operation. Thinking Out Loud (Answers) Part two of a two part series (Channeled)Spirituality is about everyday life, which includes getting up in the morning, getting ready for the day be it work, school or play. It is about knowing yourself and the connection to your environment. It is about defining who you are and then living a purposeful life within those definitions, it is about changing those definitions and making adjustments to accommodate them. It is about saying to the world "I AM," and demonstrating it within the physical body that you created. Where Are You Currently Heading? Do you know where your current path is taking you? Awakening from the Dream, Divine Source through Barbara Rose Greetings my Dear Beloved Souls A New Beginning Sometimes showing up for life can seem like a major achievement. And within that 'showing up' we're showing tremendous courage. We're not giving up. We're forcing our way back - searching for meaning, trying to find a new direction? a reason to go on. 10 Interesting Facts about Archangel Uriel 1. The name Uriel means "Light of God" or "Flame of God." This is because Uriel brings the light, or flame, of knowledge from God to mankind. His symbol is an open hand holding a flame. Spirituality: Blues for Buddha Being critical of Buddhism isn't easy. Accepting Non-Acceptance It's not always easy to stand in the midst of a group of people (particularly if those people are people that we have known and are attached to emotionally) and be different. To think differently, to believe differently, to respond differently, to live a different life than our friends and our family are living is, in a sense, the "toughest challenge" of manifesting our spiritual self. The threat inherent to this situation is that those we love, those we care about, those we have always depended upon for emotional support and encouragement will turn against us because we no longer follow the same belief system that they do. Linear Unidirectional Time Is An Illusion! In a recent article entitled "Our Virtual Reality Reality" I discussed how with a powerful new healing modality called the Mind Resonance Process(TM)(MRP) many individuals have now the awareness that what we call the "past" never actually existed. Surviving the Tsunami--Animals and Their Connection with the Spiritual World When the Tsunami struck Asia and East Africa on December 26, 2004 more than 220,000 humans died, but amazingly the wild animals escaped without harm. Higher Self: Growing Inside of Us Maybe once in a lifetime, we find ourselves seeking spiritual growth mostly when everything we try to do is hard to achieve. Among the many questions that consequently come out are: Who am I? Why am I here? Is there a Higher Power? Saints or Charlatans What's the difference? How are we supposed to tell the difference between the real healers and those who are selling snake oil? It's a big seller to claim that your work is divinely inspired. Even better, tell them you've gazed into the eyes of God and come back to tell the tales. Tell them that in Ireland the wee folk are still spotted on occasion. It's far off and exotic. They'll believe you. Oh, how we love such tales. Those who have never touched the magic will always hunger for stories to tell them what it's like. How do you know who's stories to believe and who's just spinning yarns? Animal Totems What the Animals Tell Us The Pizza Parable Behold, a certain young maiden did often times and at strange hours greatly desire a pizza. This would often happen in the second or the third watch, when home delivery was not available. At such times there would be much weeping and gnashing of teeth because she could not have the desire of her heart. Simple It was my intention to explain the word "simple," and by the time I put the thoughts into words it became more difficult. I am sometimes at odds with others when I say that something is simple, and I must remind them that I did not say easy, there is a big distinction between the two terms. ![]() |
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