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What Animal Communicators Do
Many people are awakening today to the idea that the animals who live with us are more than child substitutes, more than "pets". The term "pet" means an animal who lives with us for our amusement or as our companion. All animals are, in fact, sentience beings - conscious, intelligent, with life purposes and life goals. They are aware of themselves and of their situations. They make life choices. They often express unconditional love for the humans who are part of their families. For most of my adult life I thought I was just pretending that I could have conversations with animals. It was something I did as a game or did without thinking. That was because I was sufficiently programmed as a child to reject idea that the communications I was experiencing telepathically were "just your imagination, my dear." After reading Animal Talk, by Penelope Smith, I came to the startling realization that I had been rejecting what my heart knew was true: I could communicate with animals and they could communicate with me. It was just a short jump from this insight to knowing that I wanted to be a professional Animal Communicator, to help others learn what I had learned. In making this decision, I rejected the terms "pet psychic" and "readings" because I wanted people to understand that I am not reading the animal as if s/he were a deck of tarot cards, but rather having an intelligent conversation with another intelligent being. This is an important concept: animals are sentient beings with feelings. They are not toys to be played with and discarded when inconvenient. They are not to be treated as children or the elderly or the handicapped or the comatose. They are alive and aware. They think. They feel. They make choices. When they are born and for some length of time which varies with species, they are like human children, requiring additional care and nurturance. Then, like human children, they grow up, albeit into a body which may look small and cute, but which is adult. At this point, they are capable of making decisions for their own lives and should be treated with the same respect and honor that you would give a human equal. As a professional Animal Communicator, I am asked to speak with the animals who live with other people to facilitate many varied situations. While each situation may have something in common with another situation, generalities are often of less value than allowing individual differences to come through. That is the virtue of being able to speak with an animal - the needs and feelings of that unique and special being can be heard, shared, and responded to in an individual way. Unfortunately, no telepathic communicator - no person - is one hundred percent accurate all the time in any work. Error can occur because the telepathic connection is weak; because the human client has emotional and/or mental blocks about the situation; because the animal is lying or choosing not to communicate fully; because the meaning of the communication does not fit easily into the backdrop of information available to the human communicator; or because the telepath simply misconstrues the meaning. Each telepathic communicator brings her own emotional and mental baggage to any session: belief systems, expectations, past experiences and emotions. Being able to drop this baggage and to be a clear channel is an important part of the process of doing the work. The best among us do this on a regular basis, but all telepaths, as all other psychics, do filter the information somewhat through their own perspectives on reality. It is part of being human. When I talk with a client, I am usually on the telephone with the human and telepathically connected with the animal. I work this way because my goals are: 1) To allow the human client to participate in the conversation by hearing a description of what I am experiencing as I experience it. 2) To have the human provide feedback, helping insure I'm on the right track in understanding and translating what I am receiving. 3) To help the human and the animal resolve the situation so that both of them experience a win-win outcome. Many situations can be easily resolved for the benefit of both human and animal clients. The old adage of walking 100 miles in someone else's moccasins (or paws) is very applicable here. The animal's perspective may be very different from that of the human with whom the animal lives. An important aspect of my work is to help each side understand the other's perspective. Only with mutual understanding can a win-win be created. Only with mutual understanding can our Love for each other be complemented with mutual recognition of our Self in the Other. This leads to respect and admiration, and even greater Love. This is what Animal Communication is all about. Rev. Nedda Wittels, M.A., M.S., is a telepathic Animal Communicator, Spiritual Counselor, and Shamballa Master/Teacher, offering private sessions in communication and healing for humans and animals. She teaches workshops in Animal Communication, Communication with Nature, and Shamballa Multidimensional Healing. She can be reached at 860.651.5771, NeddaW@aol.com, and http://www.raysofhealinglight.com
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For many of us, our lives are composed of millions of meaningless moments, all strung together -- perhaps with a sprinkling of sacred moments mixed in. I'm sure you can think of a few sacred moments in your own life. Maybe your marriage, the birth of your child(ren), or perhaps a heartfelt moment of connection with a good friend. These are the moments when we are consumed with joy and awe. At these moments, we are fully present in the moment. We aren't worrying about tomorrow, or trying to rush through the experience to get to the next. We are in the now, and the now is amazing. Diversity Not Assimilation Good morning Roy, good morning Joseth. (Channelled) ![]() |
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