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Write It and They Will Come
Write it, offer it for free on your site and they will come. Yeah right and then you woke up. Or stay in your happy little daze, constantly check your counter 80 times a day and be the only unique visitor your site gets. Either way you are deluding yourself if you don't think marketing is the key to your success on the Internet. So easy to say -- market your site -- but so hard to do. Especially since the Internet is so vast, where do you start? You start by taking it one step at a time -- otherwise because of the size of the Internet, you'll go insane, get depressed because you feel like you're tap dancing in place or quit. None of these are viable choices so let's see if I can help you on your journey to success. But first, understand this -- it takes sheer hard work, persistence and loads of time to be successful on the Internet. Marketing is an every day job because the Internet is dynamic and constantly changing. What worked yesterday, won't today. If you have a minimal budget (read that non-existent) at your disposal, it means you must be creative in your marketing endeavors. But before you become creative, you'd better get organized or you'll still be dancing in place. This means, you build a marketing template to place links on when you go to sites. This is simply an HTML page with headings so when you visit a site you'll need to return to next week or month, you just copy and paste the URL and put it on your template. It should be a hyperlink (i.e. |
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Hunting For Online Directories - The In depth Strategy Directory marketing can help boost your companies performance a great deal. Not only will you get qualified leads for your business, your web site will also increase it's traffic ranking a tremendous amount. The Importance of Page Content The Importance of Page Content Marketing Your Web Site the Right Way is a Worthwhile Investment I admit it, I have a problem. I'm a control freak and I like to do things myself because "I'll do it right and save money at the same time". Promote Your Site through Niche Directories Maybe you are a Doctor or a lawyer. You've built an excellent web site that looks good, has the potential to make huge sales and is well optimised for the search engines. You have arranged a large number of reciprocal links, you have submitted to all the free directories you could find and submitted articles wherever you could. Now it's time to sit down, relax and wait for the traffic to come flooding in? NO. Website Marketing 101 When it comes to website marketing and promotions, youneed to start here... Outsourcing Website Services - Can Your Business Benefit? Would it surprise you to know that Compaq Computer? outsources?How about Underwriters Laboratories?? Gateway Computers?? Yes, even the Chicagoland Area Chamber of Commerce?! I have been involved with projects involving each one of these companies.They all outsourced specific portions of their projects. Even Hyperformance Media out-sources specific project requirements! Every business does not know every other business. Developing a Profitable Web Business Concept The first step to starting a profitable online business of your own is developing a topic for your website. Accessibility: Is your website causing you to loose potential clients? Accessibility: Is your website causing you to loose potential clients? Web Site Promotion: 10 High Powered, Magical Ways To Make Your Web Site Profitable Are you interested in empowering your website so it will become more profitable? So You Have A New Website But The Phone Isnt Ringing Off The Hook? So you have a new website but the phone isn't ringing off the hook? Were you expecting an overnight success with your website? How to Get Hundreds of Links to Your Site If you are website owner and you have begun exchanging links, you know how time consuming -- and time-wasting -- it can be. On the other hand, you don't want to give up on the process because you might actually unearth the occasional valuable link partner. How to Get More Links to Your Websites and Improve Traffic I feel the most effective way to get people to link to your web site is by offering web masters the option of giving away your free stuff. In exchange, they link to your web site. Why would other web masters want to do this? They may want give away a freebie to draw traffic to their web site. They also may not have the time, knowledge or skills to give away certain types of electronic freebies from their web site. How to Set Up Your Own Free Ad-Tracking Links and 7 Reasons Why You Want To! Any time you use a URL in an Article, Web Page, Classified Ad, Pay Per Click ad or anyplace else you should always use Ad = Tracking Links. Not only will this Article show you how to build your own Ad-Tracker in 2 simple steps it will also tells you 7 reasons why you should always use Ad-Trackers Set Your Site on the Right Trajectory by Submitting It to Every Directory Webmasters across the globe are involved in a race to the top of the search engine listings. Everyone has their own set of racing techniques that they swear by, some work well, some not so. However, one thing is certain; if you want to get to the top of the rankings you need inbound links to your site. But how do you get inbound links? Well, you could buy them. That gets pretty expensive. For many keywords the top ranking sites have hundreds if not thousands of inbound links, so unless you have a MEGA promotion budget then you will have to find another way. Writing articles and submitting them to resource sites (such as those listed at www.info-sales.co.uk) is another way to get many inbound links. However, not everyone is an aspiring modern day Shakespeare and not everyone has the time to research, write and then submit articles. Okay, so you don't have Bill Gates' bank balance and therefore cannot buy all the links you need. You lack either the expertise or the time to write articles. What can you do? Don't panic! The secret lies in two words, music to your ears and the answer to your inbound links dilemma... Directory submission. How To Acquire One Way Inbound Links How can one get a good ranking in the major search engines ? This is a question, I'm sure, agitates the minds of every newbie as well as professional webmaster. Even those that are doing well are fighting to keep their place. But isn't there a way to consistently appear in a good position at the major search engines? I think there are ways to achieve this enviable position. One of the ways is what this article is all about. That is, consistently build one way inbound links to your site. Getting other webmasters to link to your site without you linking back. Ten Reasons Why People Dont Buy From You Here's ten simple yet POWERFUL ideas for you to reflect on. This will help you adjust your marketing strategies...which will have a GREAT effect on everything you sell.1. You don't make people feel safe when they order.Remind people that they are ordering through a secureserver. Tell them you won't sell their e-mail addressand all their information will be kept confidential.2. You don't make your ad copy attractive. Your adlists features instead of benefits. The headline doesnot attract at your target audience. You don't list anytestimonials or guarantees included in your ad.3. You don't remind people to come back and visit.People usually don't purchase the first time they visit.The more times they visit your site, the greater thechance they will buy. The most effective way is to givethem a free subscription to your e-zine.4. You don't let people know anything about yourbusiness. They will feel more comfortable if they knowwho they are buying from. Publish a section called"About Us" on your web site. Include your businesshistory, profile of employees, contact information etc.5. You don't give people as many ordering options aspossible. Accept credit cards, checks, money orders,and other forms of electronic payments. Take ordersby phone, e-mail, web site, fax, mail, etc.6. You don't make your web site look professional.You want to have your own domain name. Your website should be easy to navigate through. The graphicsshould be related to the theme of your web site.7. You don't let people read your ad before they getyour freebie. When you use free stuff to lure peopleto your web site include it below your ad copy or onanother web page. If you list the freebie above yourad they may never look to see what you're selling.8. You don't attract the target audience that wouldbuy your product or service. A simple way to dothis is to survey your existing customers to see whatattracted them to buy. This information will helpyou improve your target marketing and advertising.9. You don't test and improve your ad copy. Thereare many people who write an ad copy and neverchange it. You have to continually test and improveyour ad copy to get the highest possible responserate.10. You don't give people any urgency to buy now.Many people are interested in your product but theyput off buying it till later and eventually forget aboutit. Entice them to buy now with a freebie or discountand include a deadline date when the offer ends. 3 Steps To Increasing Your Web Traffic For Free You own a website and you want more traffic. More traffic will lead to more sales and more ad revenue. The basic costs of a website, once it is finished, are small. All you need to do is get some more visitors. Pay per Click might not be economical for you in that 100 visitors at 10 cents a click is $10. If only 2 out of 100 buy your $1 product, you are losing $8 per hundred people. Next. The Power of Testimonials - Unleash the Marketing Prowess of Credibility Creating a sense of credibility for your product and website is very important and if you are successful at it then you will increase your sales by boosting the number of customers you receive. If people do not believe in your product then you can forget them ever purchasing from you because who buys products they don't believe actually work? Now that you know you need to give yourself credibility, you need to think of ways to go about doing that. Providing testimonials on your website is one very successful way to increase your credibility and dramatically boost sales and revenues. Free Advertising and Traffic Exchanges Reading the postings in different Newsgroups it becomes clear that the "I does not work for me.." statements comes from one very clear reason: not enough Traffic. The Ability to generate targeted and low cost Traffic is crucial for the success of every internet business.Well, what is "enough Traffic" ? Letīs take some minutes to analyze the traffic needs in detail. Ten High Powered Ways To Increase Your Traffic Once you have finshed designing your website, you want to get as much traffic as possible. You can use the following ways to get traffic. 1. Trade links with other web sites. They should be related to the subject of your web site. Instead of trading links, you could also trade banner ads, half page ads, classified ads, etc. ![]() |
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