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Web Site Promotion: 10 High Powered, Magical Ways To Make Your Web Site Profitable
Are you interested in empowering your website so it will become more profitable? Are you interested in making more of your visitors to buy from you? Are you interested in generating more sales, with little efforts? If yes, then pay close attention buddy. I have good news for you. Below are the soem web site promotion secrets to help you: 1. Use more than one P.S. in your ad copy. It is oneof the most read parts of any ad, so why not use twoor three of them instead of one. 2. Gain your visitors attention by telling them yourproblems. People like to hear about other people'sproblems because it takes away from their own. 3. Create trust with your prospects by telling themsomething they already know is true. They'll knowfor sure you're not lying and begin to trust you. 4. Survey your target audience to find out thingsyou have in common with them and use them inyour ad. People like people that are like themselves. 5. Offer free classified ads on your web site thatexpire after a particular time period. People willrevisit your web site over and over to resubmit. 6. Forward interesting emails to your online friendswith your signature file included. They may end upforwarding it to their friends and so on. 7. Organize your web site into categories. Visitorswon't get frustrated and leave your site becausethey can't find what they're looking for. 8. Give your web site visitors a "thank you" emailThis'll remind them to revisit. Just get their emailaddress and permission. 9. Advertise that your online business is for sale.Try to sell it for $10,000,000 dollars. You'll eitherget $10,000,000 or you'll get curious visitors. 10. Try auctioning off your products. Set up theauction software on your web site. Give customersthe option of paying outright or bidding. May these web site promotion secrets help you to make a lot of money. Warmly, I-key Benney, CEO I-key, a Millionaire CEO from New York City is the creator of "Mscsrrr: Millionaire Secret Cash System",(investing online) program, which has helped thousands of ordinary people from all over the world to attain financial security and shining success during the past 2 yrs. Mscsrrr Millionaire Cash System helps you to generate $1,500+/Week for life, from home or office, part time or full time. No large investment or hassles. Win $1000-$2000 free "cash".
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How to Market Your Web Site Like Nobodys Business Fresh Web Content Yields Better Search Engine Results Promotional Tools That Work For Online Businesses! Promotion... also known as selling. Not an easy task in today's market, but with the right tools you can succeed. What I know is what I have learned in promoting a.k.a. selling my web site, spiritwhole.com, and trust me, I could write volumes by now. But, to make it short and sweet, here are some tips that you can use to get your business purring like a kitten that actually work: The ON World of OFFline marketing Ok, now if you've started reading this article thinking that its going to be the same story about the business cards carrying your logo and company name, you are right. Hey, dont reach for that back button already. Okay, since business cards is one of the best ways to publicise your site, I had to mention that. But that does not mean it ends here. Read on to discover more. Web Advertising: Hold An Online Contest Or Sweepstakes And Make Your Website Magnetic To Visitors Contests and Sweepstakes. Website Promotion: 10 Phenomenal Tactics To Reinforce Your Profits Here are the website promotion tactics to reinforceand increase your profits: Internet Web Site Marketing: The Secrets Of Endorsement Marketing What is endorsement marketing? 5 Successful Tips For Marketing Your Website This could be the most amazing article to ever be released as you read this please keep in mind that the tips I am about to share with you are from my experience with my own successful website HaileysComet Weekly Ezine. Promote Your Web Store After spending substantial time and efforts the big day came when you finally published your website on the Internet. You are now ready to show your website to the world. But, with over a billion pages vying for traffic how do you make people visiting your site? One Way Link Building Campaigns This article explains in detail the various issues related to the linking campaign that you will need to mount, to establish your worth in the algorithms of search engines . Some of the issues that we will be tackling in this & subsequent articles are: The Reality of Linking On a regular basis I receive e-mail through all my various sites from other site owners offering to exchange links. Most approach me in the wrong manner and I can tell they have no idea about the proper way to run an effective linking program. See, in a real linking program, it isn't just about you - it should be about both sites involved in the process. The Basics Of Free Web Site Promotion It's easy to forget the fundamental components of Web site promotion. Winding back the clock to the days when many Webmasters couldn't afford prolonged advertising campaigns, the majority of people starting out with a new Web site were forced to discover the art of free Web site promotion. In recent times, however, with "pay per click" advertising becoming less expensive and various other marketing activities becoming increasingly cheaper, the art of effectively promoting your site for free appears to have been lost. The purpose of this article is to act as a refresher course for any Webmasters who are keen to keep their promotional activities down to a shoestring budget. Personalized Search Versus Personal Choice Personalized search is a hot topic especially since Yahoo! and Microsoft have announced they are aggressively developing this service. Most likely, people will be leery of personalized search if they think that this is just be another way for companies to market to them. Search engine research has shown that there are typically two types of searchers: information seekers and buyers. Promote Your Website Using Newsgroups At present there are over 3.3 billion pages indexed by Google, and that definitely does not cover the entire Internet. With so many competitors around, you sure have to use every conceivablemethod available to promote your website. Search Engine Submission- Don?t be a cheapskate! Submitting your website to the main search engines should be handled with care. Do it right, and the rewards can be great. Online Website Promotion: Five Fantastic Breakthrough Marketing Ideas To Enrich You Good Ideas. 3 Fast Ways To Get Free Content For Your Home Based Business Website Is your website looking alittle bare? It's okay, you're about to learn 3 of the fastest ways I know to get free content for your home business website. How to Make Your Website Sticky! Five Nifty Ways to Make Your Site Sticky! How One Free Advertising Method Can Trasform Your Income A great way to get the word out about your business in a hurry is something so simple and effective yet few marketers online take advantage of it. Easy Content Building for the Lazy Webmaster Free content builder. Articles are the best way to add free content to your site. There's hundreds if not thousands of article sites out there on the web that can be searched for free information.The only problem I have with free articles is that you have to add the writers resource box to your site. Now this in itself is not a major problem. You could read several articles and then make your own in your own words. This works well and is a quick and easy content building strategy that I would recommend to anybody. Also if you write your own content this way you should definitely consider posting a few of your own articles to the free article submission sites. This generates oneway links to your own site and over time can really build traffic to your site.Just google "free article submission" or "articles" or anything of that nature to start building a list of article sites. The more you have the better. Building content with ebooks Free ebooks are a great source of free content and there is no shortage of them out there. Most free ebook sites have ebooks that were at one point being sold across the web. These are generally an excellent quality source of information.To really benefit from ebooks you must first read them and take note of the main topics discussed. One way I find that works well is to write up a short report after reading the ebook and then building on that as I go through the ebook a second time. When I find something interesting I add it to the report in my own words. This is great for developing a better understanding of the material.Of course after all this you may want to write a few articles about what you just read. As always you should share these articles with the rest of the web by submitting them to article sites. This isn't as tedious and time consuming as you might think. After your first or second go you will find yourself becoming more confident and this may well lead to you taking a more creative approach to your writing. In time you will be very efficient at writing your own reports and using them to create more articles and content for your websites.I would advise you save every ounce of work you do. The more you write the more content and personal resources you have to pull from this makes it quicker and easier to create your own material. After a while you may realize you could put all your work into a ebook of your own and sell it:)What should I write?In short anything you want. Every human on this planet is a powerhouse of information. Even if your young you still have alot of experience to pull from.Some people find that coming up with ideas of what to write about is quit easy but actualy writing it is the hard part. Others find the writing the easy part and the brainstorming the hard part.If you fall into either camp then there is still hope for you, due to the fact that most humans will fall into either camp! Your not any different from me or anybody else out there. The best way to over come either problem is to get comfortable and just start writing. It is not hard!!Pick something and start writing about it. What did you learn after a tragic event in your life is a great way to get your brain setup in the right direction. Pulling from personal experience realy helps to get you thinking and once that starts you will find it hard to turn your mind off.Keeping it fresh. The only way to keep information fresh is to write it in your own words. Add your persona to your material. Play with it before you publish it. Try to write as if you were explaining something to a friend. It comes across more respectful and easier to understand. Also no matter what your writing about make sure you explain everything down to the letter. You may understand what your talking about but your reader wont always be as interested as you might think.Always remember no matter where it is you can generaly go back and change it later. For instance if you have published a 5 page report to the web and your not happy with certain aspects of it well then you can take it down later and add in or delete whatever you want. Generating Traffic to Your Web Site When promoting any product or service every hitto your website counts. ![]() |
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