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How to Write Effective Web Copy
Writing effective web copy begins with an understanding ofwhat the goals of your web site are. Are you trying to getyour visitors to purchase something or have them sign upfor your newsletter? Remember you are trying to get someoneyou can't see and have never met take a step towardsbuilding a relationship with you or your company. 1. Create a customer profile ? try to find out what are theneeds and desires of your visitors. Here are some examplesof questions you could ask: Are they young, middle aged or senior? Are they primarily male or female? Are they financially secure or budget-minded? What gets him or her excited? What are his or her most pressing concerns? Try to brainstorm a list of topics that might interest yourtarget audience. 2. Create a Unique Selling Position (USP) ? This is a statement of 2-3 sentences that explains why you aredifferent from everybody else. This is the unique factorthat sets you apart from your competition. Make this thefirst thing your visitor sees when they arrive on your homepage. 3. Focus on benefits ? most web users want to find theinformation about the product or service they need as fastas possible. If they land on your site, they want to knowhow they will benefit from buying your product orsubscribing to your ezine. You will need to answer thatquestion as clearly and concisely as possible or you willlose that visitor. 4. Use the inverted pyramid style ? provide a summary of your information by clearly communicating the direction ofyour discussion. Use informative headings and subheadingswith a paragraph of 4 to 5 lines that supports them. You only have a few seconds to grab your visitors attention. Most will simply scan for the information they are seeking. Use bulleted or numbered lists, boldface or colored font to emphasize the points you wish to make. Include linksat the end of your paragraph (or within the text) to direct visitors to other pages of your site for more in-depth information. 5. Write in an informal or personal style ? write in aunique way that differentiates you from other smallbusinesses in a similar business or niche. It doesn't haveto be elaborate or super-creative. You simply provide astyle that gets the attention of your visitors. 6. Keep your sentences simple ? you are not writing toimpress. You are writing to communicate. You want topre-sell your product or service, therefore write as if youare talking to a 13 year old. Don't use large words but opt for strong verbs over weakones. Use the active voice instead of a passive one. i.e.Instead of "a good score was achieved by the team"?say "theteam scored a season high". Speak "to" but not "at" yourvisitor. Keep your sentences short and snappy. 7. Include searchable keywords ? use targeted keywords inyour web copy that will allow the search engines to find yoursite. Include these keywords in your meta tags, links andfile names also. 8. Eliminate the fluff - don't waffle on in your writing.You will only bore your visitors and they will clickelsewhere. Try to remove filler sentences that containphrases like "for those of you" and "all of you". 9. Proof read your web copy ? errors in your web copy givethe impression of being unprofessional or sloppy. Read thecopy aloud to yourself or get someone else to proof readit. Often they will find more errors because they are moreobjective. Use the spell checker but don't rely on it. Often itdoesn't pick up all incorrectly spelt words. Print acopy of your content. It's easier to find grammatical orspelling errors on a hard copy. 10. Take a break ? revise your web copy after taking abreak from it for several hours or a few days. This allowsyou to see it from a different viewpoint. You may find abetter way to say something to further improve your copy. 11. Use images sparingly ? images should only be used ifthey relate and support your web content. If not, they willonly distract the visitor from reading your web copy. Toomany images will slow down the time it takes for yourvisitor to load your site in their browser. 12. Use effective navigation ? your navigation bar shouldhelp visitors easily find the main sections of your site.Read: "How to Create an Effective Web Site NavigationStructure" (http://www.isitebuild.com/navigation) Writing effective web copy is the key to converting visitorsinto buyers. Getting 1000s of visitors to your web site doesn't guarantee sales. Reading your web copy should pre-sell your product with the words you use. Once you achieve this, your web site will become very profitable. Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)owner and author of http://www.iSiteBuild.com - Affordable Web Site Design and Web Hosting Pick up your copy of the 159 page ebook TODAY titled: "Make Your Content Pre Sell" by going to the bottom of this page :http://www.isitebuild.com/web-copy.htm
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Novel Free-For-All Idea Almost anyone who has tried submitting to free-for-all sites will say that they are no longer worth the effort as a traffic generating tool. Automated FFA submissions to "millions" of sites are also not that useful as most of these sites are only ever "visited" by automated submission scripts and not by human eyes. The only thing these auto submission tools achieve is to get your e-mail address bombarded with "confirmation" e-mail from the FFA page owners. Many unsuspecting users who submitted their personal e-mail address to these submission tools have suffered incredible frustrations because of the "spam" they receive. (Technically they are confirmatory e-mail that the submitters agreed to receive.) Why Running Contests Can Help You Attract and Retain Quality Community Members Assuming that it is legal to do so in your state or province, running a contest on your website or forum is a wise idea. 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However, you should choose your directories and search engines well. 7 Powerful Tips on Creating Good Content for Your Website So what is all the talk about having a lot of "content" on my website? And what is "content" exactly? And how will it help my business grow and prosper? I get these questions from my internet students all of the time. Let me say this?Having a lot of great content is one of the key ingredients to those websites that are successful and profitable. Search Engine Friendly Ways to Build Link Popularity Acquiring relevant backlinks to your website is one of the most important parts of any Search Engine Optimization campaign. The search engine's and especially Google value backlinks to your website as an indicator of your website's importance. If a large number of webmaster's have decided to link to your content then you must be an important information hub in your target keyword marketplace. How To Quickly Make Money With Your Website? Quickly making money with a website is the dream of all new online marketers but can it be done and if so how is it done. This article tells what I did in order to start making money in less than 3 weeks with a brand new website in the competitive insurance industry. Specialty or Niche Directory Submissions You are an attorney or other service or product provider. You have built an excellent web site, it looks good, it is well optimized and it tells your clients and prospective clients or customers everything they need to know in order to do business with you or purchase your product. You have submitted your site to the major and many minor search engines. Now all you need to do is sit back and wait for clients or customers to come flowing in, right? Wrong. Test Your Website Marketing Knowledge Here are 5 questions to flex your mental muscle to. The answers and explanations are at the end - no cheating now! Avoid These Common Mistakes With Your Links... Links are the main pillar of your website. To navigate from one page to another page in your website or to another website, you need to keep the links.You can also create page jumps in the same page or different pages of your website. How to Increase Your Website Traffic in 3 Easy Steps Promoting your website might seem like an enormous task that you cannot undertake own your own. However, increasing your website traffic and getting more people to visit your site is actually very easy to do. In fact, you can increase your website traffic in as little as three easy steps that do not take a lot of effort, time or even thought. All it really takes is action and a commitment to meeting your traffic goals. Implement the following three steps in your marketing strategy as soon as possible and watch your website traffic explode. Free Online Advertising: 10 Dynamic Secrets To Make Your Ad Stand Out And Ignite Sales No matter what you're marketing or promoting, if yourAd doesn't stand out, no one will noticeand read it. 10 Magic Ways To Multiply Your Orders 1. Use reward programs to keep people revisiting your web site and buying your products. You could reward gifts or discounts for revisiting or buying. Website Promotion ? Writing Articles Generates Traffic Four Different Ways Writing articles and submitting them to free content sites is a great way to promote your Website at no cost. This technique generates traffic for your Website in at least four different ways. Web Site Promotion: How To Use The Power Of Perpetual Marketing To Heat Up Your Sales You may ask, what is perpetual marketing? Web Site Promotion: 10 Eye-opening Secrets To Sky-rocket Your Sales If you're having problems generating a lot of salesat your website, it may be because you're not awareof these 10 eye-popping powerful web site promotionstrategies that Internet promotion experts are using to sky-rocket their sales: Five Ways to Increase Your Website Conversion Rate Though it's wonderful to get all those hits to your e-commerce web site, hits don't mean much unless you convert them into sales. This is especially true if you are paying for, and not converting, clicks. Competition Freebies and Sponsorship For Free Advertising and Link Popularity How many competitions are there running on the net at this time? 1000 maybe? Nah, 100,000 is more than likely and when they pass their closing date there will be just as many to take their place. Grassroots Marketing Campaign Many people, in a rush to spike sales through the roof, think too big and end up completely missing out on one of the best free marketing opportunities on the net: discussion forums. Instead of focusing on individual sales, they go immediately for ads that promise thousands of visitors, pay-per-click search engines that could potentially expose them to thousands, and even sloppily-produced and sometimes fraudulent spam submission programs. ![]() |
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