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The United States of Europe is a Joke!
French & Dutch Reject EU Constitution & British Table It-We Await Chirac's Resignation! The anticipated rejection by the French of the much vaunted United States of Europe, and its Constitution (the vote in France was 45% for and 55% against), conclusively demonstrates, once again, European political and economic ineptitude compared to that of the United States of America-Notwithstanding, the toilet (a French word) was invented by a Brit by the name of Thomas Crapper not by a Frenchman. The Dutch followed, and the Britished tabled the matter. Imagine, the extremity of European cultural diversity, language, religion, and history have all come full circle to highlight centuries of particularism, political fratricide, and religious intolerance-none of which could convince the European mindset that "unity with variety" would lead to a multipolar world in which Europe would function as the political/economic counterweight to the unipolar world of the United States of America. The French originally spearheaded the European Union's quest for economic and political integration . . . with the British providing noble resistance and forever frustrating "efforts" indirectly on behalf of the USA (Note: The USA from time to time gave tepid support, but all along it was only because it might be to her economic and political advantage.) The entire notion that the French would abandon their social safety net by opening up their labor markets to plumbers from Poland was ludicrous "The treaty's rejection in a bitterly contested referendum in France - the architect of the European project - could set the Continent's plans back by years and amounts to a personal humiliation for the veteran French leader (President Jacques Chirac). Treaty opponents chanting 'We won!' gathered at Place de la Bastille, a symbol of rebellion where angry crowds in 1789 stormed the prison and sparked the French Revolution. Cars blared their horns and 'No' campaigners thrust their arms into the air. 'This is a great victory,'" said Fabrice Savel, 38, from the working-class suburb of Aubervilliers. He was distributing posters that read: 'No to a free-market Europe.'" Viva la USA As a result of all this Euro-nonsense and eco-politico-posturing (man, what a waste of time and money), the much-touted EURO-that economic counterweight, that renaissance of European leadership-collapsed to its lowest 2005 level against the almighty dollar ($1.25 EU). No matter what kind of united face-saving device you put on this (Note the inane remarks of Gerhard Schroeder of Germany): The European Union (as a counterweight to the USA) is dead! And . . . something else smells liked it's dead . . . and that's what we here at the Tribnet wish to point out to those who know that the New American World Order System is not about to be challenged by our European forebears and erstwhile upstarts who know NOTHING about how to become a unified economic, military, and political power under girded by moral authority based upon the so-called Judeo-Christian ethic. What might that eschatological conclusion be? You guessed it: It is a total farce to conceive, since the turn of the 20th Century, that USA ascendancy could ever be challenged by the effete Europeans and, consequently, the BASE of Antichrist is not found in the squalid political and economically deficient European quagmire but in the New Rome: The United States of America. Furthermore, the Europeans, especially the isolated French, are so intimidated (and rightly so) by FREE MARKETS (viz., the overt intrusion by the multi-nationals-led by US corporate interests-epitomized by the WTO, IMF and World Bank)-that their idiotic celebration of the EU Constitution's defeat only belies the vacuous pride they have in their insipid ignorance of the world formed by the Merchants of the Earth who delight to feed at the trough of Babylon the Great. Don't think my seemingly prideful remarks are aimed at the French-no; they're aimed at the evangelicals of the USA who haven't a clue as to what's been happening (politically, economically, and even religiously) since Manifest Destiny under Teddy Roosevelt kicked the Spanish out of the New World. First of all, and for those of you out there who ponder the following "food fight" amongst us Premillenarians as naught but asinine theological posturing (perhaps interesting but absurdly irrelevant in the sum total of whatever counts), let me assure you-there's a whole lot of present-day implications on what's going down around us and how we live in our world as a result of these "ridiculous" observations. Here's where we start . . . a few quotes and comments (yours truly) from well-meaning, but totally off the mark brethren who wish to remain patriotic Americans will suffice: "The mention of a core Europe or a core group of European nations resonates with Bible prophecy in the books of Daniel and Revelation. It concerns a latter-day revival of the Roman Empire. The prophet Daniel predicts that a group of 10 'kings' (national leaders) will give rise to a frightening union that will fulfill many end-time prophecies. Depending on the decision of the French, and later the Dutch voters, the coming weeks may give some hint to the answer to the Economist's intriguing question: 'And What Happens to the Beast Now?'" Imagine, brother Hal Lindsey could say these remarks knowing the demise of the EU Constitution, and, ipso facto, the United States of Europe-what prophetical insight do we witness here! Come on Hal, get with the program. Your prognostications are so outmoded that even you know that the canary (really a crane) on the elephant is not the base of Antichrist, but the elephant itself!! (Must see photo @ http://www.the-tribulation-network.com I repeat on behalf of the hard of seeing, the bird represents the fine efforts of Chirac and Schroeder, the elephant-apparently utterly indifferent to the free ride he's providing for the crane-represents the European nemesis, the American New World Order System. HAL'S TEN TOES AND THE THREE HORNS RIPPED UP-A LESSON IN WORLD HISTORY 1 A meaningful, but brief digression, is in order before I get back to well-meaning brethren (and, incidentally, since most of them are Premillenarian, believing that the Kingdom of Heaven is yet to manifest itself upon the earth through the miraculous intervention of the Second Coming of Christ, my only intention here is to hit them over the theological head to get their attention vis-à-vis American hegemony and the consequences of its neglect). First of all, a short lesson in world history might be in order; and, since I'm credentialed to teach the subject (man, I'm even certified as a "No Child Left Behind" instructor in the subject), I already have my reward . . . but let's take a gander at the evolution of the Image seen in Daniel and alluded to in Hal's above and most recent remarks. What Hal alluded to was the Image of Daniel and the allusion to the Ten Toes of that same Image and its counterpart found in the book of Revelation where it is referred to as the 10 Toes/10 Kings/10 Horns (Daniel 2:41-42; 7:7, 20, 24; Revelation 12:3; 13:1; 17:3, 7, 12, 16) The picture of the Image seen by the Gentile world leader of the Neo-Babylonian Empire (Nebuchadnezzar) envisioned the development and/or evolution of Gentile World Power set within the context of the Jewish exile; and, the commencement of "Jerusalem trodden under foot of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled" (Luke 21:24; Revelation 11:2) is/was confirmed by Jesus in His discourse on the latter days, and, subsequently, referred to by John in the Apocalypse. The point of the matter here, insofar as metals relate to this revelation, is that the Babylonian head of gold evolves into the silver of the Medo-Persian Empire, which in turn evolves into the Grecian bronze, and ultimately into the two legs of iron represented by the Roman Empire. This imagery of Gentile World Powers and their evolution is decidedly a progression of WESTERN CIVILIZATION, not of Islam, Asian, African, or any other civilization which would/has dominated the planet (thank you Dr. Huntington)! Next, the Ten Toes of this Image are described as a mixture of both clay and iron-some strong and some weak-and clearly are an extension of the legs of the Roman Empire from whence they protrude (Daniel 2:33-45). It is likewise true that these 10 toes/horns are representative of ten kings and that these ten kings are European powers which in some way, shape and form constitute the original environs or sphere's of landed-influence of the Roman Empire. Up to this point Hal and Doug concur; however, it is precisely at this point our convergence has a drastic departure! (Please continue to the remainder of the article/links/graphics at http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/dougkrieger/united_states_of_europe.htm Doug is a member of the Last Days Network, a group of evangelical writers committed to bringing news and commentary on all matters related to Religion and Politics--especially those of the Christian Religion and American Politics. Their insights far outway peripheral food fights of wild-eyed prophets viewed by effete liberals given to secular distate for such absurdities. America, unlike Europe, and, quite frankly, the rest of the planet, takes its religion seriously (at least they'd like everyone to think so). It's this perspective in today's American press that needs emphasizing . . . witness: Enter Howard Dean and his "White Christian" take over of the Republican Party. Well, at least Doug and the Evangelical Network he reps. isn't going to let that one by, neither the strange, yet profound, implications relative to the European Union and its (for all intents and purposes) demise . . . just how does that little ditty impact upon two of America's best-sellers ever: The Late Great Planet Earth, and the "Left Behind" series . . . no, you'll like their read a whole bunch!
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7 Year Tribulation As you will see in the Scripture verses listed below, the Great Tribulation will last 7 years. At the midpoint of the Tribulation, the Antichrist will seat himself in the Temple of God that will have to rebuilt by the Jewish people. He will proclaim himself to be God. This event is called the abomination of desolation by the prophet Daniel. Jesus Himself specifically refers to this event in the New Testament. Jesus says that once this event occurs, that His people are to literally run for the hills. Jesus says that the last three and half years of the Tribulation set off by the abomination of desolation will be the worst tribulation and time of trouble that the world has ever seen. He says that had these days not been shortened by God the Father, that no flesh would be saved.I feel Jesus is implying that man probably would have destroyed the earth at or shortly after the Battle of Armageddon. The Antichrist starts to lose control of his empire. Other nations come against him in the battle of Armageddon. With the availability of nuclear weapons, my guess is that the Antichrist may have been willing to "hit the button" if he thought he was going to lose his empire. If he hits the button, chances are the other nations he is going to fight against will also be willing to hit the button, and you thus could end up in a full scale nuclear war. Gods Breathed For it is written in the book of 2Timothy 3:16 it says All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. It goes on to say in chapter 4:1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage-with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. Organized Religion is Great for Humanity; Rants from Lance Organized Religion has served mankind well, by uniting civilization and societies for thousands of years. God bless organized religion indeed. More so let us pay tribute to the great religious leaders of our largest and most well organized religions. One cannot think of a better or higher authority than those who are leaders of religious organizations. For instance the new pope and former Nazi Youth, the BTK murderer who was President of his Lutheran Church or the many Bishops and Priest who molest our innocent children? All in the name of god and organized religion, isn't it so wonderful that these organization help us lowly humans with our questions, self-doubts and inadequacies. What on Earth would we do without such humble and moral leaders of our organized religion. Loyola the Luciferian Ignatius Loyola ? Luciferian or Heliopolitan: The New Heaven And New Earth Now that Satan, all of his fallen angels and all of unsaved humanity have been cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, there is only one thing left. God will now give the rest of saved humanity their final reward - the new heaven and the new earth. Believe it or not, this is actually going to be better than what we will get during the Millennium Kingdom. This will be our final abode and something very awesome happens when we get this new heaven and new earth. The Word: What has it Changed in You Lately? In Matthew 13 Jesus relates a paprable to His disciples. This parable is commonly known as the Parable of the Sower. The focus was on the soils, so the focus of this article will be. Jesus Christ, King of the Jews In 132 CE, Simon Bar Kosiba organized and led a large guerilla army in revolt against Roman occupation. He succeeded in actually throwing the Romans out of Jerusalem and Israel and establishing, although for only a brief period, an independent Jewish state. Should Professional Athletes Be Glorifying God And Jesus On Their Public Platforms? Recently I have run across quite a few Christians who seem to be offended whenever any of the professional athletes get on TV or the radio and publicly give God and Jesus all the praise, honor and glory for all of their accomplishments in their personal lives as well as all of their success on the athletic field. Consider, The Past, Present and Future? Consider the past. A time when we were prosperous and growing? God Uses Internet People So often I am asked, "How do you know that you are operating in God's will?" White Sun - Tao of Heaven; What is Wisdom? To be awakened to the realization of one's True Self is wisdom. A person becomes awakened when he realizes that his True Nature is that of God. He longs for returning to God's kingdom and dedicates this to practise Tao. He makes sure that whatever he says, acts and thinks are faultless. He maintains tranquillity in his sensual organs. He gives convenience to others. He makes no distinction between himself and others. He conveys the truth to others so that all including himself can return to the Land of Bliss, Heaven. White Sun - Tao of Heaven. Showers of Wisdom ( Part 3 of 3 ) Everything one does in his life, irrespective of whether he remembers or not, is recorded in one's soul just like a memory bank of a computer. The images of these records create spiritual waves which resonate the spiritual waves of the others, irrespective of whether the others know that it is caused by you. Unaware of these unseen spiritual waves, the parties involved are nevertheless affected and confined by the force of karma. The Armorbearer Coach & The Character of Christ In You And even though Jesus was God's Son, He had to learn from experience what it was like to obey, when obeying meant problems and difficulties. ?Hebrews 5:8 TLB paraphrased by author In The Beginning Christ! As I was doing my studies, the Lord put something on my heart that really took me by surprise. He dropped a little bit of revelation knowledge into my mind, and it took me on a great ride. In this Newsletter, I want to share with you what the Lord has showed me. In no way is this a complete study of this subject, yet I do believe that this is a core teaching on the subject, and that the understanding of Christ is deeper then most believe. Africa; The Forgotten Land of The Catholic Church African Nations upset at the selection of the new Pope, Benedict XVI; they wanted a Black Pope. Instead they got another 'white man'. Some Black Americans are saying this just proves "whitey" still runs the world and continues to economically enslave the Africans and African Americans. One young black man we interviewed, Tyrone Williams, said "They all in it t'getter, come on, is obvious." Tyrone is considering converting to Islam; "There is no place for a black man in the Catholic Church." Moslem America Conclusion Isaiah 55:7-55:9 The Christian Community Tries To Take Back What Belongs To Them! "See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." Is. 43:19 The Purpose of Our Being Most people think that there is a higher meaning for our lives. They are correct, there is a purpose for our being. Lets start with Matthew 13:36 it says Then he left the crowd and went into the house. His disciples came to him and said, "Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field." He answered, The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels. Lutheran or Catholic Church; Choosing the Religion that is Best for You? Many cities have large Catholic Church presence and well-established Lutheran Churches too. In choosing which church would be best for you, you will have to do some research. There are many differences between the two-churches and their theories and interpretation of literary works. The structures of their hierarchy in their churches is also quite dissimilar. Many of the churches of both established religions have Sunday type school and grade schools. This is not available in all cities but in many it is. For lifetime indoctrination into their realm it pays for them to have such schools. Following Instructions To The Letter The dictionary explains wisdom as having good judgement, understanding, comprehension and intelligence. It also explains wise as being perceptive, intelligent, and knowledgeable. It is written in Psalm 111:10 it says The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise. ![]() |
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