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7 Steps To Change Your Life
The quality of your life is directly related to your standards. A standard is a personal rule or expectation about the level of excellence you require in something, and when you raise your standards you change your life. In my work as a professional coach, I've found that most people haven't taken time to define their standards. Invariably, they've inherited rules from others, leading them to live their lives using someone else's game plan! If you'd like to improve the quality of your life, consider increasing your standards. Your Model of Interaction Your Model of Interaction dictates how you engage with people, and is related to who you believe you are. If you identify yourself an impatient person, you'll treat others with impatience. If you identify yourself as kind, you'll interact with others in a kind manner. The law of reciprocity dictates that you will receive what you put out into the world. If you find yourself on the receiving end of uncooperative, negative behavior, it might be time to take a look in the mirror. If you already treat the people in your life with warmth and kindness, then you're ahead of the game. Take a moment to define standards for how you'll interact with others. Your Ability to Keep Your Word Your personal integrity is related to your ability to do what you say you'll do. When you make a commitment, then you fail to follow through, you diminish your credibility and undermine your self confidence. When you follow through on your commitments, your credibility and self esteem increases. The level of faith you have in your own ability to follow through on commitments will directly impact the quality of your life. You'll be much more prepared to take risks when you have a high level of belief in yourself, and your willingness to risk is integral to your ability to tap into your potential. Before you commit to something, make sure it fits within the framework of your life. If it doesn't, don't commit. If you commit, follow through. Set yourself up to win, and believe in your ability to keep your word. The White Space in Your Life White space is an open playing field. It's uncommitted time. When you define standards to govern how you'll spend your time, the quality of your life increases exponentially. When you include a requirement to schedule uncommitted time, your stress level will decrease exponentially. This supports you in embracing your responsibilities, rather than resenting them. Spend a few moments defining a standard to create white space in your life. Your Physical Health and Vitality Do you like the way that you look and feel? Realize that whatever you might be dissatisfied with is the result of the behavioral standard you've set for yourself. If you want to change your appearance or energy level, it's imperative to define standards of behavior that support your aspirations. Set some standards that guide how you'll care for yourself! Your Financial Position Your financial reality is directly related to your financial standards. Wealthy people have a different set of behavioral standards than people who struggle financially. What financial realities do you find acceptable? Do you think it's okay to have credit card debt? Do you require yourself to save? Have you established spending norms, or a process to use when making buying decisions? Take a few moments to define your financial standards. Your Attitude Your attitude is your disposition or frame of mind. It's how you see the world. In order to create the reality of your dreams, you must believe your dreams are possible. How are you going to approach your life? Will you allow yourself to honestly assess your reality? Will you believe you can impact your life? Will you require yourself to make the improvements required to develop the life of your dreams? Set those standards now. Your Community Nothing will sabotage your efforts to live a quality life more conclusively than surrounding yourself with people who don't support your standards. The most difficult course you'll navigate as you make life improvements will be terminating relationships with people who aren't equipped to grow with you, and reassuring those who are. Your relationships have the capacity to tear you down or lift you up. Surrounding yourself with people who share similar standards is an incredibly powerful way to create a lifestyle that pulls you toward your highest potential. Surrounding yourself with people who don't support your standards will almost surely degenerate the quality of your life. Take a moment to consider the key people in your life. Do they conduct themselves in ways you respect? Do they support you and celebrate your successes? These are the people you should treasure and invest in. If they don't, you may want to reconsider sharing your life with them. What standard will you hold for the people in your life? Your standards act as the framework for your life. Increase your standards, improve your life! This material is excerpted from "Remodel Your Reality; Seven Steps to Rebalance Your Life and Reclaim Your Passion." Author Kimberly Fulcher is a professional coach, and founder of Compass Life Designs, an on-line community for women that provides coaching programs and products. Visit http://www.compasslifedesigns.com for more information, and join an inspiring community of women for FREE. Contact Kimberly at kimberly_fulcher@compasslifedesigns.com.
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All In The Mind "In life, if you give yourself a concession, you'd take it" -Alvin Poh Top Tips for the Temporary Move Question: "It's only three months. Or six months. Or a year. How bad can it be?" 3 Proven Ways To Build Self-Esteem When someone thinks of a person with self-esteem most people think of someone who has a positive attitude. While someone who generally has self-esteem could have a positive attitude, this is not what I am referring to. Using The Negative in a Positive Way ? God Does It All the Time I loved Norman Vincent Peale's, Power of Positive Thinking as much as any book I have ever read. I have read Napoleon Hill's books and I am an ardent believer in almost everything Dale Carnegie ever wrote. I have notes scribbled on the back pages of my Bible from Carnegie's?How to Win Friends and Influence people, albeit I refused to read it at first thinking the title was too corny. For years now I have both pondered and studied the effects of positive thinking and talking, as against negative thinking. I have agonizingly and carefully begun to approach something that might at last qualify for a conclusion. Motivate To Activate A Positive Lifestyle What do you do when things in your life don't turn out to your satisfaction? What do you do when your goal-setting plans go astray, or when you expect something special in your life to happen and it just doesn't work out? Fear Is Nothing To Be Afraid Of Several years, I was listening to a radio talk show hosted by a psychologist. A young woman caller said, "I just got accepted to medical school!" Positive Thinking - Make Good Things Happen- Turn Lemons into Lemonade The Alchemists of old worked over many years, centuries, in their quest to turn base metals into gold. At least that is the popular notion. In fact, alchemy is a blend of science and philosophy. It has been so since before the Common Era, when the ancient chemists did attempt to turn inexpensive metals into expensive ones, but always with the underlying thoughts that their work was also symbolically related to the perfection of life. Positive Self Talk - What Should You Say? How do you explain things to yourself? With positive self talk or negative? What we say to ourselves radically affects the quality of our lives, and our ability to do things effectively. How useful is it to always tell yourself "impossible," "more problems," "never," and "I can't?" Change Your Mind; Change Your Luck When I was a young man, even a teenager for that matter, I always had an optimism that was hard for others to overcome. Even in the midst of the all the negative influences from family and peers, this positive optimism was difficult to beat down. I was powerful, I was lucky, life was magic. I remember it like it was yesterday. Business Career, Executive Coaching - The Top 10 Tips to Begin the Practice of Positive Affirmations Positive Affirmations are things we say to ourselves that build us up and make us strong. They empower us to take chances and to be our best. Thoughts run through our mind thousands of times a day and are often negative. Making positive affirmations a daily practice gives you a powerful tool to strengthen your inner foundation and follow your bliss. The Art of Thankfulness With Thanksgiving approaching, I thought it would be especially appropriate to discuss a defining characteristic of successful people that I've met worldwide. I've found that successful and joyous people are usually very skilled at counting their blessings. They focus on what's right about their life instead of what's wrong. Thoughts are Things You've probably heard this idea at one time or another. You've probably nodded your head in agreement understanding that thoughts are in fact, things. You probably believe this and accept that your thoughts, being things, do in fact have power. Believe It Or Not I am often astounded at what and why people believe what they do. I am sure that you too have noticed that some people believe in the oddest things. Life, The Greatest Ride of All Life is the greatest roller coaster ride we will ever take. The ups and downs, the unexpected changes, the twists and turns, are all a part of living. The roller coaster ride of life can be miserable and uncomfortable or exciting and rewarding. Our states of mind and body are key factors in how we handle these changes. The problems of life do not go away magically. We have to consciously work on making our lives more positive and joyful. Financial Abundance And Peace Of Mind Are One! There are only two emotions we can experience; love or fear. It should be obvious to you that any emotion based on love is positive while any emotion based on fear is negative. Examples of love based emotions are feelings such as forgiveness, hope, charity, compassion, calmness, and peace. Examples of fear based emotions are feelings such as anger, depression, hopelessness, and worry. What most people simply don't understand is that they can consciously decide to experience the world from a perspective of love or fear; they don't have to experience fearful perceptions projected about them throughout the day. Universal Mind "There is an infinitely worthier subject for philosophers (to study) than all these trees and stones, and even all those stars; there is the mind of man." --Socrates Four Powerful Pathways Into The Light And Sound Of Ones The easiest, most exciting adventure in consciousness follows the lamplit guidance of the still, small voice in each of us. In the quiet of meditation, we listen to our souls and hear what is most needed in our lives and how best to obtain it. This wise, kindly voice never fails us and never falters. How To Stay Positive In spite of The Negativity Around You I'm often asked how it is that I stay so positive. Now allow me to clear up some misconceptions you might have based on that last statement. I am not one of those folks that walk around with what is commonly referred to as a career politician's smile painted across my face. Becoming Excellent: Outsmarting Racism Thinkers know better than to be racist. It's generally understood that racists are, well, not thinkers. It's not that racists are necessarily stupid--it's that they are ignorant. Your Frame of Mind May Determine Your Health The mind absolutely amazes me. It will never be understood, yet it's been said that a healthy body makes the mind work better and it's been said that the mind can destroy the body. I'm sure you've heard about the power of the mind healing the body too. ![]() |
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