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Fear Is Nothing To Be Afraid Of
Several years, I was listening to a radio talk show hosted by a psychologist. A young woman caller said, "I just got accepted to medical school!" "Congratulations!" said the host. "That's terrific." "And," the caller admitted, "I'm scared to death." "Of course you are!" said the host. "Just don't be paralyzed.Keep going. Work in and through the fear." I was reminded of that call recently, when someone said, "People who go through transitions are fearful." "And well they should be!" I replied. "There's a lot to be afraid of in a transition." "That's negative!" "During a transition, you've got lots of things going on. And lots of people are standing by, waiting to take your money. You'd do well to be scared." "But fear is bad." "No. fear can be your friend. Fear is a signal from your intuition that you need to be vigilant." "But you can't make decisions based on fear." "No. But if you're feeling scared, pay attention to what's going on.Deal with the fear first.If you're trying to decide whether to quit your job,fear can help you make a good plan. Fear of getting sick can lead to a healthy diet, exercise and insurance." "What if you're paralyzed?" "When you feel paralyzed by fear, take some action. Any action.Start moving. See if you feel the fear easing up. You can also work on youranxieties by writing in a journal or talking to someone you trust. As youwrite or talk, you may feel less scared." "What if you don't?" "Full scale panic attacks call for professional treatment from aqualified therapist.If your fear is holding you back from reaching your goals,you need to seek professional help.For instance, if your job calls for driving and you're afraid to drive on the freeway, you need to talk to a psychologist who deals with phobias." "What can a coach do?" "A career coach or consultant can help you look at the facts in a new way. I canhelp you decide if your fear is realistic and, if so, how to deal with it.I can remind you that most people entering a transition will be scared." "Any warnings?" "Yes. Don't let anyone dismiss your fears. Only you can tell iffear comes from your intuition or if this particular fear is blocking your intuition." "So fear is not something to be afraid of." "I believe fear is a friend, a message from intuition." "Or as Franklin Roosevelt said fifty years ago, in a whole different context, 'The onlything left to fear is fear itself.'" "You got it." Recommended reading: I offer one-to-one consultations on career strategy. About The Author Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D., is an author, speaker and career/business consultant, helping midlife professionals take their First step to a Second Career. http://www.cathygoodwin.com. "Ten secrets of mastering a major life change" mailto:subscribe@cathygoodwin.com Contact: cathy@cathygoodwin.com 505-534-4294
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Scented, Spiritual Waters Water is an important tool for magic rituals in many religions and spiritual beliefs. Although it sounds redundant, most cults, sects or spiritual beliefs use it to represent the cosmic element of water for purifying, scrying, and even starting wars. Considering that most of the time H20 is not the only element a spirit seeker needs, the water may go through a bit of a special transformation that requires flowers, herbs, sticks, and other natural resources to become colognes/perfumes or spiritual waters. Enlarge Your Vision Millions struggle through life barely earning enough to survive. Many are trapped in a job they hate, but are making just enough that they think they can't afford to start at the bottom in something else. They go through the motions at work, spend a frustrating time stuck in traffic getting home, and are too exhausted to have a pleasant conversation with their family. Have a Present Moment! It was the 10th day of rain, and I walked into the pool locker room feeling a little soggy around the edges. I asked my pool friend, Laurie, how she was and she said, "Bright and cheery. It's a wonderful day and I'm going to accomplish a lot of good things." Laurie, who is recovering from hip surgery and on most days can be seen walking around the locker room with great care, wiggled her cane at me from under the shower. Positive Thinking on Negativity The other day I bought an unusual piece of software: It runs positive affirmations on my computer, so they can influence me while I work. Sentences like "I am full of confidence" or "I love everyone I meet". The kind that is supposed to help me so that I stop being negative. Reality Exposed Did you know that our thoughts may be influencing ourreality and lives? Have you ever seen a movie called'What the Bleep Do We Know!?'. How Attitude is Everything "Most overnight successes are just plain lucky. Just ask any failure." Create Your Own Confidence Bank Account This is a technique that sounds a bit silly when you first hear about it (and doesn't seem at first to get much better as you read on) but WORKS, which is what counts, if you apply it to your life. The idea is to "open" a Confidence Bank Account for yourself. Bear with me on this! How to Stay Motivated Despite Negative People Getting motivated is sometimes easy enough to do, at least for short periods of time, but staying motivated can be a lot harder to do. Change and Transition - 10 Steps to Surviving Change Elegantly If I say the word "CHANGE" how do you feel? Most people remain fearful, anxious and uncomfortable with change, despite it being a driving issue in our society. It appears that no matter how much experience we have it doesn't get any easier. The Power of Inner Dialogue Are you aware of your inner dialogue? If not, you canbe aware of it at this moment. Just get quiet and listen,there is a voice inside you that is constantly talkingto you all the time. Growth From Discontent: Lifes Way Of Giving You A Little Push That strange, gut-wrenching feeling you have is not the sushi you had for lunch. It's your soul trying to give you a nudge to do something. A word for that feeling is "discontent." Discontent is a state of not being satisfied or fulfilled in your current situation. Universal Mind "There is an infinitely worthier subject for philosophers (to study) than all these trees and stones, and even all those stars; there is the mind of man." --Socrates Establish What you Want with NLP Recently, a lady came to see me and she had successfully stopped smoking with me and as she had enjoyed the success after 30 years of trying and failing to stop smoking, she was so happy that she felt capable of doing anything. She brought in what looked like a shopping list of things in her life that she wanted to change! Oh for a Really Good Day! What's wrong with me? When I'm sick I get grumpy and irritable. When I'm criticised I become defensive. When people interrupt me I become impatient. I get angry at injustice. Waiting in lines, and bureaucratic runarounds make me feel I'm wasting my life. Top Three Secrets To Becoming A Better Thinker We all know there are ways to become a better thinker. We should read more books. We ought to go to lectures and concerts. We need to visit exhibits and appreciate art. We can take classes and expand our horizons through travel. Living with Lunatics: They?re Crazy and They?re in Charge! They're out there? they look like people you know, but they're different. Someone has sucked out their brains and turned them into mindless oafs. They are dangers to society, dangers to your work environment, and dangers to themselves. But the most troubling fact is that they are in charge! They are making business decisions that affect your livelihood and you don't know what to do. Help is here! How to Build Rock Solid Self Confidence You have probably noticed those people at work, school, and in your daily life that always appear to be self confident and on top of world. Deep Doghouse Communication for Angry Men Many times when an angry or rageful man comes into the office to see me for the first visit, he is in a deep crisis. Such was the case with Jerry. He was in the "deep doghouse." He was separated from his wife and she had filed for divorce. A man is in the "deep doghouse" when his wife is very angry and most of the communication is her expressing anger, displeasure and criticism of him. The Power of the Mind Each of us has a mind by which we convert ideas from spirit into the physical world. The mind is like a computer which when programmed will carry out certain tasks. Once programs are fully integrated we carry them out whenever the right key is pressed. Our automatic reactions are sometimes called subconscious programming. Actions become so habitual that we don't even realise we are doing them. The Language of Confidence The language we use programs our brains. Mastering our language gives us a great degree of mastery over our lives and our destinies. It is important to use language in the best way possible in order to dramatically improve your quality of life. ![]() |
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