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Enlarge Your Vision
Millions struggle through life barely earning enough to survive. Many are trapped in a job they hate, but are making just enough that they think they can't afford to start at the bottom in something else. They go through the motions at work, spend a frustrating time stuck in traffic getting home, and are too exhausted to have a pleasant conversation with their family. If you are one of them, enlarge your vision to see what's holding you back. The very fact that you believe you are never going to have a better life is keeping you from advancing. You are determining your future by your attitude. You are cementing yourself in the rut you are in. Your major thoughts determine your future. If you are always thinking of your failures, you will never do any better. Learn the power of your thoughts. Thoughts determine actions or lack of them. If you think, you will never do any better you won't. If you don't think you can do it, you will fail to try. Enlarge your vision to see that you can do what you set your mind to. You cannot improve your lot in life by tolerating what you despise. You have to have a dream of a better life. Everyone has things they love to do and have a talent for. Make a plan to take advantage of yours. You will never be any more than mediocre if you are not motivated by your passion. Decide what you want to do, and set a goal to do it. You can't afford the luxury of a negative thought. Negative thoughts are not only unproductive; they disrupt any progress you are making. Thoughts of improving your situation will be stopped dead in their tracks by doubts. Learn to turn off any negative thought that pops in your mind. Dwell on the positive instead. There is also power in your words. Remove negative comments like "I can't, I'm not good enough, and I will never do any better," from your vocabulary. When you think something negative and say it out loud, your subconscious mind will act on it and make it come true. Practice thinking and saying positive things out loud every day so that you can convince your subconscious that is who you are, and that is what you will become. Your Creator designed you for success. You don't have to be stuck in a position that leaves you unfulfilled. You will succeed at the level of your expectancy. If you expect little success, that's what you will get. Expect to have good health. Don't dwell on what's wrong with you but what's right with you. Expect to work hard and be successful. Don't get upset by setbacks. Remember that success is the result of overcoming difficulties. If you are in a field, you have a talent for, they are up your ally. Solve enough problems and you will be successful. The bigger the problems you solve, the more money you can make. Don't hate problems. They are your tickets to success. Learn to be an authority on problem solving. You have permission to publish this article if you leave the resource box intact. It would be appreciated if you would notify me when you do at lynn_b2@yahoo.com. Lynn Bradley is also the author of the paperback book, "Climbing the Heavenly Stairs." Discover what Jesus said about accomplishing seemingly impossible things. Find out how to live life to the full. Read more about it at http://www.thelynnbradleybook.com
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How To Gain Confidence Quickly And Effortlessly When You Feel the World is Against You Have you ever felt the whole world was against you? No matter what you try, you just can't succeed, causing you to have a total lack of self-confidence. You may even feel that way now, but what I am about to share with you should pull you out of that place and into a mindset and feeling of total possibility and success to ensure you boost your self-confidence rapidly. The Power of the Mind Each of us has a mind by which we convert ideas from spirit into the physical world. The mind is like a computer which when programmed will carry out certain tasks. Once programs are fully integrated we carry them out whenever the right key is pressed. Our automatic reactions are sometimes called subconscious programming. Actions become so habitual that we don't even realise we are doing them. Is Your Glass (Ceiling) Half Empty or Half Full? The infamous "glass ceiling" is blamed for business issues for women from poor salaries to lack of corporate advancement. This invisible barrier holds many women captive in unpleasant work environments, settling for pay which is far below industry averages, accepting weak titles and agreeing to poor advancement opportunities. Life Writing, One Facet of Living an Enchanted Life I started life writing in the fifth grade. My mother bought me my own Girl Shout diary! Are you wondering what a Girl Shout diary is? It was a Girl Scout diary kept by me. I had a minor learning disability, undiagnosed in those days, resulting in funny spellings. Undaunted, I wrote to Dear Diary, sharing the best of I Love Lucy, visits with grandparents, and weekly meeting with the Girl Scouts. Then one day this dairy was put away. Junior High School, High School and college were years when Embrace Change We all have a unique way of communicating our story, a way that reflects our life experience. The photographer uses a camera, the artist a brush, and the musician a melody or rhythm. But as the years go by our story changes. We look through a different filter, paint with a different color, sing a different song or feel a different rhythm. This past June family members came from all over the country to celebrate my son's graduation from high school. While sitting on the baseball field with picturesque mountains in the background, memories of parenting flooded my mind. I thought about how rapidly my children had changed and how I had to let go of some of my expectations in order to stay connected with them. As I eagerly awaited the moment of my son's graduation, the valedictorian read an inspiring poem and a few students performed original inspirational songs for the occasion. And then the principal addressed the students and their families. She made reference to Spencer Johnson's classic parable about change, "Who Moved My Cheese." It is a paradox of life that while our children change rapidly, we as adults try to put the brakes on the speed of change. We like to think to some degree we are in control of our life by holding on to what we're used too. "No," Hem quickly responded. "I like it here. It's comfortable. It's what I know. Besides it's dangerous out there." Johnson, Spencer "Who Moved My Cheese?" Letter of Hope from Hospital Patient Hospital patient undergoing surgery recounts how Hero Soul provided strength, inspiration, and hope during recovery Individualized Positive Affirmations for Improving Self-Esteem Positive self-esteem is very important if not crucial to our happiness and well being as a human being. Having positive self-esteem can make the difference in that which we take on in life, in that which we go about achieving and creating. Having positive self- esteem also allows us to have healthy and joyous relationships with others, to experience true intimacy. One could also assert that having positive self-esteem gives us access to genuine spirituality. Poor self-esteem, on the other hand, creates the space for us to experience a great deal of negativity in life including depression, anxiety, fear, stress and loneliness. Negative or poor self-esteem is also highly correlated with alcohol and drug dependency. Some even believe that a negative or poor self-image is the source of such addictions. The Difference Between the Curmudgeons and the Serene Have you ever noticed how many unhappy people there are inthis world of ours? Almost every time I venture out I comein contact with them. You see them in the stores, themarket, on the roads ~ everywhere. They are the ones whodon't seem to know how to look pleasant. Their faces arescrunched up in ugly frowns, they sigh and grumble a lot.They're rude to store clerks and restaurant servers. Theyhonk their horns if traffic doesn't move fast enough tosuit them. They let the door slam in your face as you entera store. They yell at their children and lose their tempersif they are made to wait. When Things Go Wrong As They Sometimes Will... Dont Get Your Knickers In A Twist! In frustration it's easy to jump to false conclusions that life is out to get you. Wrong assumptions will invariably lead you to wrong conclusions. And, it is ridiculous to think that our limited experiences are reflective of life in general. When the struggles begin, it's time for a reality check. The TRUTH About What REALLY Causes Negative Thoughts Do you feel that your negative thoughts are holding you back from being happy in life? You're about to discover HOW you can still live HAPPILY when things don't go your way... even if your lifeis filled with conflict and turmoil right now... and you can't see a way out. Mindfulness and Money: Monkeying Around Kasia is a talented landscape designer who speaks several languages, and when she jokes about being a "Polish princess" it's because she actually has the pedigree to support that claim. All Your Problems Are Based In False Beliefs! All the problems that any individual has in their lives can be found to have roots in what are called "false beliefs". These can be false beliefs about themselves, about other beliefs, about emotions they may harbor or entertain, about others, and about their reality. Such beliefs form and get stored in one's consciousness throughout the course of one's life. They often are never questioned and thereby are used to supposedly help that individual move through their life. Lifes Curveballs Do you realize how good you have it? Yes, everyone has problems, but it could be worse than what it is now. Yes, everyone has a bad day or two, but it could be worse. Life can throw some serious curveballs at us sometimes. Courtesy In The Workplace -- Can You Say, Thank You? Thank you is such a beautiful phrase. When you say, thank you, it makes a world of difference. Recent research suggests that discourtesy in the workplace is rapidly becoming an increasing dilemma for businesses and organizations. Workplace incivility is growing, including an increase in bad manners, rudeness, coarseness, vulgarity, and a lack of respect. Where Do You Get A Positive Attitude You Asked? How are you? Where do you get a positive attitude you asked? Is ADD Getting You Down? 6 Tips to Sharpen Your Celebrating Skills Celebrating is a skill that adults with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) are often short on. They tend to have a negative image of themselves. Their own internal gremlin keeps reminding them of their failures and unrealized dreams and "the others" in the outside world often remind them when they don't live up to expectations. Success or Failure: How to Cope With Failure There is no such thing as failure ? only feedback ? we can learn from our failures. Do not let apparent failures beat you up, learn from them. As humans, we tend to be harder on ourselves than others are. A small child learning to walk never fails to get up and try and try and try until success is achieved. It is the same in life; every failure is a step closer to success. Management of the Almighty Anger Apart form the Emotions and the attitude, Anger is a quite unsolved thing. we become angry when things are not according to us or not as we want, or not up to our expectation. We just simply becomes angry to satisfy & gratify our ego, super ego and false ego. Stream of Consciousness One thing that is important to realize about thought: one thought always leads to another. It is impossible to have one thought without having another one. What does this have to do with positive and negative thinking? Self-Recovery from Addiction: Taking Responsibility for Your Life I've had several coaching clients come to me who, while they wanted to move forward in life, were actually stuck in a self-destructive addiction. Of course, I cannot directly confront them about their addictions, as they had to open up to me that it was part of the problem that was keeping them in the same rut in which they found themselves day-after-day. As we worked together to make plans and open doors, the addiction was left open for them to examine and realize that they needed to overcome the situation, and cut loose that anchor to move forward to a fulfilling life. ![]() |
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