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Network Marketings Best Kept Secret May Be Costing You a Fortune
The words, "I quit..." have never been more costly. Network marketers hear "I quit" all too often from distributorsthey have sponsored. However, if those new distributors onlyknew the thousands of dollars they were throwing away,they would never quit. Here's Why? The moment your prospect enrolls in your program,they may be eligible for an instant $300 or morepay increase from their place of employment. And the best part is-This money can be in their handsstarting with their next paycheck! Think about what thatcould mean as an incentive to boost your program. How is this possible? The U.S. government as TWO income tax systems,and most taxpayers are in the wrong one? There is one tax system for employees that includes mostworking Americans, and a very different, much better taxsystem for business owners. Employees, called W-2 Wage Earners, work for someoneelse. There are very few tax deductions available to wageearners, and hence, they pay a large percentage of theirincome as a tax to the government. Conversely, businessowners get to deduct (write-off) just about everything fromapples to zippers, and pets to donuts. When payday comes, employees immediately lose a largechunk of their wages to income tax withholding. Businessowners, on the other hand, get to keep what they earn,spending it on whatever they want or need to, and thenpay taxes only on whatever is left over. Said another way,business owners buy things with BEFORE-tax dollars.Employees buy things with AFTER-tax dollars. By signing a Distributor Agreement form in your program(or enrolling to be eligible for commissions) with the intentto make a profit, your prospect becomes a business owner.Business owners are authorized by the U.S. Congress toreceive immediate tax benefits (tax deductions). This tax benefit is huge. On average, a home-based NWMbusiness owner can cut their tax liability by $5,000 to $10,000or more per year. Here are just a few tax deduction you may claim as aNWM home-based business owner. As a home-based business owner, you may be eligible todeduct 100% of all medical, dental, optical bills, healthinsurance premiums and deductibles your family payson your annual IRS 1040 tax form. You can deduct up to $4,250 for every child in your familyand spouse as employees of your business. Why? If theycarry out the trash, if they wash the car, if they dust yourhome business work place, the IRS considers thememployees of your business. You can deduct $5,250 a year in educational expensesfor every child over 21, deduct 100% of pension planexpenses, and much, much more. The home-based business owner can deduct virtuallyevery expense the business incurs. Of course, thatincludes equipment, employee costs, utilities, loan interest,insurance, security systems and medical costs. But it alsoincludes vehicles, travel expenses, entertainment, magazinesubscriptions, even the coffee in the kitchen, and those areonly a few of the deductions the business owner can take.Taxpayers without a business do not have these benefits. Give Yourself An Immediate Pay Increase As a home-based business owner, you and/or your spousemay adjust your W-4 exemptions at your place of employment,and immediately take home up to $500 or more per month thatis now being withheld. That translates into one BIG pay increasewith money you can spend or invest now! If you had triplets, you would go to your employer and changeyour W-4, tapping into hundreds of dollars. The same goes foryour home business. The day you opened your home businessyou tapped into potentially thousands of dollars in deductions,enabling you to raise the number of exemptions on your W-4.Your take home pay goes up by hundreds of dollars (even ifyou didn't have triplets). And the best is that you do NOT needto show a profit in your business to claim more exemptions,only the INTENT to make a profit. W-4 forms exist for one purpose-to claim withholding exemp-tions. This form may be amended at any time, any number oftimes, without penalty. The more exemptions you claim, thegreater your take-home pay will be. What could you do with an extra $300 per month? You could use that extra $300 to buy products needed toqualify for commissions in your NWM venture. You couldafford to advertise your business, set up an onlinemarketing system and much more. You also now have a way to help your prospects fund theirNWM business, thereby removing the "I can't afford it"objection right off the table. Take action. You could be bringing home hundreds ofdollars more per month in your paycheck that are nowgoing to Uncle Sam. Many taxpayers have taken on part-time jobs to makeup this loss. How much more productive could we be toourselves if we learned how to keep what we earn? Surelyit is worth a few minutes a day to document businessexpenses to keep our money. The difference between being able to deduct businessexpenses and not having a home-based business ismany times the difference between having to takeanother job and staying at home. You decide which is more taxing. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jim Lynn is the author of, "Real World Secrets BehindAmerica's Most Successful (And Profitable) PeopleWho Network." Website: http://peoplewhonetwork.net - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Duplicating With the Color of Your MLM-Chute Richard Bolles, created the hugely popular What Color isYour Parachute for millions of job seekers and career changing individuals dissatisfied with their professional lives. Mr. Bolles basically created a book that guides a person to discover what jobs fit their special abilities and attributes. So my question to you is what color is your mlm-chute? Network Marketing Advertising Draws Interested Leads Network marketing advertising is necessary to attract quality leads to your MLM campaign. Selling the products often is not enough. You must also tell people about the unique opportunity your business can offer them. Your network marketing advertising can generate new prospects only if you make them see the advantages they have in joining your network. MLM Recruiting Training - The 10 Questions about Your Network Marketing Recruiting Presence MLM Presence. MLM Leads: How To Improve Your List MLM Leads are the lifeblood of many network marketers. Over the years, MLM Leads have become a key component of building a downline. As the demand for MLM Leads has grown, the quality of MLM Leads has suffered. Many lead capture pages are designed to get anyone to fill out the form (even poor quality prospects). And some list brokers have sold their MLM Leads several times, causing the people who filled out a form inquiring about a business opportunity to get bombarded with phone solicitations. MLM Training: The Network Marketing Success Secret of Knowing Your REAL Inventory in MLM Let me ask you a very simple question: The First Step To Massive Success Is Personal Development A man with doubtful mind, lack of self confident, inaction, lack of persistence and determination if given the best proven tools and systems for success will still fail. Success comes in three 3 steps. These 3 steps must be in order for a man to have anything in life. Ideas On Promoting Your Home Business Opportunity Have you got yourself into a home business opportunity but don't know where to begin to generate yourself some leads? That happens among many of us that join a home business opportunity, you are not alone. Many will join and give up before really putting any effort into the business. Those who are determined will put forth effort and succeed with effort. Online Network Marketing Business is Your Highway to generate more Passive Income Faster This is the fact of the world : People need MONEY to fulfill their needs and wants. And other fact : Some people earn money easily, and some other take the hard way. How To Succeed In Network Marketing (Part 2) So, you've found a company that you truly believe in. You've researched it and learned the business plan. How to Build Your MLM Business by Not Talking In my last article entitled "How to succeed in MLM without really trying" we discussed limiting your recruiting efforts only to those people who have indicated a discontent or an unwanted condition in their life. MLM versus Pyramid Many people don't know the difference between MLM and pyramid, and I must admit sometimes the line between the two is very thin, but as a simple rule you can see the difference rather quickly by asking yourself the following question ? Network Marketing Offers ? Which One Should You Pick? Network Marketing is awesome! It's a powerful 75-billion-dollar-a-year industry, practiced all over the world! According to published data, of all the millionaires emerged in the last 10 years, approximately 10% of them earn their money through Network Marketing. MLM Network Marketing Success Secret - Own The Product Did I hear you say that these are not your products? Theseare somebody else's? Home Based Network Marketing Working at home in network marketing MLM Network Marketing Put simply, MLM Network Marketing is just a way for businesses to distribute their products. If you have been looking for ways to earn a good residual income from home, then mlm network marketing may be the right choice for you. Right now, when you are reading this, there are vast opportunities building up in mlm network marketing programs. So this is just the right time for you to pitch in and start building your business. Hey, I Have A Prospect! What Should I Do Now? If you are in multi level marketing system, you have to get many prospects until they join to your business. You must follow up your prospect. But, not every person can make a good communication with their prospect. They follow up their prospect but they don't make a good communication. The problem is ; they let them go away or join with somebody else who can make them trust. It's a big problem! A good communication is a key to reach success in any business, especially in multi level marketing business. Network Marketing! Whats It All About? Every day millions of employees go to their place of employment for their employers to use their time and effort to build a business --- a financial future, without any "REAL" consideration for their employees future! The MLM Revolving Door Syndrome In the 15+ years I've been involved with network marketing, the number of people who come and go never cease to amaze me! Sometimes it seems like a revolving door. MLM Success - You MUST Know What the CORE of MLM Success Is What is a CORE? How to Get Rich with Network Marketing Network marketing is a marketing strategy being increasingly put to use by hundreds of home business owners nowadays. Network marketing is basically retailing products by using independent distributors. These distributors build and manage their own sales force by recruiting others to sell products. Each person in this downline is a distributor in his own right with his own sales team. This way a "network" of sales people for a particular product is formed. The upside is that the originating product manufacturer or marketer does not have to bear costly overheads of recruiting and maintaining their own sales team. Compensation for each distributor or sales person includes one's own sales and a percentage of the sales of his or her entire downline. ![]() |
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