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Duplicating With the Color of Your MLM-Chute
Richard Bolles, created the hugely popular What Color isYour Parachute for millions of job seekers and career changing individuals dissatisfied with their professional lives. Mr. Bolles basically created a book that guides a person to discover what jobs fit their special abilities and attributes. So my question to you is what color is your mlm-chute? Facts show that 96% of people who join a network marketing company will drop out within three to four months. If one pinpoints the causes of these high attrition rates, then one can be more successful in their networking business. So what are the key reasons a person might fail? At the top of the list could be the quality of leadership that a newly signed person has just been brought under. A leader in network marketing will have a system to train newly signed distributors. This system, called duplication is a must for any successful career in mlm, but it is not enough. I'm not saying don't use the materials a network marketing company provides for you in the forms of autoresponders, sales literature, websites, etc. because in many cases these items will be professionally created with thousands and sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars invested to create them, but not everybody will take to these things. As a leader you must create multiple duplication systems based on the color of a person's mlm-chute. For instance, a person has just signed up to join your company. One of the first things out of your mouth should be how do you want to approach building your business? You'll find that many people will have no idea how to build their business, so then you ask them what sort of personality they possess. Are they more extroverted and outgoing or are they more reserved and introverted? For a person that is more outgoing and extroverted you don't want to duplicate them in the direction of an email or postcard campaign, but something that gets them communicating with people in a face-to-faceor a telephone environment. For a person that is more introverted a leader might spend a little more time helping them develop their warm market lists so they can gain experience communicating with people they know or teach them about creating an email campaign because it is not face to face selling. Whatever the case might be, remember a one-size-shoe does not fit us all and if you can communicate better with your business partners, then you are that much closer to creating a fulfilling and lucrative career. Richard Reese Full reprint rights. Please feel free to copy or download this article and give it to people that might have an interest in the subject matter. All I ask in return is the article be printed in its entirety, including the resource box. Richard Reese, teacher, author, professional networker; creator of Alpha-to-Omega MLM A-to-Z eCourse, a complete new-in-the-box manual for network marketing without fear or rejection. Sign up and read more of his story at http://www.abundanthomewealth.com
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The Two Main Factors For Success In A Network Marketing Home Based Business People are a strange lot. People that are successful are often the biggest encouragers of others to help them also be successful. While unsuccessful or mediocre people usually discourage others from being successful. Mediocre people will say things like don't waste your time, or those things don't work. A large part of this negative attitude is because very few people want to see someone do better than themselves. It's like if they can't be successful they don't want their friends being successful. Network Marketing Success- MLM Recruiting- The 10 Rules for MLM Cold Market Ads Money down the drain. How To Attract, Excite, and Convert Your Prospects The Power of Marketing Finding MLM Leads Thru Creativity Not too many years ago we found mlm leads the old fashioned way and we called it work. I'm not sure that's really changed except now the working process is a little different. We use our technology more today and bronze a lot less. Being creative in finding mlm leads however can be very productive. Steps That Spell Success in MLM Many people want to get into multi-level marketing without knowing the ins and outs of the same. People have a wrong notion that they can get successful by selling their products to people whom they know. This may get them some success but will not make them a success. There are few steps that definitely spell success in online multi-level marketing if followed properly. MLM Prospecting- The 4 Steps to BLAZING Network Marketing Prospecting What is MLM Prospecting? Network Marketing Success - The Psychology Behind the Objection in MLM The downline group I was honored to help lead was a great team, and we had a lot of great talent in it. MLMs: Waste of Time, Or Goldmine? When most people think about Multi-Level Marketing, they envision slick-talking,insurance salesman-like people pushing their products at everyone in sight. Maybe someof you have even tried MLM's, didn't get insanely rich overnight and gave up thinking, "Imust not be cut out for this business" or "this is the last time I fall for one of theseschemes". Is A Good MLM Sponsor Important? You've found your new MLM product or service, it's a product you can market with confidence, you've looked at the main website, it has extensive marketing plans and support to help you start the process of becoming a successful Internet Marketer. So why wait, join up quick and get started. But as with most MLM companies you need to start through a sponsor, no problem there, find the site where you first discovered the product and join, after all, it doesn't matter who you join with, right? 50 Ways To Generate More Money In Network Marketing (Practicing The Obvious) If the art of Network Marketing is your "pin-point" passion, you may certainly want to take note and put into play these 50 "best practice" marketing techniques. Become A Young Millionaire? Can You? You already registered as a member of company, lets call it Ding Duck, and they market. They are a Network Marketing company and you have this idea that you will reach the level of Young Millionaire in one year. So today is April 15, 2005 andby April 15, 2006 you will be a Young Millionaire in Ding Duck earning $4000 per month ($48,000 per year). Home Based Businesses Have Their Share Of Frustrations The source of frustration addressed in his article may be all too familiar if you happen to work at an Internet-based home business which relies on personal relationships and/or teamwork. Targeted MLM Leads: You Best Chance At New Prospects Targeted MLM leads go directly to the heart for your best opportunity to expand your business. Leads are essential for any business to grow but sometimes in our lust for new business we find the leads we had were never true leads at all. In order to have the best chance for success, the leads we pursue must be interested in our opportunity and have expressed that interest in some form. Online Business Myths You Must Avoid Can YOU imagine what the average person, like you and me, face when searching for a real online business opportunity? Work At Home Mlm Network Tool The workathome mlm network tool can be used to generate cash while working at home. MLM stands for multi-level marketing. A company uses MLM to have participants at home sell products at a discount. In exchange, the participants earn commissions and bonuses. The participants may have to pay a fee to join an MLM network. Network Marketing Stories Sell: How to Tell Your Story Everyday to an Endless Number of Prospects Network Marketing success is easy when we tell our stories. Anybodycan tell a story. Children do it all the time. Facts tell, stories sell. Genealogy Leads: Pros and Cons Working genealogy leads can be an effective method of building your network marketing business. One of the biggest hurdles that you face in recruiting has already been overcome for you - getting the prospect to buy into network marketing as a legitimate business model. Networking: 5 Fantastic Ways To Network Effectively It seems as if everybody is into networking these days but only a handful of people know how to network effectively. Don't miss out on golden opportunities to become acquainted with those who can help you personally and professionally. Follow my list and you'll be utilizing all those fantastic new contacts in no time! How to Build Your MLM Business by Not Talking In my last article entitled "How to succeed in MLM without really trying" we discussed limiting your recruiting efforts only to those people who have indicated a discontent or an unwanted condition in their life. Online Network Marketing Business is Your Highway to generate more Passive Income Faster This is the fact of the world : People need MONEY to fulfill their needs and wants. And other fact : Some people earn money easily, and some other take the hard way. ![]() |
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