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Network Marketing Training- Secret MLM Recruiting Formula for Becoming 10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof
It happens everyday. Network Marketers go out, and get shot down. And they lay in their own pool of pity and excuses, never knowing that the whole scenario could have been prevented. Network Marketing recruiting is not a hazardous occupation, but you would never know it from some folks. That is why you need "body armor." Just like the kind that the Special Ops Commandos use in their operations. If they get shot at,the armor reflects or stops the bullet, and they live. You need that kind of armor in MLM, and you need to become 10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof in MLM Prospecting! Great! But how do you do that? Easy. It all deals with reflecting the bullets of rejection from your mlm prospects, and doing it handily. That is something that anyone can do, and anyone can succeed at, as reflecting "rejection bullets" is handled by what we call a "Third Party Recruiter." What is that? It simply is a recruiting tool, CD, DVD, or Brochure, or website/webcast, or any other tool that you can use to tell the story of the MLM Network Marketing Company you enrolled in. All you do, is ask them if they have a few minutes, as you would like to share an idea with them, that has really helped your life. For example: "Do you have a cd player in your car?" "Yeah sure." "Could you please do me a favor, and put this in and listen to it as you drive home?" It is that simple. All you are doing with these recruiting tools are "sifting and sorting" as they call it, mlm prospects. I call it "Rating and Separating." You simply are rating the ones who show an interest as High, and the rest you are separating into a group for possible product purchases. Again, it is that simple. And when you have given them a CD or DVD, and it has been a day or so, call them, and ask, "What was your favorite part about the DVD?" or "What did you like the best about the CD?" Assume they have listened to it, and focus them on what they liked best. If they did not like it, you did not have to do a presentation, or go through the whole scenario of your mlm company. You saved a lot of time using a recruiting tool. And they did not reject you, but simply did not embrace the message that the tool shared with them. It is called "Rejection Proof" Prospecting and Recruiting! And it can make you feel 10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof because they did not tell you NO, but told you that the CD message was not for them. But wait! It gets better! You can fail 80%-90% of the time and still create a solid business with MLM prospecting tools! And you would be 10 Feet Tall and Spitting Bullets then! How would that happen? It all deals with understanding the numbers in Network Marketing Success. It revolves around sharing a recruiting CD/DVD/Brochure, 2 times a day with someone new. That is all. Just twice a day. We call it the "Two A Day" Formula, and lets say that you have 5 people in your group that is willing to hand out 2 CDs a day. Here is what has proven to happen: 5 people x 2 exposures a day= 10 EXPOSURES a day. 10 exposures a day x 30 days= 300 exposures a month. 300 exposures monthly x 12 months= 3600 EXPOSURES a year. That would yield for the year about: 720 new customers (2 out of 10 prospects purchasing- 20%- 20% of 3600 = 720.) 180 new distributors (5 out of 100 prospects enrolling in your company- 5%- 5% of 3600 = 180.) 1440 referrals (2 referrals from the 720 new customers on average. You will average selling 3 out of 10 referrals.) What would happen to your business if THIS HAPPENED? KABOOOOOM! You would become 10 Feet tall, and Chewing Bullets for Gum! 720 NEW CUSTOMERS! 180 NEW DISTRIBUTORS! 1440 REFERRALS! And that is with a 80% FAILURE RATE! And all you do, is hand out 2 mlm prospecting tools a day. Thats it, and let the numbers do their work. How simple is that? This is all we did for 10 years, and built a HUGE group, as this simple Two a Day is totally duplicable, and multiplies! Become 10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof in your MLM prospecting, by allowing this simple system to wrap you in "MLM Success Armor" and never feel the pain of rejection again! Let the recruiting tool take the hit, as you simply take the CD back. And give it to the next person! It is NOT all about Talent, but TOOLS! And using them as a Third Party Recruiter/Prospector will help explode any business out there. And It is REJECTION PROOF Prospecting/Recruiting! That alone would make anyone 10 Feet Tall and BulletProof in MLM Recruiting! Blessings...Doug PassionFire Intl (c) 2005/ all rights reserved http://www.passionfire.com http://www.theentrancecd.com http://www.passionfire.com/pf_heat_7.html Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the world. Over a million people a monthread his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success.He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLMSuccess HEAT- at:http://www.passionfire.com/pf_heat_4.html and http://www.passionfire.com
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Network Marketing Training - The MLM Success Secrets to a BLAZING One on One Presentation The One on One MLM Presentation is key to Success in Network Marketing. How do you do a HOT One on One Presentation in Network Marketing that is riveting and SCORCHING? If you learn how to, your sales will double and recruiting explode. And it is very simple to do if you know how. Are You A Network Marketing Professional? Or, Are You An Amateur? Do you look like a professional Network Marketer? Do You Talk like a professional Network Marketer? Do you write like a professional Network Marketer? Who Will Passive Income Work Best For? Who Will Passive Income Work Best For? MLM versus Pyramid Many people don't know the difference between MLM and pyramid, and I must admit sometimes the line between the two is very thin, but as a simple rule you can see the difference rather quickly by asking yourself the following question ? The Lurking Affiliate and MLM Junkies Ever since the introduction of money making programs became available. Mis-guiding experts decided to become more of a nuisance than provide realistic help to the newcomers on the net. How To Succeed In Network Marketing (Part 2) So, you've found a company that you truly believe in. You've researched it and learned the business plan. Increase Business by Squashing Your Fear of Phones Phone skills are very important when you have your own home business. If you are like me, when I started out, then you may think you are going to work entirely online and not use the phone. However, there will come times in your business when you must talk on the phone. In fact, you will probably talk on the phone a lot when you have an "online" home business. The Single Greatest Reason People Fail At Network Marketing How many times have you found yourself in one or more of the following situations: When MLMs Go Bad There is no such thing as a totally fair MLM. The person at the bottom of the line always misses out. That's not to say they don't have their place in the web marketing industry, people just need to understand what that place is. Network Marketing Training - The FAST Start New Distributor MLM Success Formula That is how most people want to go in this business, and rightly so. Internet Based Network Marketing Success Internet based network marketing is a rewarding business for those who can do it right. However, Internet based network marketing can be as daunting to the beginner as to the more experienced in business, especially when considering the size and power of the Internet. Network Marketing? What Is That? Nowadays, network marketing is very popular in our society. Almost every body knows about that. But, part of them are skeptical about network working. They thought that it was impossible to become a rich man, just only take some people to their network marketing system. Actually, this people don't know about what is network marketing and how much powerful the system. Opt-In MLM Leads Are Good Prospects To Grow Your Business Opt-in MLM leads are one of the best ways to attract new customers or sign up new members in your multi-level marketing plan. What are opt-in leads, you ask? That is a lead that had to fill out a questionnaire over the Internet and respond to an e-mail so that the lead generating company could email them for confirmation. Double opt-in mlm leads are the best since they have expressed interest in your type of company twice before you ever contact them. It's like having a fish with its mouth wide-open, waiting for the hook. The Brutally Honest Approach to Network Marketing Network marketing has quickly become one of the fastest growing ways to work at home. Sometimes called Multi Level Marketing or Affiliate Marketing, Network marketing is based around the concept of recruiting. You join a program that utilizes network marketing to sell a product, and you make money by recruiting new sellers who have purchased their products from you and are now selling their own. You may get a cut of their sales and their recruits' sales and so on for many levels. The possibilities are endless, and so is the income potential. So it sounds all gravy right? All you have to do is get your business up and running by joining the program of your choice and recruiting new prospects. MLM Success Training - The ONE Secret to Building a Massive Wealth Structure in MLM The Ultimate Business Building Goal in MLM. Network Marketing Success- MLM Recruiting- The 10 Rules for MLM Cold Market Ads Money down the drain. Ten Tips for Success in MLM, Network Marketing MLM, Network marketing is the ordinary person's best opportunity to make extraordinary income. Well known author, Robert Kiyosaki, says that most ethical MLM, network marketing businesses are like business schools. They teach people the power of building their own home business, and provide the tools to support that. You must choose the right business for you. Then, work to attain success. The Big Dream Life It's 9:36 am when your eyes suddenly pop open. You sit up in bed with a smile on your face and thank God for all the many blessings he has given you and your family. After a yawn and a good stretch, you give your sleeping beauty (Wife) a kiss on the cheek then head to the kitchen. In no hurry, completely content and relaxed because you don't have the stress that 90% of America has called "A JOB". On the way to the kitchen, you find your little ones peeking around the corner in attempt to give Daddy a good morning "BOO". You decide to play along and act really surprised when they jump out even though this is the everyday routine. At this point, you see your wife walking down the hall with a smile on her face and greet her good morning with another kiss. You have breakfast with your family then head to the office (first door to the left). You check a few emails make a few calls then call it quits for the day. Ideas On Promoting Your Home Business Opportunity Have you got yourself into a home business opportunity but don't know where to begin to generate yourself some leads? That happens among many of us that join a home business opportunity, you are not alone. Many will join and give up before really putting any effort into the business. Those who are determined will put forth effort and succeed with effort. Finally, An Exciting Way To Generate Qualified Leads... And... Get Your Prospects All Fired Up About Last week I pointed out how John Kerry was successfully using direct-response marketing to generate qualified leads, to pick up supporters for his campaign. ![]() |
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