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Network Marketing Training - The MLM Success Secrets to a BLAZING One on One Presentation
The One on One MLM Presentation is key to Success in Network Marketing. How do you do a HOT One on One Presentation in Network Marketing that is riveting and SCORCHING? If you learn how to, your sales will double and recruiting explode. And it is very simple to do if you know how. How do you do it? Simple. Step by Step, and walking the prospect though a Success path that educates them on your program. Not a lot of steps either. Maybe 4 or 5, and thats all. Keep it simple. Then, vow to do a weekly appointment for an MLM presentation, week after week after week. That alone will ignite your business. In building your dream or mlm business, your goal is to get at LEAST one retail appointment weekly, and share the products with a friend. They should have listened to a product tape/cd, or watched a company DVD, or even listened to a recruiting CD. If your prospect has not listened to them, then let them watch your company DVD while you're together (if your compnay has one) and leave a tape/CD with them. INFERNO Secret: You Need a BOTTOM LINE MESSAGE FROM YOUR HEART! Say words that reflect these: The products work! It's exciting! (Energy & Enthusiasm) What if it DOES work for YOU? (Hope) Try it now! (Create Sense of Urgency). Who else can you think of? (Referrals) There are Power Phrases and Focuses which will maximize your results and make you more money in the long run. Use them, and make a habit of saying them. Get with your sponsor to learn these Power Phrases and learn exactly how the company wants you to talk about the products and business. Ok? you have decided how many customers you need this month. Now, you're in their house, and looking at them. What tools do you need with you, and what do you say? On a one on one retail appointment, you need: 1) Product catalogue and brochures 2) Products/Samples 3) DVD and/or Product Tape CD to leave with them MLM Success Suggestion: Maintain control and lead the appointment at all times. You are guiding them down a path. Make them feel comfortable, and let them know you are glad you are there. Be brief and simplistic as your time is valuable, and they need to see that they could easily fit sharing these products into their own lives. You want them to think, "I can do that!" The Retail Appointment is basically divided into 5 parts: 1) Sharing the Company Information 2) Telling Your Product Story 3) Showing the Products and talking benefits to the prospect 4) Compensation 5) What's next? When you are in your friends' and family's home, you need to break the ice, "warm them up" first, and talk about them, their family, and what is going on in their life. Ask questions about them. You may find them telling you of concerns in their life where your network marketing company might just be the solution. Listen closely and get them talking and opening up! This sets the stage to talk to them about your company. The Secret of Network Marketing Amplification. Use what we call in our Communication seminars "Amplifiers." These are phrases and questions that help open up and amplify what the prospect is saying: 1) "Tell me a little bit about yourself, your family." 2) "Tell me what's new in your life." 3) "That's interesting, tell me more." 4) "Uh huh?really?" 5) "How does that make you feel?" 6) "I appreciate you sharing that with me." 7) "Where did you go on vacation this year? Why There?" 8) " What would you do with an extra 1000.00 a month?" Once you've talked about them for a bit, and bonded and connected to the mlm prospect, move it along to: 1) Sharing the Company. "Let me tell you why I am here. I have run across an amazing company, and I simply wanted to share with you what it has done to my life and future. I figure you may know someone who could benefit from these amazing products like I have, and who could use an extra 1000.00 a month. Let me share a little about the company." Then cover 3-4 bullets about the company, like location, owners, vision, and financial mangement. 2) Telling your product story. "Let me explain what impact that these products have had on me and my family. It been amazing?" And then tell them your Personal Product Story. Keep it brief, no more than 1 minute. 3) Showing the products and talking benefits. Here is where you actually show the products or brochure of what you are marketing. Do not over do it, Keep it simple and brief. Say: "Let me share with you the products quickly and tell you about their amazing benefits." Show a company DVD, or get out the product catalogue/brochure and briefly go over the products you are talking about, or simply hand them the products,(or brochure) let them 'take ownership", and you tell the benefits of each as they are looking at them. Show them the product testimonies if you have them. "Can you see how someone could truly enhance their life with products like these?" 4) Compensation. "There is also a way that you can get your products for free, or even earn a substantial part time income with this company. How would you like to get 4 paychecks at your job every month verses just one? We have 4 ways we get paid." Then cover the 4 ways you make money in your mlm compensation plan.: There are 4 ways that most compensation plans make money: Retail Profit, Building a Team, Leadership Bonuses, and Rewards, like cars and trips. Do not get too detailed, but here is a secret: INFERNO Secret: SHOW THEM How they can make money with your compensation plan, and then ask them what they are going to do with it! Go over how you make a retail profit, how the overrides on your own team works, how the Leadership bonuses and % increases work, and how the rewards work. Keep it simple, and get them to think- "I can do this!" The MLM Decision. 5) "What's Next?" You need to move them along, and get a sense or feeling of where they are as far as what you have said. Ask: "Is this making sense to you?" "What did you like best about what you've heard so far?" "Can you see yourself becoming successful in something like this?" Or? "Based on what you have heard, do you see yourself more as a customer or a distributor?" Then move them to either putting an order together, or putting them in the next step of the process that your company teaches you to do. With this simple step by step MLM Presentation Process, you can double the sales volume overnight, with this MLM One on One Presentation in Network Marketing. Blessings... doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl (c) 2005/ all rights reserved http://www.passionfire.com http://www.passionfire.com/pf_heat_7.html Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the world. Over a million people a monthread his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success.He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive aFREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLMSuccess HEAT- at: http://www.passionfire.com/pf_heat_4.html
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The Power of the A-Z Presentation When someone asked me, 'John, what is the #1 reason why people fail in their own Network Marketing business?', I said with 110% confidence, "It is because they customize their presentations to each person assuming what their prospect will find exciting." This mindset will definitely set you up for failure! MLM Network Marketing Put simply, MLM Network Marketing is just a way for businesses to distribute their products. If you have been looking for ways to earn a good residual income from home, then mlm network marketing may be the right choice for you. Right now, when you are reading this, there are vast opportunities building up in mlm network marketing programs. So this is just the right time for you to pitch in and start building your business. 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